Curriculum vitae of David Toman
Curriculum vitae
David Toman
March 2002
Department of Computer Science tel: (519) 888-4567 ext 4447
University of Waterloo fax: (519) 885-1208
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Research Interests:
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science,
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (1998--).
Visiting Professor
University of Aarhus, Denmark (fall 1997, fall 1999, spring 2001).
NSERC/NATO Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Computer Science,
University of Toronto, Canada (1996-1998).
Teaching/Research Assistant
Department Computing and Information Sciences,
Kansas State University (1992-1995).
Research Associate
Institute of Computer Science,
Masaryk University, Czech Republic (1987-1992).
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Optimizing Temporal Queries:
Efficient Handling of Duplicates
(with Ivan T. Bowman). Accepted to the TIME'01 special issue of
Data and Knowledge Engineering (Elsevier Science). In print.
Querying ATSQL Databases with Temporal Logic
(with Jan Chomicki and Michael H. Bohlen).
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS),
Vol. 26, No. 2, 145-178, 2001.
Datalog with Integer Periodicity Constraints
(with Jan Chomicki).
Journal of Logic Programming, Vol. 35, No. 3, 263-290, 1998.
Memoing Evaluation for
Constraint Extensions of Datalog.
Constraints: An International Journal, Spec. Issue on Constraints
and Databases, Vol. 2 No. 3/4, 1997.
Implementing Temporal Integrity Constraints
Using an Active DBMS
(with Jan Chomicki).
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Special section on
Temporal and Real-time Databases, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1995.
Refereed Book Chapters
- SQL/TP: a Temporal Extension of SQL.
In Constraint Databases,
Gabriel Kuper, Leonid Libkin, and Jan Paredaens, editors,
chapter 19, 391--399, 2000.
- Point-based Temporal Extensions of SQL
and their Efficient Implementation.
Dagstuhl seminar on Temporal Databases, Germany, 1997.
In Temporal Databases: Research and Practice,
Etzion, Jajodia, Sripada, eds., LNCS 1399, chapter 3.4, 211--237, 1998.
- Temporal Logic in Information Systems (with Jan Chomicki).
In Logics for Databases and Information Systems
(Chomicki and Saake eds.), Kluwer Academic publishers, 31--70, 1998.
Preliminary version in BRICS
Lecture Series LS-97-1, 1997.
Articles in Refereed Conferences
Optimizing Temporal Queries:
Efficient Handling of Duplicates
(with Ivan T. Bowman).
Proc. TIME 2001, International Symposium on Temporal Representation
and Reasoning, Cividale del Friuli, Italy, 93-100, 2001.
Expiration of Historical Databases.
Proc. TIME 2001, International Symposium on Temporal Representation
and Reasoning, Cividale del Friuli, Italy, 128-135, 2001.
On Decidability and Complexity of
Description Logics with Uniqueness Constraints
(with Vitaliy L. Khizder and Grant E. Weddell).
Proc. ICDT'01, International Conference on Database Theory,
London, UK, LNCS 1973, 54-67, 2001.
Reasoning about Duplicate Elimination
with Description Logic
(with Vitaly L. Khizder Grant Weddel).
Proc. Computational Logic CL 2000 (DOOD)
London, UK, LNAI 1861, 1017-1032, 2000.
A Point-based Temporal Extension of SQL.
Proc. 5th International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented
Databases, Montreux, Switzerland, LNCS 1340, 103-121, 1997.
Full version TR-CS-362, 1997,
University of Toronto.
Point vs. Interval Query Languages for
Temporal Databases.
Proc. 15th ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of
Database Systems (PODS), Montreal, PQ, 58-67, 1996.
First-Order Temporal Queries
Inexpressible in Temporal Logic
(with Damian Niwinski).
Proc. Advances in Database Technology
EDBT'96, Avignon, France, LNCS 1057, 307-324, 1996.
Preliminary version in Workshop
on Theory of Constraint Databases, PODS 1995 (TR UNL-CSE-95-08).
Querying TSQL2 Databases with Temporal Logic
(with Michael H. Bohlen, Jan Chomicki, and Richard T. Snodgrass).
Proc. Advances in Database Technology
EDBT'96, Avignon, France, LNCS 1057, 325-341, 1996.
Top-Down beats Bottom-Up for Constraint
Based Extensions of Datalog.
Proc. International Symposium on Logic Programming
ILPS'95, Portland, OR, 98-112, 1995.
Datalog with Integer Periodicity Constraints
(with Jan Chomicki and David S. Rogers).
Proc. International Symposium on Logic Programming
ILPS'94, Ithaca, NY, 189-203, 1994.
The Register Allocation in WAM
(with Ludek Matyska and Adriana Jergova).
Proc. 8th International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP'91,
Paris, France, 142-156, 1991.
Other Refereed Articles
- Fine Grained Information Integration with
Description Logics. (with Huizhu Liu and Grant Weddel)
Proc. 4nd Int. Workshop on Description Logics DL2002,
Toulouse, France, CEUR-WS, vol.53, 1-12, 2002.
- Query Processing in Embedded Control
Programs. (with Grant Weddel)
Proc Databases in Telecommunications. LNCS 2209, 68-87, 2001.
On Attributes, Roles, and Dependencies
in Description Logics and the Ackermann Case of the Decision Problem.
(with Grant Weddel)
Proc. 3nd Int. Workshop on Description Logics DL2001,
Stanford, CEUR-WS, vol.49, 76-85, 2001.
On Decidability and Complexity of
Description Logics with Uniqueness Constraints.
(with Vitaly L. Khizder Grant Weddel)
Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Description Logics DL2000,
Aachen, Germany, CEUR-WS, vol.33, 193-202, 2000.
Constraint Databases and Program
Analysis using Abstract Interpretation.
Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Constraint Databases Systems CDB'97,
Delphi, Greece, LNCS 1191 (Constraint Databases and Applications), 246-262,
Computing the Well-founded Semantics
for Constraint Extensions of Datalog.
Proc. CP'96 workshop on Constraint Databases, Cambridge, MA,
LNCS 1191 (Constraint Databases and Applications), 64-79, 1996.
Implementing Temporal Integrity Constraints
Using an Active DBMS
(with Jan Chomicki).
Proc. RIDE'94 Active Database Systems, Houston, TX,
87-95, 1994.
Other Publications
Foundations of Temporal Query Languages.
PhD. Dissertation. Kansas State University, 1996.
WAM Based Efficient Implementation of Logic Programming Languages
(with Ludek Matyska, Adriana Jergova, Petr Mejzlik, Vaclav Racansky,
and Jiri Zlatuska).
Final Report of IBM Academic Initiative Research Project, 1992.
Operational Semantics of Prolog, Semantics of WAM.
MS Thesis, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno, 1992.
In Preparation/Submitted
- Variable Independence
and Aggregation Closure
(with Jan Chomicki, Dina Goldin, and Gabriel Kuper).
revised manuscript under review in TKDE.
- Querying XML: On the Utility of Interval Encoding
(with Grant E. Weddell). TR-CS-2002-09, University of Waterloo.
- Logical Data Expiration.
Invited chapter for Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases.
(Chomicki, van der Meyden, and Saake, eds.)
- Note on Online Decompilation of PROLOG Programs. BRICS 1999.
Grants, Fellowships, and Awards:
Prototype Research Systems:
Invited Talks:
Professional Activities:
Available upon request.