@InProceedings {England2022a,
  author = {Matthew England},
  title = "{SC-Square: Overview to 2021}",
  pages = {1--6},
  url ={https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.04359},
  annote = {Survey paper. Accepted into the workshop proceedings. This extended abstract was written to accompany an invited talk at the 2021 SC-Square Workshop, where the author was asked to give an overview of SC-Square progress to date. The author first reminds the reader of the definition of SC-Square, then briefly outlines some of the history, before picking out some (personal) scientific highlights.},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}
@InProceedings {England2022b,
  author = {Matthew England},
  title = "{SC-Square: Future Progress with Machine Learning?}",
  pages = {7--16},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.04361},
  annote = {Accepted into SC-Square 2021 Workshop Proceedings.  The algorithms employed by our communities are often underspecified, and thus have multiple implementation choices, which do not effect the correctness of the output, but do impact the efficiency or even tractability of its production. In this extended abstract, to accompany a keynote talk at the 2021 SC-Square Workshop, we survey recent work (both the author's and from the literature) on the use of Machine Learning technology to improve algorithms of interest to SC-Square.},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}
@InProceedings {Ganesh2022a,
  author = {Vijay Ganesh},
  title = "{Logic Solvers and Machine Learning: The Next Frontier}",
  pages = {17},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}
@InProceedings {Boigelotetal2022a,
  author = {Bernard Boigelot and Pascal Fontaine and Baptiste Vergain},
  title = "{Deciding Satisfiability for Fragments with Unary Predicates and Difference Arithmetic}",
  pages = {18--26},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}
@InProceedings {Ceriaetal2022a,
  author = {Michela Ceria and Samuel Lundqvist and Ferdinando Mora},
  title = "{Degr\"obnerization and Its Applications: Reverse Engineering of Gene Regulatory Networks}",
  pages = {27--30},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}
@InProceedings {Davenport2022c,
  author = {James H. Davenport},
  title = "{Varieties of Doubly-Exponential behaviour in Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition}",
  pages = {31--40},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}
@InProceedings {Davenportetal2022a,
  author = {James H. Davenport and Zak Tonks and Ali Uncu},
  title = "{Practical Evaluation of Quantifier Elimination Methods}",
  pages = {41--49},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}
@InProceedings {Nairetal2022a,
  author = {Akshar S. Nair and James H. Davenport and Gregory Sankaran},
  title = "{Equational Constraints, the Lazard Projection and the Curtain Problem}",
  pages = {50--58},
  crossref = {BrightDavenport2022a}

   editor={Curtis Bright and James H. Davenport},
   title="{SC-Square 2021: Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation}",
   booktitle="{SC-Square 2021: Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation}",    
   series={CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
   year =	{2022},