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CS130 Pascal Templates |
Disclaimer: This document was created by exporting a Microsoft Word document to HTML with some minimal manual cleanup. The process leaves a lot to be desired.
-- Byron Weber Becker
This set of templates was developed to accompany CS130 -- an introduction to programming course taught in Pascal. Templates were used in class to summarize what was done. Students had paper copies (from which this document was derived); the code portions were available on-line.
Binary Search
Counter-Controlled Loop
EOF-Controlled Loop
Finding a Max or Min
For Loop
Insertion/Deletion in a Sorted Array
Iteration Over an Array
Linear Search (Sorted)
Linear Search (Unsorted)
List Deletion (Sorted)
List Insertion (at Head)
List Insertion (Sorted)
List Search (Sorted)
List Traversal
Reading from a File
Repeat-Until Loop
Sentinel-Controlled Loop
Validating Input
While Loop
Writing to a File
Templates are commonly used pieces of code that can be easily modified to suit a new environment. A good programmer will have a mental library of many templates that can be quickly inserted into a program.
The parts of a template are:
Explanation:An explanation of what the code is supposed to do. If it could be encapsulated as a subprogram, this doubles as the purpose statement for the subprogram documentation.
Pseudocode: A high-level design of the code.
Analogy:An analogy with a real-life situation that can help form an image of what the code does.
Illustration:A diagram that may help explain the code.
Debugging/Testing:Things that often go wrong with the code.
Pascal Code: The actual scrap of code.
Related Templates: Templates that are related to this one. The x symbol indicates a more general template; D indicates a more specific template; ÿ indicates a related template that is neither more general nor more specific.
Some templates are missing one or more of these attributes. Perhaps because it’s not applicable or the right inspiration has not yet struck the author. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed by any of the instructors, but most especially by Byron Weber Becker, bwbecker@dragon.uwaterloo.ca, x4661.
Binary Search |
Search an sorted array by eliminating approximately half the remaining elements after each comparison. |
if subarray[left..right]is empty then search failed else if subarray[middle] = key then found item else if key < subarray[middle] then search left subarray else search right subarray |
Most people instinctively use this method to guess a number in a number guessing game. |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
function BinSearch(A : ‹tArray›; left, right : ‹indextype›; Key : ‹KeyType›) : integer; var middle : ‹indextype›; BStemp : integer; begin middle := (left + right) div 2; BinSearch := BStemp; end ; {BinSearch}
Related Templates
Counter-Controlled Loop |
Count the number of iterations of the loop to determine when to stop. |
initialize counter initialize final value while counter is less than final value do something update counter |
A kindergarten class with 20 students is going on a field trip. The bus driver counts until 20 kids are on board and then closes the door and leaves. |
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code {While version} counter := 1; readln(num_items); while counter <= num_items do begin ‹body›; counter := counter + 1; end ; {For version} readln(num_items); for counter := 1 to num_items do begin ‹body›; end ;
Related Templates
EOF-Controlled Loop |
Read data values until the operating system says there are no more to read. |
while values remain read an item process the item |
A kindergarten class is going on a field trip. When everyone has boarded the bus, a school official tells the driver that everyone is on and it is time to close the door and leave. |
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
{Sentinel is the EOF condition.} var InFile : Text; OpenFile(InFile, 'myfile', OpenRead); while not eof(InFile) do begin readln(InFile, item); ‹process item› end ; close(InFile); |
Related Templates
Finding a Max or Min |
Identify one individual in a group according to a maximum or minimum attribute. |
Initialize MaxSoFar while more items if current item is greater than MaxSoFar save current item as MaxSoFar read next item |
Go through a pile of pennies, always keeping the oldest penny in your hand. |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
if ‹file not empty› then begin {Method 1} ReadLn(MaxSoFar); ReadLn(‹item›); while ‹more items› do begin if ‹item› > MaxSoFar then MaxSoFar := ‹item›; ReadLn(‹item›); end ; end; MaxSoFar := ‹minimum value›; {Method 2} ReadLn(‹item›); while ‹more items› do begin if ‹item› > MaxSoFar then MaxSoFar := ‹item›; ReadLn(‹item›); end ;
Related Templates
For Loop |
Repeat a group of statements a specific number of times. |
Pseudocode ‘C’: int i; for(i=1; i<10; i=i+1) { <something to do> } Turing: for i: 1..10 <something to do> end for
Pascal: The for loop is exactly equivilent to: var i : integer; i := 1; while i <= 10 do begin <something to do> i := i + 1; end; |
Description Consider the loop
for i := first to last do begin WriteLn(i); end ; This loop will print all the values between first and last, inclusive. If first is larger than last, the loop does not execute. It is possible to substitute the keyword downto for to. In that case, first should be larger than last and the index variable counts backwards. |
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
var i:integer; for i := 1 to 10 do begin ‹something to do› end ; for ‹var› := ‹initial value› to ‹final value› do begin ‹body› end ; for ‹var› := ‹initial value› downto ‹final value› do begin ‹body› end ;
Related Templates
Function |
Break a larger program into smaller pieces, each of which has a clearly identified purpose contributing to the solution of the overall problem. A function generally returns exactly one result which is used in an expression. |
function <name>(<parameters>):<type>; constant declarations type declarations procedures and function declarations variable declarations body <name> := <result>; |
The owner of a company cannot do all the work. She hires people to solve certain problems — manage production, collect bills, advertise, etc. — and delegates responsibility to them to accomplish their task. They may, in turn, hire additional people and do additional delegation to do their work. |
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
program Doit; function Average(a, b: integer):real; begin Average := (a + b) / 2.0; end ; var avg : real; begin avg := Average(10, 11); WriteLn(avg); end .
Related Templates
Insertion/Deletion in a Sorted Array |
Insert into or delete from an Sorted array. |
Pseudocode Insertion: Find position for new element Move all elements after this position down 1 Insert new element
Deletion: Find position for new element Move all elements after this position up 1 |
All students in a class are to sit alphabetically in desks with all the empty desks at the back of the room. When a new student enters the class, all students with names after the new student’s name must shift one desk over. |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
{To be inserted by the student.} |
Related Templates
Iteration Over an Array |
Iterate over an array when you need to do something to every element — initialize, output, etc. |
for each element do something |
Members of a kindergarten class are put in a line. The teacher goes down the line in order asking each student to answer a question. |
Illustration i points to each element of the array, in turn. |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
type ‹Range› = ‹First› .. ‹Last›; ‹ArrType› = array [‹Range›] of ‹ElemType›; var ‹Arr› : ‹ArrType›; i : ‹Range›; for i := ‹First› to ‹Last› do begin ‹do something›; end ;
Possibilities for ‹do something›:
{Initialize each element to 0.} ‹Arr›[i] := 0;
{Read elements from a file.} ReadLn(‹Arr›[i]);
{Print contents:} WriteLn(‹Arr›[i]); |
Related Templates
Linear Search (Sorted) |
Search a sorted array by examining each element in turn. Stop when an element larger than or equal to the key is examined. |
if array is empty or key goes after end of array then failed else while element < key move to next element check if last element examined is the key |
Analogy | ||
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing |
Pascal Code {Purpose: Search for key in sorted array A. If found, return Pos such } { that A[Pos] = Key. Set Success to true. If no found, set } { Success to false and Pos such that A[1..Pos-1] < Key and } { A[Pos..last] > Key. } procedure LinSearch (A: ‹tArray›; key : ‹tKey›; var Pos : integer; var Success : Boolean); begin {Check if we'll stop before we get to the end of the list.} if (‹last› = 0) | (key > A[‹last›]) then begin {Belongs after the end of the list.} Pos := ‹last› + 1; Success := False; end else begin {The correct position is somewhere before the end of the list.} Pos := 1; while A[Position] < Key do Pos := Pos + 1; Success := A[Position] = Key; end ; end ; {Search}
Related Templates
Linear Search (Unsorted) |
Search an array by examining each element in turn. |
while item not found and end not reached examine next element return result of search |
Analogy | ||
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing |
Pascal Code
function LinSearch (A ‹tArray›; key : ‹tKey›) : integer; var pos : integer; begin pos := ‹First›; while (pos < ‹Last›) and (Key <> A[pos]) do pos := pos + 1; if key = A[pos] then LinSearch := pos {Success} else LinSearch := 0; {Failure} end ; {LinSearch}
Related Templates
List Deletion (Sorted) |
Delete a node from an sorted linked list, preserving the sort. |
Analogy | ||
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
procedure Delete ( var Head: ‹NodePtr›; {the linked list} key: ‹KeyType›; {key to the node to delete} var Success: boolean); {true IFF node found and deleted} end ; {Insert}
Related Templates
List Insertion (at Head) |
Insert a new node at the head of a linked list. |
Make the new node point to what the head points to Make the head point to the new node |
A line of children is organized by a teacher who always chooses the next child, placing her at the front of the line. |
Illustration Before After
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
procedure InsertAtHead( var Head : ‹NodePtr›; {Head of the list} NewNode : ‹NodePtr›); {Pointer to node to insert} begin NewNode^.‹Link› := Head; Head := NewNode; end ;
Related Templates
List Insertion (Sorted) |
Insert a new node in an sorted linked list, preserving the sort. |
Analogy | ||
Debugging and Testing 1. There are four different cases: an empty list, at the beginning of the list, the end of the list, and in the middle. The first two and last two can be combined, resulting in two cases to handle. |
Pascal Code
procedure Insert(var Head : ‹NodePtr›; NewNode : ‹NodePtr›); var Before, After : ‹NodePtr›; begin end ; {Insert}
Related Templates
List Search (Sorted) |
Search an sorted list for a specific key. If found, set item to point to the found element and return true. If not found, set Item to point to the element after where the item would have appeared (or nil if the end of the list), and return false. |
while (not end of list) and (not found) do p := next node found := (not end of list) and (key = data) |
Analogy | ||
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing |
Pascal Code
procedure Search (Head: ‹NodePtr›; Key: ‹KeyType›; var Item : ‹NodePtr›; var Found : Boolean); var p: ‹NodePtr›; begin p := Head; while (p <> nil ) & (p^.‹Key› < Key) do p := p^.‹Link›; Item := p; Found := (p <> nil ) & (p^.‹Key› = Key); end ;
Related Templates
List Traversal |
Traverse a linked list, performing some operation on each element. |
p := head of list while not done process current node p := next node |
Analogy | ||
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
procedure Traverse(Head : ‹NodePtrType›); var p : ‹NodePtrType›; begin p := Head; ‹pre-processing› while (p <> nil ) ‹& (second termination condition)› do begin ‹process node›; p := p^.‹Linkfieldname›; end ; ‹post-processing›; end ;
Example for finding minimum: •	pre-processing = Min := Head; •	second termination condition is empty •	process node = if p^.‹Data› < Min^.‹Data› then Min := p; Example for searching: •	pre-processing is empty •	second termination condition = p^.Data < Key •	post-processing = success := (p <> nil) & (p^.Data = Key); FoundItem := p; |
Related Templates
Procedure |
Break a larger program into smaller pieces, each of which has a clearly identified purpose contributing to the solution of the overall problem. |
procedure <name>(<parameters>); constant declarations type declarations procedures and function declarations variable declarations body |
The owner of a company cannot do all the work. She hires people to solve certain problems — manage production, collect bills, advertise, etc. — and delegates responsibility to them to accomplish their task. They may, in turn, hire additional people and do additional delegation to do their work. |
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Example
program Doit; const ‹lo› = 1; ‹hi› = 100; type tArray = array [‹lo›..‹hi›] of integer; {Initialize part of an array — from a to b — to 0.} procedure InitArray (a, b: integer; var A: tArray); var i: integer; begin for i := a to b do A[i] := 0; end ; var myArray: tArray; begin InitArray(3, 10, myArray); end . |
Related Templates
Program |
Every program has a standard structure. |
declarations constants types variables functions and procedures body |
This is the "outline" of the program. |
Not applicable. |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
program ‹name›; const ‹constants›; type ‹user-defined types›; var ‹variable declarations›; ‹procedure and function declarations›; begin ‹statements›; end . |
Related Templates
Reading from a File | |||
Read data already entered into the computer and stored in a file. |
Get the filename and open the file Read the data Close the File |
Analogy | ||
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
uses cs130Lib; const Sentinel = 999; var InFile : Text; Write('Enter filename: '); ReadLn(FileName); OpenFile(InFile, FileName, OpenRead); ReadLn(InFile, data); While data <> Sentinel do begin ‹process data›; ReadLn(InFile, data); end ; close(InFile); |
Related Templates
Repeat-Until Loop |
Repeat statements until some condition is true. |
‘C’: do { <something to do>; } while (<cond>); |
Turing: loop <something to do> exit when <cond> end loop |
Illustration![]() |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code {Writes out "0 1 2 3 4"} i := 0; repeat Write(i); i := i + 1; until i = 5; repeat ‹body›; until ‹condition›; |
Related Templates
Sentinel-Controlled Loop |
Read data until sentinel (an end-marker) is found. |
read a data item while the sentinel has not been read process the current item read the next item |
A kindergarten class is going on a field trip. The bus driver is told that when the teacher boards the bus, it is time to close the door and go. |
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code {sentinel is a data value in the file} const sentinel = 'zzzzzzz'; var item : string; readln(item); while item <> sentinel do begin ‹process item› readln(item); end ;
Related Templates
Validating Input |
Loop until the user enters one of a predetermined set of characters. |
Ask user for input Read answer while not valid error message read again |
repeat Ask user for input read answer until valid |
An attorney asks a question of a witness and demands a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, repeatedly asking the question until ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is given. |
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
Write('Did you kill John? Yes or no [YN]? '); ReadLn(answer); while not answer in ['y', 'n', 'Y', 'N'] do begin Write('Please answer with "y" or "n".'); ReadLn(answer); end ; repeat Write('Did you kill John? Yes or no [YN]?'); ReadLn(answer); until answer in ['y', 'n', 'Y', 'N'];
Related Templates
While Loop |
Repeat the body of the loop while an expression is true. |
‘C’: int i; i = 1; while (i < 10 ) { <something to do> i = i + 1; } |
Turing: var i:int; i := 1 loop exit when i = 10 <something to do> i := i + 1 end loop |
Analogy | ||
Illustration![]() |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
var i: integer; i := 1; while i < 10 do begin ‹something to do› i := i + 1; end ; ‹initialization› while ‹condition› do begin ‹body›; ‹update condition variable›; end ;
Related Templates
Writing to a File |
Save the output of a program by writing it to a file. |
Obtain the filename and open the file Write the data Close the file |
Analogy | ||
Illustration |
Debugging and Testing
Pascal Code
uses cs130Lib; var OutFile : Text; Write('Enter filename: '); ReadLn(FileName); OpenFile(OutFile, FileName, OpenWrite); while ‹more data› do begin ‹generate data›; WriteLn(OutFile, data); end ; close(OutFile); |
Related Templates
Yes |
Ask the user a question. Return true if the user responds with ‘y’ or ‘Y’. |
Ask question Loop until valid answer Read Answer Return Answer = ‘y’ |
if Yes('Do you want to see the menu? ') then ShowMenu; while Yes('Is there more data?') do ‹process data›;
Illustration | Debugging and Testing | ||
Pascal Code
function Yes(prompt:string):boolean; var Answer : char; begin Write(prompt); WriteLn(' [YN]: '); ReadLn(Answer); while not (Answer in ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N']) do begin Write('Please answer with "Y" or "N". '); ReadLn(Answer); end ; Yes := Answer in ['y', 'Y']; end ; {Yes}
Related Templates