

For questions, answer either yes or no. Please also provide some
additional feedback, especially in the negative case.

For items asking for a summary rating, please give a number from 1 to
5, where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent.

Feedback questions: 

- Were the slides clear and engaging?

- Was the presentation clear and easy to follow?

- Was the presenter prepared and knowledgeable of the paper's contents?

- Did the presenter respect the alloted presentation's time (20min)?

- Was it clear what the audience should take away from the talk?

- Did the talk stimulate interesting questions?

- Did the speaker come up with interesting questions?

- Was the speaker able to adequately steer the paper's discussion?

- Please provide an overall rating for the talk (1 to 5):

Other Comments (e.g., strengths, drawbacks, suggestions for improvement)