Summary of courses taught in the past:
Winter 2017: |
CS 106 -- Introduction to Computer Programming 2 |
Fall 2016: |
CS 488 -- Introduction to computer graphics |
Winter 2016: |
CS 106 -- Introduction to Computer Programming 2 |
Fall 2015: |
CS 488 -- Introduction to computer graphics |
Spring 2015: |
CS791 -- Non-photorealistic rendering |
Winter 2015: |
CS116x -- Introduction to Computer Programming 2 (GBDA) |
Fall 2012: | CS 135 -- Designing Functional Programs | |
Fall 2011: | CS 135 -- Designing Functional Programs | |
Winter 2011: |
CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics |
Winter 2010: |
CS 791 -- Non-photorealistic rendering CS 888 -- advanced topics in computer graphics |
Fall 2009: | CS 135 -- Designing Functional Programs | |
Winter 2009: | CS 115 -- Introduction to Computer Science 1 | |
Fall 2008: | CS 115 -- Introduction to Computer Science 1 | |
Winter 2008: |
CS 798 --
Topics in non-photorealistic rendering |
Fall 2007: |
CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics CS135 -- Designing Functional Programs |
Winter 2007: |
CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics |
Winter 2006: |
CS798 -- Computer Graphics, geometry, and ornamental design CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics |
Fall 2005: |
CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics CS888 -- Topics in Computer Graphics: High Performance Systems (co-taught with Bill Cowan, Steve Mann, and Mike McCool) |
Winter 2005: |
CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics CS888 -- Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics: Computer Graphics in Flatland (co-taught with Bill Cowan, Steve Mann, and Mike McCool) CS499 -- Special project in Computer Graphics |
Fall 2004: | CS246 -- Software Abstraction and Specification | |
Spring 2004: | CS888 -- Topics in Computer Graphics: Vision Algorithms for Graphics (co-taught with Bill Cowan, Steve Mann, and Mike McCool) | |
Winter 2004: | CS798 -- Nonphotorealistic computer graphics CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics |
Fall 2003: | CS888 -- Topics in Computer Graphics (co-taught with Bill Cowan, Steve Mann, and Mike McCool) | |
Spring 2003: | CS488/688 -- Introduction to Computer Graphics | |
Winter 2003: | CS898 -- Experimentation in Computer Science (co-taught with Bill Cowan, Steve Mann, and Mike McCool) |
Craig S. Kaplan | Last updated: |