Coauthors of Doug Stinson

Last updated June 22, 2024

I have had the pleasure of collaborating with many colleagues over the years. The following is a list of my coauthors of published journal papers, conference papers and book chapters. It is slightly updated from the list given in the Erdös Number Project. The names in CAPS denote coauthors of Erdös.

Along with each co-author, there is an ordered pair of the form (x, y), where x denotes the year of our first collaboration, and y denotes the number of published collaborations.

A list of my most frequent co-authors follows this list.

  1. Alspach, Brian R. (1989,1)
  2. Anderson, Bruce A. (1980,2)
  3. Archdeacon, Dan S. (1980,3)
  4. Assaf, Ahmed M. (1987,1)
  5. Ateniese, Giuseppe (1996,3)
  6. Atici, Mustafa (1996,3)
  7. Berson, Thomas Alan (2000,1)
  8. Bierbrauer, Jurgen (1994,3)
  9. Billington, Elizabeth J. (1984,1)
  10. Blackburn, Simon R. (2008,6)
  11. Blundo, Carlo (1993,17)
  12. Brickell, Ernest F. (1998,5)
  13. Buratti, Marco (2020,2)
  14. Cao, Hai Tao (2009,1)
  15. Carter, Janine E. (1993,1)
  16. Carter, Michael W. (1993,1)
  17. Chateauneuf, Mark A. (2003,1)
  18. Chen, De Meng (1990,4)
  19. Chen, Ke Jun (2008,1)
  21. Colbourn, Marlene Jones (1984,2)
  22. D'Arco, Paolo (2002,8)
  23. De Bonis, Annalisa (2001,1)
  24. De Santis, Alfredo (1993,9)
  25. Deng, Dameng (2004,2)
  26. Dinitz, Jeffrey H. (1980,32)
  27. Dukes, Peter J. (2005,1)
  28. Eisen, Philip A. (2002,1)
  29. Erdös, Paul (1983,1)
  30. Esfahani, Navid Nasr (2016,7)
  31. Etzion, Tuvi (2008,1)
  32. Ferch, H. J. (1985,1)
  33. Frota-Mattos, Luiz A. (1994,3)
  34. Gaggia, Antonio Giorgio (1995,2)
  35. Goldberg, Ian (2009,3)
  36. Gong, Guang (2000,3)
  37. Gopalakrishnan, K. (1993,14)
  38. Gordon, Daniel M. (2007,1)
  39. Grainger, M. (2010,1)
  40. Guo, Chuan (2015,3)
  41. Hall, Joanne (2024,1)
  42. Hamel, Angele Marie (1993,1)
  43. Hartman, Alan (1981,2)
  44. Henry, Kevin (2009,4)
  45. Hoffman, Dean G. (1993,1)
  46. Horsley, Daniel (2024,1)
  47. Horton, Joseph D. (1985,1)
  48. Ihrig, Edwin C. (1987,1)
  49. Johansson, Thomas (1997,2)
  50. Judah, Sherry (1984,1)
  51. Kacsmar, Bailey (2019,1)
  52. Kendall, Michelle (2015,1)
  53. Khoo, Khoongming (2002,2)
  54. Kishimoto, Wataru (2006,1)
  55. Kocay, William L. (1985,2)
  56. Kramer, Earl S. (1989,2)
  57. Kreher, Donald L. (1989,12)
  58. Kurosawa, Kaoru (1997,5)
  59. Laing, Thalia (2017, 2)
  60. Lauinger, Kimberly A. (2005,1)
  61. Lee, Jooyoung (2005,5)
  62. Li, Pak-Ching (2006,2)
  63. Lindner, Charles Curtis (1983,9)
  64. Ling, Alan Chi Hung (2003,3)
  65. Ma, Xinrong (2016,1)
  66. Magliveras, Spyros S. (1991,4)
  67. Martin, Keith M. (2008,5)
  68. Martin, William J. (1999,6)
  69. Mashatan, Atefeh (2007,6)
  70. Massey, James L. (1995,1)
  71. Masucci, Barbara (2000,4)
  72. Mattern, Amelia (2016,1)
  73. McSorley, John P. (2002,1)
  74. Mendelsohn, Eric (1987,1)
  75. Mills, William H. (1993,1)
  76. Muir, James A. (2004,5)
  77. MULLIN, RONALD C. (1978,16)
  78. Nandi, Mridul (2007,1)
  79. Ng, Siaw-Lynn (2015,1)
  80. Nojoumian, Mehrdad (2010,8)
  81. Ogata, Wakaha (2004,2)
  82. Okada, Koji (1998,1)
  83. Ostergard, P.R.J. (2012,1)
  84. Ouafi, K. (2011,1)
  85. Panoui, A. (2010,1)
  86. Paterson, Maura (2008,22)
  87. Phan, R. C.-W. (2011,1)
  88. PHELPS, KEVIN THOMAS (1989,1)
  89. Qu, Ming Hua (2002,1)
  90. Rees, Rolf Stephen (1987,13)
  91. Rodger, Christopher A. (1998,5)
  92. ROSA, ALEXANDER (1986,3)
  93. Roy, Bimal Kumar (1985,1)
  94. Saido, Hajime (1998,2)
  95. Sarkar, Palash (2001,1)
  96. Schellenberg, Paul J. (1980,7)
  97. Seah, Eric S. (1986,8)
  98. SOS, VERA TURAN (1983,1)
  99. Staddon, Jessica N. (2001,1)
  100. Stanton, Ralph Gordon (1981,4)
  101. Stinson, Michela J. (2022,1)
  102. Strobl, Reto (2001,1)
  103. Sui, Jiayuan (2008,3)
  104. Sunar, Berk (2007,1)
  105. Swanson, Colleen (2011,7)
  106. Teirlinck, Luc (1990,2)
  107. Tillson, Timothy W. (1980,1)
  108. Tran Van Trung (1998,6)
  109. Upadhyay, Jalaj (2012,4)
  110. Vaccaro, Ugo (1993,2)
  111. Van Rees, G. H. John (1981,6)
  112. Vanstone, Scott A. (1980,14)
  113. Veitch, Shannon (2019,5)
  114. Wagner, David Gustav (1989,1)
  115. Wallis, Walter Denis (1978,9)
  116. Wang, Yonge (2016,1)
  117. Wei, Ruizhong (1998,24)
  118. Wei, Wan Di (1996,1)
  119. Wei, Yuan-Jun (1992,1)
  120. Wu, Jiang (2007,8)
  121. Yates, J. W. (1981,1)
  122. Yin, Jian Xing (1993,2)
  123. Zaverucha, Gregory M. (2008,5)
  124. Zhang, Sheng (2007,1)
  125. Zhu, Lie (1985,11)

Most Frequent Co-authors

  1. Jeff Dinitz, 32 joint papers.
  2. Ruizhong Wei, 24 joint papers.
  3. Maura Paterson, 22 joint papers.
  4. Carlo Blundo, 17 joint papers.
  5. Ron Mullin, 16 joint papers.
  6. Charlie Colbourn, 15 joint papers.
  7. Scott Vanstone, 14 joint papers.
  8. K. Gopalakrishnan, 14 joint papers.
  9. Rolf Rees, 13 joint papers.
  10. Don Kreher, 12 joint papers.
  11. Zhu Lie, 11 joint papers.

Erdös Number Trivia

A co-author of Paul Erdös is said to have Erdös number 1. There are 511 people with an Erdös number of 1. My Erdös number is equal to 1, as a consequence of the following paper: P. Erdös, R. C. Mullin, V. Sos, and D. R. Stinson, Finite linear spaces and projective planes, Discrete Math. 47 (1983), 49-62.

The following information is from the Erdös project web page containing trivia about Erdös numbers. The collaboration graph of the second kind joins two authors by an edge if they have co-authored a two-author paper. The k-core of a graph is the (unique) largest subgraph all of whose vertices have degree at least k. The largest k for which the collaboration graph of the second kind has a non-empty k-core is k=5. This 5-core is called the main core of the collaboration graph of the second kind. There are 70 people in the main core, one of which is me. In fact, there are 19 design theorists in the main core: Billington, Colbourn, Hartman, Heinrich, P. Hoffman, Horak, Kreher, Lindner, E. Mendelsohn, Mullin, Phelps, Rees, Rodger, Rosa, Stanton, Stinson, Vanstone, Wallis, Zhu.

Erdös asked if the collaboration graph of the second kind is planar. It is not. In fact, there are exactly four occurrences of complete graphs of order five in the main core of the collaboration graph of the second kind. One of them is Lindner-Mullin-Rosa-Stinson-Wallis.