Preprints by Doug Stinson
Here are some preprints, some of which are submitted (or accepted) for publication.
A new look at an old construction: constructing (simple) 3-designs from resolvable 2-designs
Co-authored with C. M. Swanson and Tran van Trung.
Is extracting data the same as possessing data?
Co-authored with J. Upadhyay.
Practical approaches to varying network size in combinatorial key predistribution schemes
To appear in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SAC 2013 Proceedings)
Co-authored with K.Henry and M. B. Paterson.
Broadcast-enhanced key predistribution schemes.
Co-authored with M. Kendall, K. M. Martin, S.-L. Ng, and M. B. Paterson.
Combinatorial solutions providing improved security for the generalized Russian cards problem
To appear in
Designs, Codes and Cryptography
Co-authored with C. M. Swanson.
A unified approach to combinatorial key predistribution schemes for sensor networks
To appear in
Designs, Codes and Cryptography
Co-authored with with M. B. Paterson.
A simplified combinatorial treatment of constructions and threshold gaps of ramp schemes.
To appear in
Cryptography and Communication
Co-authored with with M. B. Paterson.
A coding theory foundation for the analysis of general unconditionally secure proof-of-retrievability schemes for cloud storage.
To appear in
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
Co-authored with M. B. Paterson and J. Upadhyay.