Dear Students: Today you are going to generate ideas for the requirements of a computer-based system that is described in a document of a client who wants to improve the SIR JOHN A MACDONALD HIGH SCHOOL website You are going to use the power-only EPMcreate technique as the creativity fostering technique to generate your ideas. The power-only EPMcreate technique consists of 5 mini brainstorming sessions. In each mini session, you will pretend to think from the viewpoints of two stakeholders(roles/users) STUDENT and PARENT, and for each pair of viewpoints, you will follow the steps 0-4 that are explained in the table below Try to produce as many as possible, don’t evaluate any idea, and don’t inhibit anyone from participating. You have only two hours to carry out the steps, but you may end your session earlier if all of you agree that no more ideas are forthcoming. 0. Blank out your mind. ===== 1. Generate ideas for the requirements of the given system that are needed jointly by STUDENT and PARENT. (30 minutes)
 1. Support different browsers 2. Support mobile browsers 3. Webmail should have SSL 4. News and Dates boxes could be in frames to avoid overflow 5. For email, should add a way to retrieve password 6. Instructions in yellow box could be given in less technical language 7. Site map word should be link as well as lighthouse graphic 8. SJA Photo Gallery is not a link nor does it apply to anything on the page. It should click through to the gallery. 10. Menus are very complicated with too many options. Regroup items into smaller groups. 11. Code of conduct is missing -- either add the document or remove the link 12. Links to Virtual Guidance Office and Library look totally different than the other pages -- it looks like a patchwork of pages. Should implement a common look and feel. 13. Calender could be implemented with Google Calender or iCal so that you can export all the dates to your personal calender 14. NSTU link -- should use full name. We didn't know what it was until we clicked on it. 15. Email software should be kept up to date with latest security patches (there are known vulnerabilities with Horde email) 16. Directions to the school (map or driving instructions) ======= 2. Generate ideas for the requirements of the given system that are needed by STUDENT but are not wanted by PARENT. (30 minutes) 17. In the student menu, some information is repeated from school information -- these should be removed from one or the other. They are Virtual Guidance OFfice and Staff Websites and Email. 18. Student email picture at top of main page should be first (since student menu is also before staff) 19. More pictures. Names of students on pictures and comments. 20. Bus schedule is missing. How can I get to school if I don't know when to take the bus??? 21. What is "Big Bunch"? Not clear. 22. Advanced placement shouldn't be a power point 23. Big bunch should look like the school page 24. Dates should be integrated with the other calender. They should at least use the same format (either per week or per month) 25. There could be a social network facilities -- keep in touch with students, blogs, etc. 26. Staff get their own website, what about students? 27. No information about clubs 27. Sports page should use frames so that boxes don't overflow with information. 29. Pictures should be downloadable 30. Pictures could be in a widget or slideshow or something that doesn't look like the web circa 1994. 31. Should have a webcam showing the outside of the school, constantly updating 32. There could be job listings for summer jobs for students, with the ability to apply 
 ====== 3. Generate ideas for the requirements of the given system that are needed by PARENT but are not wanted by STUDENT. (30 minutes) 33. Less pictures (privacy concern) 34. make the students photo not downable 35. Some info should be private ====== 4. Generate ideas for the requirements of the given system that are not wanted by both of STUDENT and PARENT, but are needed possibly by other stakeholders. (30 minutes) 66. There could job listings for staff position 37. Staff should be able to access HR info (tax forms, pay stubs, etc) 38. School policies should be online 39. Does the school have any partnerships with industry? What if industry is interested? 40. The school needs a logo.