Each instance of the software proposed must be provided in both English and French or bilingual (English and French). The software must provide the functionality to assemble graphics, images, and text to produce presseady files. The software must provide the functionality to collect multiple files (chapters) into a single volume. The software must provide the functionality to add a new publishing document from a template. The software must provide the functionality to: input files into the publishing document, including .rtf, .pdf, and .txt file formats; input image files, including .eps, .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tiff, and .pdf file formats, into the publishing document; and output from the publishing document to multiple file formats, including .html .pdf, .ps, and .xml file formats. The software must provide the functionality to output the publishing document as a PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1:2001) document, a webeady PDF document, and as an interactive PDF document that includes bookmarks, hyperlinks, and cross references. The software must provide the functionality to: print the publishing document, including single page, entire document, thumbnails, signatures and spreads; print multiple pages of the publishing document, including print sequential pages and print non-sequential pages; specify settings for crop marks, including weight and position; print publishing document printer's marks, including crop marks, page border, and page size; save document output settings, including printer's marks, embedded fonts, page size, position, orientation, and bleed; and reuse and share document output settings. The software must provide the feature to apply crop marks and registration marks to the publishing document. The software must provide the functionality to specify bleed in the publishing document. The software must provide the functionality to: show overlapping colours, including overprint and knockout, in the publishing document; hide overlapping colours; show and hide bleed, crop area, margins and frames in the publishing document; and display invisible formatting characters, including soft returns, hard returns, page breaks, tabs, and document section breaks. The software must provide the feature to: show and hide text flow (text thread) in the publishing document; auto-detect next page number and previous page number in text flow in the publishing document; and change the properties of a frame without having to re-create the frame and then adjust text flow if affected by a change to the frame. The software must provide the feature to: add both single page and multi-page publishing documents; create pages of different sizes, including custom width and custom height, in a single publishing document; add pages of different orientations in a single publishing document; and create and display facing pages, including facing pages that allow for different page formatting on the right and left sides. The software must provide the functionality to: specify page margins for the publishing document; set custom margins, including by location coordinates and unit of measure; allow different margins on individual publishing document pages; save page settings with the publishing document, including page size, position, orientation, and margins; modify the publishing document page numbering format, including having main body page numbers formatted differently from appendix page numbers; and insert, delete, copy, and move pages in the publishing document. The software must provide the functionality to divide the publishing document into sections such that document sections allow different formatting, page numbering, section header, section trailer, and assign pages to document sections. The software must provide the functionality to: create a frame in the publishing document that can house different types of objects, including text and images; add multiple frames on a single page; allow frame content to span multiple pages; set frame height, width, position, including coordinates and unit of measure, and rotation, including degree of rotation; set frame shape, including rectangle, square, and custom; and edit the frame shape at the node level. The software must provide the feature to auto-detect page margins, including create a full-page frame, when importing objects into the publishing document. The software must provide the functionality to: set fill attributes for the frame; set stroke attributes for frame; and specify special effects for frame, including shadow, glow, feathering, bevel and emboss. 18 The software must provide the functionality to: set frame inset, including spacing between content and the frame border; specify the vertical alignment within a frame, including top, middle, and bottom; set the horizontal alignment within a frame, including left, centre, and right; specify the location of an object (image or graphi within a frame, including by coordinates, unit of measure to three decimal places; and provide a notification if text content is too large for the frame. 19 The software must provide the feature to: set text wrap for a frame, including shape and distance; specify the alignment of text wrap, including relative to spine, relative to column, and relative to page; and set path spacing (the distance between a path and wrapped text). 20 The software must provide the functionality to: crop objects to fit the shape and size of a frame, including cropping such that parts of object may not be visible; fit a frame to content and fit content to a frame; and keep the aspect ratio of an object while fitting the object to a frame and a frame to the object. 21 The software must provide the functionality to keep existing object paths and alpha channels such that the software will allow text wrap around clipping paths. 22 The software must provide the feature to: lock a frame; unlock a frame; drag a frame; anchor a frame; align and distribute frames, including align to top, align to left, align to bottom, and align to right; and set a reference point of the frame (for example, top left hand corner of frame or centre of fram and then set an action relative to the reference point, including rotate, align, position, flip, and distribute. 23 The software must provide the feature to: create editable layers in the publishing document; add multiple types of objects to a layer, including text, graphics, and images; add multiple frames on a single publishing document layer; name layers; order layers; lock layers; unlock layers; hide layers; and show layers. 24 The software must provide the feature to create non-printing layers (layers that display but do not print); for example die cuts and guidelines. 25 The software must provide the feature to: add new objects, including graphics, lines, and shapes; edit objects, including copy, move, delete, resize, group, ungroup, lock and unlock; modify object location and direction, including drag and drop, scale, rotate, tilt, flip, and distribute; and align objects, including relative to each other, relative to the frame, and relative to the page. 26 The software must provide the feature to: set object properties, including text wrap, and place on top of another object; add nodes to an object; delete nodes from an object; send to back (the object is placed behind other objects); and bring to front (the object is placed in front of other objects). 27 "The software must provide the feature to: set the shape of an object's stroke; set the alignment of an object's stroke relative to the object segment, including inside the segment, outside the segment, and centreed on the segment; set stroke attributes for an object, including colour, gradient, pattern, line style, and thickness; set fill attributes for an object, including colour, gradient, and pattern; and set the shape of object corners." 28 The software must provide the feature to: show colours of different colour models, including CMYK and RGB in the publishing document; apply CMYK colour to an individual object; apply RGB colour to an individual object; and convert colour to greyscale. 29 The software must provide the feature to show and print colour separations, including CMYK colour separations and spot, colour separations, from the publishing document. 30 The software must provide the feature to apply spot colours to individual objects. 31 The software must provide the feature to select colours from software-supplied colour libraries, including from a Pantone Matching System colour library. 32 The software must provide the feature to: add additional colour libraries, including libraries provided by printing services; apply a specific colour from a colour library, including Pantone Matching System, to an individual object; and search by colour identifier within the colour library. 33 The software must provide the feature to: keep colours from source objects in the publishing document, including Pantone Matching System colours; create, save and re-use customized collection of colours (swatches) for use with the publishing document; grab a specific colour value from an object, for example, using an eye-dropper tool; and set swatch colour intensity, from 0% to 100%. 34 The software must provide the feature to add colours to swatches while importing objects if a colour does not already exist in the publishing document. 35 The software must provide the feature to display ink coverage (the percentage of ink for each plat for the publishing document. 36 The software must provide the feature to: apply transparency to an object; preview transparency; and set transparency (opacity and blending mod). 37 The software must provide the feature to: create and edit text frames in the publishing document; import text into a text frame in the publishing document; paste text from the clipboard into the publishing document; provide multiple text behaviours, including paragraph text and text that follows a path; and convert text objects to vector objects, including Bezier curves 38 The software must provide the feature to set transparency settings, including opacity and blending mode, for text. 39 The software must provide the feature to insert special characters, including French characters and symbols. 40 The software must provide the feature to: apply formatting to selected text; format characters, including size, font, colour, superscript, subscript, underline, bold, italic, small caps, all caps, drop caps, kerning, tracking and proper case; format text paragraphs, including horizontal and vertical direction, space above, space below, indenting, first line, hanging, offset, baseline shift, rule above, rule below, and leading; align text horizontally, including left, right, centre, and justified; and align text vertically, including top, middle, bottom, and justified. 41 The software must provide the feature to turn auto-hyphenation on and off. 42 The software must provide the feature to set pagination, including page break before, page break after, column break before, column break after, and "keep with". 43 The software must provide the feature to use PostScript Type I, TrueType, and OpenType fonts. 44 The software must provide the feature to: spell check the publishing document; create a custom spelling dictionary; add terms from publishing document to the spelling dictionary; and edit the spelling dictionary. 45 The software must provide the feature to specify the language of the spell check, including English and French. 46 The software must provide the feature to: insert columns in a frame and specify column layout in a frame, including number of columns, width of columns, and distance between columns (gutter); insert multiple columns on a page in different frames; create multiple columns of different widths on a single page; and adjust column size after content has been added (such that text will reflow). 47 The software must provide the feature to: add tables in the publishing document; specify table rows and table columns; auto-distribute table columns (columns will be evenly space in the publishing document; create table header rows, table footer rows, table header columns, and table footer columns (such that table headers and table footers allow for different formatting from rest of table; and create, edit, and format table captions. 48 The software must provide the feature to: merge selected cells and split selected cells; resize a table, including specify text reflow; insert rows, including row above and row below, in the table; insert columns, including column left and column right, in the table; and dynamically append new row during table input. 49 The software must provide the feature to orient text within selected cell, including 90, 180, and 270 degrees, in the table. 50 The software must provide the feature to select table elements, including a single cell, multiple cells, a single row, multiple rows, a single column, and multiple columns. 51 The software must provide the feature to: format tables and table text, including font, colour, and size; align a table horizontally to a frame; specify table spacing, including inset and margins; specify table borders, including apply individually, apply to entire table, apply manually, and apply using a style; and specify table shading, including apply individually, apply to entire table, apply manually, and apply using a style. 52 The software must provide the feature to link an object in the publishing document to a source object (the document contains references to source objects and not an embedded copy of the object). 53 The software must provide the feature to: link to images, including .eps, .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, and .tiff file formats; show the properties of the linked source object; open the source of a linked image and graphic from within the publishing document; and relink an object to a different source object. 54 The software must provide the feature to embed an image object, including .eps, .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, and .tiff file formats, into the publishing document (embedded objects display in the publishing document but contain no reference to a source object). 55 The software must provide the feature to issue a warning if linked source objects have been changed or are missing. 56 The software must provide the feature to specify how linked objects are updated, including prompt before updating, update without prompting, and do not update. 57 The software must provide the feature to: generate a table of contents based on styles in the publishing document; and provide choices for generating a table of contents, including the table of contents style. 58 The software must provide the feature to apply and modify the style of a table of contents, and to propagate changes made to the style to the table of contents. 59 The software must provide the feature to: generate an index based on terms identified in the publishing document; select terms for inclusion in the index, including identify a term as a topic, and identify term as a subtopic; provide choices for generating an index, including using the index style; and modify the index style such that changes are propagated to the index. 60 The software must provide the feature to specify the relationship of a selected term to an index topic (for example, for "Canada Revenue Agency", see "Government Department"). 61 The software must provide the feature to: add footers and specify footnote position, including at the bottom of the page, and at the end of a document section; provide choices for numbering and format of footnotes, including alphanumeric numbering; and modify a footer style such that changes are propagated to the footnotes. 62 The software must provide the feature to: create interactive crosseferences in the publishing document; format crosseference source content; and auto-update a crosseference if the source modifies. 63 The software must provide the feature to create and customize crosseference styles, and apply crosseference styles to crosseference sources. 64 The software must provide the feature to provide and edit variables, including page markers, document section markers, date information, and path information, for insertion into the publishing document, and propagate changes throughout the publishing document if a variable is changed. 65 The software must provide the feature to: store re-usable objects, including images, graphics, animation, and text in a publishing document library; name the publishing library; name each publishing library object; sort the publishing library by object name; drag and drop to and from publishing libraries, including dragging and dropping graphics objects and text objects either from the publishing library to the working file, or from the working file to the publishing library; and search the publishing library. 66 The software must provide the feature to propagate changes to the publishing document when a publishing library source object is changed. 67 The software must provide the feature to: select all objects displayed; add to and subtract from the existing selection without having to re-select; select characters, single words, multiple words, single paragraphs, multiple paragraphs, and the entire frame content; and copy selected objects to the clipboard and paste content from the clipboard into the publishing document, including graphics, images, and text, while keeping aspect ratios and pixel dimensions of pasted objects. 68 The software must provide the feature to: create new re-usable styles that can be named and shared; apply a style to the selected frame, including single frame and multiple frames; allow manual override of style formatting; and modify styles, including formatting attributes and style name. 69 The software must provide the feature to propagate changes made to a style within the publishing document while keeping manual attributes (for example, in a heading with an applied style of bold, a single word is manually changed to italic; when the style is modified the single word with the manual attribute will remain itali. 70 The software must provide the feature to: add re-usable character styles, including character formatting, character colour, underline, and strikethrough; apply a character style to selected text, including a single character, multiple characters, a single word, multiple words, and all content in a frame; add re-usable paragraph styles, including text formatting, tabs, text size, font, colour, alignment, spacing, position, hyphenation, justification, and pagination; apply a paragraph style to selected text, including the current paragraph and multiple paragraphs; and use styles to sequentially number paragraphs. 71 The software must provide the feature to: create re-usable list styles, including list numbering, bullet symbol, list format, and list numbering format; apply list styles to the selected text, including single list, and multiple level list; create re-usable cell styles, including fill, stroke, padding, spacing, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, text style, and indenting; and apply a cell style, including apply to a single cell, multiple cells, selected cells, single row, multiple rows, single columns, multiple columns, table header row, and table footer row. 72 The software must provide the feature to create re-usable table styles, including fill, stroke, table header rows, table footer rows, table header columns, table footer columns, padding, spacing, horizontal alignment, alternating fill, and alternating stroke, and apply a table style to an entire table. 73 The software must provide the feature to create a child style (the child style inherits attributes from another parent style, but the child style can still be edite and propagate attribute changes to child styles if the parent style is edited. 74 The software must provide the feature to: provide master pages to standardize and lock layout and common content for child pages in the publishing document; add new master pages, including margins, footers, headers, page numbers, common graphics, single-sided, left and right pages, and spreads, for use with the publishing document; apply different master pages to individual pages in the publishing document; and insert variables on master pages, including page number, total pages, filename, and date, that will appear on every child page. 75 The software must the feature to propagate changes made to the master page to the child pages. 76 The software must provide the feature to create, edit, save and re-use templates (templates must include styles, master pages, colour management, swatches, page size, margins, orientation, layers, and common objects) that can be used as the source for a new publishing document.. 77 The software must provide the feature to: assemble individual desktop publishing files as chapters in a book such that chapters remain as independent files; provide choices for chapters, including start a chapter on a new page, start a new chapter on the same page, and start a chapter on an odd page; number the book, including chapters, paragraphs, tables, figures, and pages; specify a numbering format for the book, including having multiple numbering formats within the book; restart numbering within the book; auto-update book numbering as content changes; and update book-linked reference numbering as content changes, including tables of contents, footnotes, crosseferences, and index numbering. 78 The software must provide the feature to: generate multiple tables of contents, indexes, and crosseferences spanning chapters for a single book; spell check across the book (across multiple files); print multiple chapters; and print an entire book. 79 The software must provide the feature to add a mail merge. 80 The software must provide the feature to: search text; search for special characters, including space, tab, hard return, soft return, and non-breaking space; choose a search action, including find next, find all, replace current, and replace all; and navigate search results, including next result and previous result, such that focus is moved to the location of the search results and the search result is highlighted. 81 The software must provide the feature to produce PDF documents based on PDF/x standards, including PDF/x-1a, and specify the output PDF version, including 1.3 and higher. 82 The software must provide the feature to: finalize the publishing document; identify changes made to linked objects, including linked graphics and linked images; resolve issues; and collect all related files, including colours, fonts, linked graphics, linked images) into folder hierarchy with native 83 The software must provide the feature to keep metadata from a source file in the publishing document. 84 The software must provide the feature to: output a publishing document as an accessible PDF document, including description tags, reading order, and alternate text; keep existing alternate text for tables, lists, footnotes, and hyperlinks when converting publishing document to a PDF document; and output a publishing document to accessible HTML format, including alternate text and reading order. 85 The software must provide the feature to keep existing alternate text when a publishing document is converted to HTML. 86 The software must provide the feature to add alternate text to images and graphics in the publishing document. 87 The software must provide the feature to keep the existing colour settings, including RGB, CMYK, greyscale, and Duotone, of a PDF document when that PDF is embedded in the publishing document. 88 The software must provide the feature to keep the existing content and layout when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 89 The software must provide the feature to open, show and edit a publishing document created using a Mac OS version of the software. 90 The software must provide the feature to import from native MS Word file formats, including .doc and .docx file formats, into the publishing document. 91 The software must provide the feature to keep the content, including text, graphics, charts, text flows, formatting characters, and images, and format when a native MS Word document, including .doc, .docx, .dot, and .dotx file formats, is imported into the publishing document. 92 The software must provide the feature to add new incoming MS Word document text styles to the publishing document when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 93 The software must provide the feature to map incoming text styles from the MS Word document to existing styles in the publishing document when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 94 The software must provide the feature to keep MS Word table content and formatting when a native MS Word table is copied and pasted into the publishing document. 95 The software must provide the feature to keep existing MS Word colour values and linked references, including tables of contents, indexes, footnotes, and crosseferences when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 96 The software must provide the feature to copy and paste a selection from a native MS Word document into the publishing document. 97 The software must provide the feature to keep content and format, including data, charts and colour values, when a native MS Excel worksheet, including .xls, and .xlsx file formats, is imported into the publishing document. 98 The software must provide the feature to copy and paste a selection from a native MS Excel worksheet into the publishing document. 99 The software must run on SSC/CRA's computing infrastructure as defined in Appendix 2. 100 All desktop software must conform to the CRA desktop standard technical requirements as defined in Appendix 3. POINT RATED REQUIREMENTS 1 The software should provide the feature to include multimedia content in the publishing document. 2 The software should provide the feature to import content containing linked references, including tables of contents, footnotes, and cross references, into the publishing document and keep linked references. 3 The software should provide the feature to specify the page imposition of the publishing document. 4 The software should provide the feature to show individual publishing document pages at different rotations. 5 The software should provide the feature to copy and paste a frame and frame content into the publishing document. 6 The software should provide the feature to modify content and the content type housed in frame without having to re-create the frame. 7 The software should provide the feature to apply and manipulate frame corner effects both individually and as a group. 8 The software should provide the feature to adjust the angle of the frame corner. 9 The software should provide the feature to generate image captions from image metadata in the publishing document. 10 The software should provide the feature to specify special effects for objects. 11 The software should provide the feature to specify colour settings, including RGB colour and CMYK colour for the publishing document. 12 The software should provide the feature to slice objects with transparency applied, including opacity and blending mode, into individual colours (to allow easier interpretation for a Raster Image Processor (RIP)). 13 The software should provide the feature to create and edit text directly and view the name of an applied style in a dedicated editor. 14 The software should provide the feature to import text while keeping existing manual attributes (formatting that has been manually applied to text). 15 The software should provide the feature to import text while removing existing manual attributes (strip manual attributes applied to text). 16 The software should provide the feature to specify methods for pasting text. 17 The software should provide the feature to substitute fonts if a font is unavailable. 18 The software should provide the feature to specify font substitution, including notification of the substituted font and navigate to font substitution. 19 The software should provide the feature to keep the original font reference if a font is unavailable (the font reference is not overidden). 20 The software should provide the feature to specify spell check attributes, including auto-correct. 21 The software should provide the functionality to specify application preferences for spell check. 22 The software should provide the functionality to convert a text selection to a table. 23 The software should provide the functionality to auto-number tables. 24 The software should provide the functionality to select table numbering formats from a software-provided list. 25 The software should provide the functionality to input content containing tables into the publishing document and keep table content, table structure, and table styles. 26 The software should provide the functionality to apply table formatting manually and using styles. 27 The software should provide the functionality to initiate collaboration and review of publishing documents via a web conferencing session (real-time review including a shared desktop and chat functions). 28 The software should provide the functionality to display all references to a single source object in the publishing document. 29 The software should provide the functionality to add custom variables, including fields and symbols. 30 The software should provide the functionality to create re-usable named graphics styles, including fill, stroke, content, and special effects. 31 The software should provide the functionality to apply graphic styles, including applying to the selected graphic and applying to multiple graphics. 32 The software should provide the functionality to add re-usable conditional styles (the style is applied based on a condition). 33 The software should provide the functionality to create keyboard shortcut keys mapped to a style (invoking the keyboard shortcut key applies the styl. 34 The software should provide the functionality to disassociate individual objects on an individual child page from the master page such that the disassociated object can be managed manually and will not be affected by changes to the master. 35 The software should provide the functionality to keep font references in the publishing document template. 36 The software should provide the functionality to synchronize styles and colours from multiple chapters into a single book, including identifying the primary publishing style sheet to be applied to entire book. 37 The software should provide the functionality to search accessible alternate text in the publishing document. 38 The software should provide the functionality to track and indicate content and formatting changes, including who made the change, when the change was made, and what was modified. 39 The software should provide the functionality to perform a pre-flight check of the publishing 40 The software should provide the functionality to define and customize pre-flight settings. 41 The software should provide the functionality to display pre-flight results with crosseferences such that a user can navigate to highlighted sections in the pre-flight results. 42 The software should provide the functionality to save and re-use pre-flight settings. 43 The software should provide the functionality to import 3rd party pre-flight settings. 44 The software should provide the functionality to access classes and methods for publishing document objects. 45 The software should provide the functionality to keep the metadata from the publishing document in the output PDF document. 46 The software should provide the functionality to allow CRA to use custom players to play audio and video content in the publishing document (the software does not enforce using any specific player). 47 The software should provide the functionality to keep existing metadata when a PDF document is embedded into the publishing document. 48 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing interactivity, including hyperlinks, when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 49 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing variable values when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 50 The software should provide the functionality to create PDF navigation from a native publishing document table of contents when converting a native publishing document to a PDF document. 51 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing linked references, including footers, tables of contents, tables of tables, tables of figures, indexes, and crosseferences, when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 52 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing colour settings, including RGB, CMYK, greyscale, and Duotone, when a native publishing document object is converted to a PDF document. 53 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing metadata when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 54 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing font references when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 55 The software should provide the functionality to retain multimedia content when a native publishing 56 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing accessibility elements when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 57 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing publishing document text flow when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 58 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing comments when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 59 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing editable text when a native publishing document is converted to a PDF document. 60 The software should provide the functionality to assemble graphics, images, and text suitable for viewing with mobile devices. 61 The software should provide the functionality to save for mobile devices, including optimizing size, download time, quality, and colours. 62 The software should provide the functionality to assemble graphics, images, and text to produce a publishing document for distribution to e-book readers. 63 The software should provide the functionality to provide choices for importing a native MS Word document into the publishing document, including import table of contents, import footers, import endnotes, import graphics, and import page breaks. 64 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Word text styles when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 65 The software should provide the functionality to override existing publishing document text styles with MS Word text styles when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 66 The software should provide the functionality to override existing MS Word text with publishing document text styles when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 67 The software should provide the functionality to save the style mapping from a native MS Word document to the publishing document for re-use. 68 The software should provide the functionality to retain MS Word table content and formatting when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 69 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Word variable values when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 70 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Word alternate text when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 71 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Word metadata when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 72 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Word hyperlinks when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 73 The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Word markups when a native MS Word document is imported into the publishing document. 74 The software should provide the functionality to import a native MS Excel spreadsheet into the publishing document as a table. 75 The software should provide the functionality to import a native MS Excel multi-sheet workbook into the publishing document as multiple tables. 76 The software should provide the functionality to import native MS Excel template file formats, including .xlt and .xltx file formats, into the publishing document. 77 The software should provide the functionality to import a range of cells from a native MS Excel spreadsheet into the publishing document as a table. The software should provide the functionality to choose how a native MS Excel spreadsheet is imported into the publishing document, including import as a formatted table, import as unformatted text, and import as tabbed text. The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Excel variable values when a native MS Excel spreadsheet is imported into the publishing document. The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Excel metadata when a native MS Excel spreadsheet is imported into the publishing document. The software should provide the functionality to retain existing MS Excel hyperlinks when a native MS Excel worksheet is imported into the publishing document. The software should provide the functionality to log an audit trail of events and activities that is accessible by the user and includes the following: the date and time; identification of the user, machine or process initiating the event/activity; and a description of the event/activity.