CS 648 Project Information - Winter 2009

Two types of projects are acceptable for this course:
Implementation Project:
Design, implement, and document a useful and novel feature in PostgreSQL. Some possible features might be a mechanism for dynamically resizing PostgreSQL's buffer cache, an implementation of a new database access method, or a mechanism for generating I/O hints from PostgreSQL. However, these are just examples. You decide what you'd like to implement - pick something that you're interested in.

The deliverables for an implementation project are:

Your report should include a description of the feature that you implemented, a discussion of your design, and a brief summary of any related work (e.g., research papers or similar features in other DBMS). Implementation projects may be done individually, or in groups of two.
Survey Project:
Write a research survey paper on a relevant topic. Surveys should be comprehensive, well organized, and self-contained. Although your source papers will probably use different terminology and notation, your survey must be internally consistent throughout. In preparing your survey, you should identify important connections and similarities in the related work, and you should use your observations to organize and structure your presentation. A survey that is constructed by simply gluing together a sequence of short summaries of others' papers is not acceptable. Rather, your survey should provide significant added value above and beyond the source material. Another way to add value is to create a common, running example that is chosen to clarify the relationships and distinctions among your source papers.

Write in your own words and use proper attribution where necessary. Do not plagiarize your sources!

The only deliverable for a survey project is the survey paper itself. The maximum length of the survey paper is 12 pages.

Survey projects must be done individually.

Project Schedule

12 February:
Project proposals (1 page) due.
2 April:
Project deliverables due.

Project Reports and Survey Papers

Submit your report in PDF format. Use the two-column ACM proceedings format for your report. Templates are available from the ACM.