CS888 Winter 2010

Paper presentation information

Every student in the course is required to present a paper (or at most two interrelated papers). The presentation is not intended to be a recitation of the technical details of the paper. All participants are expected to have read the papers ahead of time, so this presentation would be superfluous in any case. We are more interested in presentations that address the following questions:

Every student is also expected to produce a write-up for their paper. The write-up should be at most a one-page document (not including any images). 2/3 of the page should be devoted to a summary of the paper, including enough of the technical details to get a general sense of the approach. 1/3 should consist of a critique and analysis of the paper.

Please email your write-up to me (Craig) no later than the Friday before your presentation, so that I can post it below. All students are expected to have read your write-up together with the paper itself.

We are hoping to collect the write-ups into a technical report at the end of the term. With that in mind, we ask that you prepare your write-up using LaTeX. To simplify this process, please use this sample .tex file as a starting point, together with this bibliography. At some point during the term, I will ask you to send me your .tex source, as well as any new entries you added to the bibliography.

Schedule of presentations

In the list below, paper titles are linked to pages with more information about the paper (including a link to the paper itself). The "report" links are to the student's one-page summary of the paper. You should read both in preparation for each week's session.

Week Presenters Topics / Readings
Week 1: January 4th Instructors Organizational Meeting
Week 2: January 11th Steve Mann Principles of photography (slides)
Week 3: January 18 Craig Short presentation (Tilt-shift and miniature faking)
Eugene Dual Photography (report)
Week 4: January 25th Alexei Short presentation
Cherry Short presentation
Philippe Digital Photography with Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs (report)
Week 5: February 1st Tyler Short presentation
Zainab Photo Clip Art (report)
Saman Photographing long scenes with multi-viewpoint panoramas (report)
Week 4: February 8th Saman Short presentation
Tiffany Short presentation
Alex Image Completion with Structure Propagation (report)
Matei Scene Completion Using Millions of Photographs (report)
Week 7: February 15th   No classes—Family Day
Week 8: February 22nd Xinling Short presentation
Matt Short presentation
Daniel Two-scale Tone Management for Photographic Look (report)
Week 9: March 1st Matei Short presentation
David Short presentation
David Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage (report)
Tiffany Color Harmonization (report)
Week 10: March 8th Daniel Short presentation
Adam Short presentation
Xinling Colorization Using Optimization (report)
Cherry Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance (report)
Week 11: March 15th Eugene Short presentation
Philippe Short presentation
Matt Seam carving for content-aware image resizing (Project page appears to be broken) (report)
Adam Priors for Large Photo Collections and What They Reveal About Cameras (report)
Week 12: March 22nd Alex Short presentation
Richard Photo Tourism: Exploring Photo Collections in 3D (report)
Tyler Finding Paths through the World's Photos (report)
Week 13: March 29th Richard Short presentation
Zainab Short presentation
Alexei Coded Exposure Photography: Motion Deblurring using Fluttered Shutter (report)
Sean Puckett Simulating the appearance of film photography
Week 14: April 5th   Do not be deceived—this is a Friday, not a Monday.