Application form for Sessional Teaching

We are currently hiring for the Spring 2025 term

We are looking for sessional instructors for the following courses:

Note: These might not be the only courses we need instructors for, and not all of these courses may need instructors. Please see if you need more information on the courses' content.

The deadline for completing and submitting this form is: 10am, Wednesday February 5, 2025

You may provide a CV/resume in addition to but not instead of this form (by uploading a PDF file using the appropriate section of this form below).

A copy of what you have submitted will be mailed back to you. In addition, please be aware that a new form needs to be submitted for each term.


First Name: Last Name:


Affiliation details (please select and enter information for only one. Note that you must select one):

UW CS Ph.D. in progress, supervisor:
UW CS Master's in progress, supervisor:
Other graduate degree in progress, details:
Postdoc, supervisor:
Visitor, visiting:
Ph.D. completed, no current UW affiliation
Master's completed, no current UW affiliation
Equivalent experience

Teaching experience: (list courses and terms for each course)

Teaching awards:

SECTION 2: Please consecutively list (i.e., without any gaps) the courses you are interested in teaching, in order of preference from most desirable to least. At times we end up with vacancies in courses that are not advertised; include all your preferences among such courses in your list. Mark the box to the left if the course is as desirable as the course immediately above it in the list. For each course there is space for you to indicate your qualifications for that course.


Please use the text box below if you have more preferences than the list above. In addition, please indicate whether you are interested in teaching more than one section and, if so, if the two sections can be of different courses. If you have any constraints on the teaching days, time slots and/or classroom, please also list below.

Check if you would be interested in teaching an evening section: 2x1.5 hours, 6:30-8pm either (Monday and Wednesday) or (Tuesday and Thursday)

(optional) Upload your CV/resume (PDF files only please!):