

A bulk email blast. It may be in one of three states: a template used as a starting point for other email blasts,
a blast that is in preparation, or a blast that has been sent.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
email_id serial 10 nextval('_oat.bm_blast_email_id_seq'::regclass)
name text 2147483647 null

A meaningful name assigned to this email blast, often displayed in lists.

description text 2147483647 null
subject text 2147483647 null
from_name text 2147483647 null
from_email text 2147483647 null
reply_to_email text 2147483647 null
body text 2147483647 null
output_email bool 1 null
output_asis_note bool 1 null
output_pdf bool 1 null
author text 2147483647 null
last_modified timestamp 29,6 now()
sender_userid text 2147483647 null
sent_date timestamp 29,6 null
email_address_preference "_oat"."bm_email_address_pref" 2147483647 null
email_provider "_oat"."bm_email_provider" 2147483647 null
recipient_selection_query_id int4 10 null
is_template bool 1 null
parent_email_id int4 10 null
note_origin "_quest"."quest_userid" 2147483647 null
reply_to_name text 2147483647 null

Table contained 291 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
bm_blast_pkey Primary key Asc email_id

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