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Class bridge.ShapeEvent


public class ShapeEvent
extends EventObject
A new shape received event

Constructor Index

 o ShapeEvent(Object, int, int, float, float, int, float, float[], String[], int[], String)
Constructs a shape event object.

Method Index

 o getAttr()
Returns the shape's attributes
 o getFillVal()
Return the shape's fill value
 o getMode()
Returns the shape's mode
 o getPicText()
 o getShapeTextArray()
Returns the shape description text
 o getTextAlignment()
 o getType()
Returns the event type
 o getVal()
Return's the shape's o_val array.
 o getX()
Return the shape's X coordinate
 o getY()
Return the shape's Y coordinate


 o ShapeEvent
 public ShapeEvent(Object source,
                   int o_type,
                   int o_mode,
                   float o_x,
                   float o_y,
                   int o_attr,
                   float o_fillval,
                   float o_val[],
                   String shapeTextArray[],
                   int textAlignment[],
                   String picText)
Constructs a shape event object. All the parameters passed as they received from the compiler.

source - the object where the object originated


 o getType
 public int getType()
Returns the event type

 o getMode
 public int getMode()
Returns the shape's mode

 o getX
 public float getX()
Return the shape's X coordinate

 o getY
 public float getY()
Return the shape's Y coordinate

 o getAttr
 public int getAttr()
Returns the shape's attributes

 o getFillVal
 public float getFillVal()
Return the shape's fill value

 o getVal
 public float[] getVal()
Return's the shape's o_val array. This array has a different sense for different shapes

 o getShapeTextArray
 public String[] getShapeTextArray()
Returns the shape description text

 o getTextAlignment
 public int[] getTextAlignment()
 o getPicText
 public String getPicText()

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