* To change the current element's properties: From Edit pop up menu choose Properties option. In accordance with the current element the appropriate dialogue window will appear. There are four kinds of properties dialogues: + Properties of box/circle/ellipse. + Properties of line/spline. + Properties of arc. + Properties of stand alone text. These dialogues contain two pages: Element and Associated Text. In the element page you can modify element's parameters and the Associated Text page is dealing with the text associated with the current element. In this page you can set, modify or delete the associated text. In the suggested Element page you can change the properties relevant for the current element. Irrelevant properties will be unavailable. For example in the dialogue for bounded shape the radius field will only be available for the circle while width and height will only be available for box and ellipse. You can modify the position , style , size and the fill attribute of the element. If you want the element to be stand alone set the Stand alone radio button to the ON state and specify the From parameter. You can also change the direction , radius (not for a line) or style (solid , dashed , dotted or invisible) and set the arrowhead. For the stand alone text you can modify the text itself its size and its position.