Element editing: * To change the element size: Do the desired element current by the left mouse button clicking. Click on the dashed frame marking the element and drag it without releasing the mouse button. If there are some restrictions on the size they are kept during resizing. For example you can change only length for the line while you can change both width and height for the box. When resizing the circle the height and the width stay the same i.e. it remains to be circle. * To move the element to another place: Do the desired element current by the left mouse button clicking. Click on the element center and drag it without releasing the mouse button then drop it at needed place by the mouse button releasing. * To change the line or arrow direction: Click the right vertex of the line or arrowhead. Drag the point to desired position without releasing the button. * There is a Defaults On/Off radio button on the left side of the window. If it is On the new element is drawn with the default parameters otherwise the Properties dialogue window will appear every time you are drawing a new element * You can attach a text for any Pic element. There is a Text On/Off radio button. If it is ON the Attached text dialogue window will appear every time you are drawing a new element otherwise elements are drawn without text. The text you are typing in this dialogue will be attached to the drawn element.