CS 459/698 - Privacy, Crypto, Network, Data Security - Winter 2025

Schedule & Reading List

- Lecture slides and optional readings will be released shortly before each corresponding lecture.
Lecture 1 - Logistics and Introduction to the course (Jan. 6th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 1 slides
Lecture 2 - Cryptography Basics (Jan. 8th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Boneh and Shoup (Applied Crypto) Lec. 2 slides
Data Protected at Rest
Lecture 3 - Public Key Cryptography (Jan. 13th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Assignment 1 released Boneh (20 years of attacks on RSA) Lec. 3 slides
Lecture 4 - Integrity (Jan. 15th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Marlinspike (Cryptographic Doom)
Why it's harder to forge a SHA-1 certificate than it is to find a SHA-1 collision
SHA-1 collision found
Lec. 4 slides
Lecture 5 - Discrete Logarithm and Diffie-Hellman (Jan. 20th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
El Gamal Encryption Lec. 5 slides
Data Protected in Transit
Lecture 6 - Network Security Primer (Jan. 22nd) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 6 slides
Lecture 7 - Authentication 101 (Jan. 27th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 7 slides
Lecture 8 - Authentication Protocols (Jan. 29th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Assignment 1 due Lec. 8 slides
Lecture 9 - Security Through the Layers (Feb. 3rd) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Assignment 2 released Lec. 9 slides
Lecture 10 - Secure Messaging (Feb. 5th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
OTR paper Lec. 10 slides
Lecture 11 - Network Anonymity (Feb. 10th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Tor design paper Lec. 11 slides
Lecture 12 - Encrypted Traffic Analysis (Feb. 12th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
A critical eval. of WF defences Lec. 12 slides
Reading Week (Feb. 17th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
No class No class No class
Reading Week (Feb. 19th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
No class No class No class
Lecture 13 - Network Steganography and Information Hiding (Feb. 24th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 13 slides
Lecture 14 - Malicious Software (Feb. 26th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Botnet takeover Lec. 14 slides
Lecture 15 - Blockchain (Mar. 3rd) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Ethereum Proof-of-Stake
The centralized power of decentralized mining pools
Lec. 15 slides
Midterm 1 (Mar. 5th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Midterm 1 in class
Data Protected During Computation
Lecture 16 - Inference Attacks (Mar. 10th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Assignment 2 due Lec. 16 slides
Lecture 17 - Syntatic Notions of Privacy (Mar. 12th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Assignment 3 released Lec. 17 slides
Lecture 18 - Differential Privacy (Mar. 17th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 18 slides
Lecture 19 - Multi-party Computation (Mar. 19th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 19 slides
Lecture 20 - Privacy-preserving Machine Learning (Mar. 24th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 20 slides
Lecture 21 - Adversarial Machine Learning (Mar. 26th) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 21 slides
Lecture 22 - Homomorphic Encryption (Mar. 31st) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Lec. 22 slides
Bonus content (Apr. 2nd) Optional Readings Lecture Slides
Assignment 3 due