

Notes added during the advising process (either by an advisor or a program) about particular students.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
uw_id "_quest"."quest_uw_id" 2147483647 null

Student this note applies to.

note_id serial 10 nextval('_oat.std_note_note_id_seq'::regclass)

Unique identifier for this note.

when_added timestamp 29,6 now()

When this note was added.

origin text 2147483647 null

The source of this note. Either an advisor’s userid or the name of a program that added the note automatically.

subject text 2147483647 null

A short description of this note.

body text 2147483647 null

The main content of this note, if elaboration is needed on the subject.

note_category "_oat"."std_note_category" 2147483647 null

A categorization of the note content (used for filtering).

is_private bool 1 null
emailed_student bool 1 null
emailed_advisor bool 1 null

Table contained 286840 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
oat_note_pkey Primary key Asc/Asc uw_id + note_id

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