Backtracking Sudoku Solver

Byron Weber Becker

This is a backtracking solver for the Sudoku puzzle. It was built to illustrate the concept of backtracking in implicit trees for CS135 at the University of Waterloo. The class studies a find-path algorithm in an explicit graph; backtracking in an implicit graph is only mentioned briefly. The space being explored by the solver is shown on the board with the ability to step forwards or backwards, play forwards rapidly, or “scrub” to an approximate position.

This solver is implemented in Scala.js. CS135 uses Racket. Nevertheless, there are many similarities in the code:

  • solve parallels find-path while solveList parallels find-path/list.
  • Both make use of a neighbours function. In find-path it simply looks up the neighbours in the explicit graph. In solve it needs to calculate the neighbours based on the current state of the board.
  • The Racket code uses false to flag when a route cannot be found. The Scala code uses an Option for the same purpose.
  • find-path has a very simple termination test: is the origin the same as the destination? solve needs to look for an unsolved cell, which is delegated to a helper function. If it returns None, we know a solution has been found.

Scala find-path Racket find-path
object FindPath {

  def main(args: Array[String]) = {
    println(findPath('A, 'H, g))

  type Node = Symbol
  type Graph = List[(Node, List[Node])]
  type Route = List[Node]
  private val g: Graph = List(
    ('A, List('C, 'D, 'E)),
    ('B, List('E, 'J)),
    ('C, List()),
    ('D, List('F, 'J)),
    ('E, List('K)),
    ('F, List('K, 'H)),
    ('H, List()),
    ('J, List('H)),
    ('K, List())

  private def neighbours(n: Node, g: Graph): List[Node] = {
    g.filter(adjList ⇒ adjList._1 == n).head._2

  private def findPathList(nbrs: List[Node],
                           dest: Node,
                           g: Graph): Option[Route] = {
    nbrs match {
      case Nil ⇒ None
      case first :: rest ⇒
        findPath(first, dest, g)
          .orElse(findPathList(rest, dest, g))

  private def findPath(orig: Node, dest: Node, g: Graph): Option[Route] = {
    (orig == dest) match {
      case true ⇒ Some(List(orig))
      case false ⇒
        findPathList(neighbours(orig, g), dest, g)
          .map(route ⇒ orig :: route)
(define graph '((A (C D E))
                (B (E J))
                (C ())
                (D (F J))
                (E (K))
                (F (K H))
                (H ())
                (J (H))
                (K ())))

;; neighbours: Node Graph --> (listof Node)
;;   requires:  v is a node in g
(define (neighbours v g)
    [(empty? g) (error "Node not found")]
    [(symbol=? v (first (first g))) (second (first g))]
    [else (neighbours v (rest g))]))

;; (find-path orig dest g) finds path from orig to dest in g if it exists
;; find-path: Node Node Graph --> (anyof (listof Node) false)
(define (find-path orig dest g)
  (cond [(symbol=? orig dest) (list dest)]
        [else (local [(define nbrs (neighbours orig g))
                      (define ?path (find-path/list nbrs dest g))]
                (cond [(false? ?path) false]
                      [else (cons orig ?path)]))]))

;; (find-path/list nbrs dest g) produces path from
;;     an element of nbrs to dest in g, if one exists
;; find-path/list: (listof Node) Node Graph --> (anyof (listof Node) false)
(define (find-path/list nbrs dest g)
  (cond [(empty? nbrs)  false]
        [else (local [(define ?path (find-path (first nbrs) dest g))]
                (cond [(false? ?path)
                       (find-path/list (rest nbrs) dest g)]
                      [else ?path]))]))

Scala Sudoku Solver Scala Sudoku Helpers
type Board = Array[Array[Int]]

val bd: Board = Array(
    Array(0, 6, 0, 3, 0, 7, 8, 0, 0),
    Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    Array(7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0),
    Array(0, 5, 0, 8, 0, 9, 2, 0, 4),
    Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    Array(2, 0, 3, 5, 0, 1, 0, 6, 0),
    Array(0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 1),
    Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    Array(0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0)

/** Find a "route" from the starting board to a complete board. */
def solve(bd: Board): Option[Board] = {
  firstUnsolved(bd) match {
    case None      ⇒ Some(bd)
    case Some(pos) ⇒ solveList(neighbours(bd))

/** Find a "route" from one of a list of incomplete boards to a finished board. */
def solveList(bds: List[Board]): Option[Board] = {
  bds match {
    case Nil          ⇒ None
    case bd :: others ⇒ solve(bd).orElse(solveList(others))
  /** Is it safe or valid to place an i at bd(row, col)? */
  def safe(bd: Board, row: Int, col: Int, i: Int): Boolean = {

    // Find the upper-left corner of the block in which (row,col) appears
    val startRow = row / 3 * 3
    val startCol = col / 3 * 3

      * Step through the 0..8 cells in the 3x3 block.  Do some
      * fancy stuff with j to get the row and column offset from
      * the upper-left corner of the block.
      * Return true if it's safe to put and i at bd(row)(col).
    def safeBlock(j: Int): Boolean = {
      val r = j / 3
      val c = j % 3
      // This location is OK and either we've reached the bottom right
      // corner of the block or the rest of the block is safe.
      bd(startRow + r)(startCol + c) != i &&
        (j == 8 || safeBlock(j + 1))

    (bd(row).count(p ⇒ p == i) == 0) &&
      (bd.count(arr ⇒ arr(col) == i) == 0) &&

  /** Find the first unsolved (0) cell in the board.  None if they're all solved. */
  def firstUnsolved(bd: Board): Option[Pos] = {
    for (r ← 0 until bd.length)
      for (c ← 0 until bd(r).length)
        if (bd(r)(c) == 0)
          return Some(Pos(r, c))


    * Find the first unsolved position.  Return a list of new
    * boards (the neighbours of bd) with the unsolved position
    * filled with valid candidate integers.
  def neighbours(bd: Board): List[Board] = {
    firstUnsolved(bd) match {
      case None      ⇒ List()
      case Some(pos) ⇒
        (for {
          i ← 1 to 9
          if safe(bd, pos.row, pos.col, i)
        } yield {
          newBoard(bd, pos.row, pos.col, i)