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Using the System Setup Utility: Dell™ PowerEdge™ 8450 Systems User's Guide

About the System Setup UtilityWhen to Run the System Setup UtilityRunning the System Setup UtilityResource Configuration Add-InMultiboot Options Add-InSecurity Add-In  • System Event Log Viewer Add-InSensor Data Record Manager Add-In •  Field-Replaceable Unit Manager Add-InExiting the System Setup Utility

About the System Setup Utility

The System Setup utility (SSU) supports the following functions and capabilities:

When to Run the System Setup Utility

The SSU is an MS-DOS®–based utility that supports extended system configuration operations for onboard resources and expansion cards. Use the SSU to do the following:

The SSU works with any Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)-compliant configuration (.cfg) files supplied by the peripheral device manufacturer. The I/O carrier comes with a .cfg file that describes the characteristics of the carrier and the system resources it requires.

The SSU uses the information provided by .cfg files, configuration registers, and flash memory, plus the information that you enter, to specify a system configuration. The SSU then writes the configuration information to flash memory. Information entered by using the SSU overrides any entered using the system setup program.

The SSU stores configuration values in flash memory. These values take effect when you boot the server. The power-on self-test (POST) checks the values against the actual hardware configuration; if the values do not agree, the POST generates an error message. You must then run the SSU to specify the correct configuration before the server boots. The SSU always includes a checksum with the configuration data so the basic input/output system (BIOS) can detect any potential data corruption before the actual hardware configuration takes place.

Running the System Setup Utility

You can run the SSU directly from the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD or from a set of MS-DOS diskettes. If you choose to run the SSU from MS-DOS diskettes, you must copy the SSU from the CD to the diskettes and follow the instructions in the included readme.txt file to prepare the diskettes. 

The SSU is a collection of task-oriented modules plugged into a common framework called the application framework (AF). The AF provides a launching point for individual tasks. To run the SSU, perform the following steps:

  1. Turn on your video monitor and your system.
  2. Start the SSU:
  1. When the SSU title appears on the screen, press <Enter> to continue.
  2. The mouse driver loads if it is available; press <Enter> to continue. The following message appears:

Please wait while the Application Framework loads....

Launching an Add-In

It is possible to have several add-ins open at the same time; however, some might require complete control to avoid possible conflicts. You can launch an add-in in one of the following ways:

The following subsections describe the various add-ins available through the SSU.

Resource Configuration Add-In

The Resource Configuration add-in (RCA) provides three major functions:

To launch the RCA, perform the following steps:

  1. From the SSU main window, select Resources under the RCA heading in the dialog box.
    The RCA window appears, displaying messages similar to the following:

Baseboard:System Board
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 00 – Host Processor Bridge
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 0D – Multifunction Controller
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 0F – Ethernet Controller
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 12 – Multifunction Controller
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 14 – VGA Controller

  1. Configure the desired device by clicking on it or by selecting its name in the Devices section of the RCA window and pressing the Spacebar or <Enter>.
  2. You can exit the RCA or one of the following ways:

Modifying Resources

It may be necessary to modify the resources of a device to accommodate certain operating systems, applications, and drivers. It may also be necessary to modify resources to resolve a conflict.

To modify the resources associated with a particular device, perform the following steps:

  1. Highlight the device in the Devices area of the RCA window.
  2. Press the Spacebar or click  Enter or double-click the entry.
    This displays the functions of the selected device along with possible choices and the resources associated with those choices.
  3. Highlight the function in the Configuration window.
  4. Press the Spacebar or click Enter or double-click the entry.
    This updates the choice and resource lists.
  5. Press <Tab> to get to the choice list and click Enter.
  6. Use the arrow keys to make a proper choice and click Enter.
  7. If the choice allows multiple possible values for a particular resource, use the hot key to select a resource and press the Spacebar or double-click the resource.
  8. Select the desired resource, and click OK.

System Resource Usage

Click Resource Use in the Configuration window to display the System Resource Usage window, which shows the resources allocated to each device. This information is useful if a conflict occurs. Devices can be organized according to the resources you want to examine using the options in the Resource area of the screen. The resource information can also be written to a plain text file through this window.

Multiboot Options Add-In

To change the boot priority of a device, perform the following steps:

  1. From the SSU main window, select the Multiboot Options add-in.
  2. Select a device.
  3. Use the plus or minus keys to change the relative priority of the boot devices.

Security Add-In

This window allows you to set the user and administrator passwords and security options.

To set the user password, perform the following steps:

  1. Click User Password.
  2. Enter the password in the first field.
  3. Confirm the password by entering it in the second field.

To change or disable the user password, perform the following steps:

  1. Click User Password.
  2. Enter the old password in the first field.
  3. Enter the new password in the second field (or leave blank to disable the user password).
  4. Confirm the password by entering it in the second field (or leave blank to disable the user password).

To set the administrator password, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Administrator Password.
  2. Enter the password in the first field.
  3. Confirm the password by entering it in the second field.

To change or disable the administrator password, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Administrator Password.
  2. Enter the old password in the first field.
  3. Enter the new password in the second field (or leave blank to disable the administrator password).
  4. Confirm the password by entering it again in the second field (or leave blank to disable the administrator password).

Security Options

In this window, you can set the following security options:

System Event Log (SEL) Viewer Add-In

The SEL Viewer add-in allows you to perform the following tasks:

The SEL Viewer window provides access to features of the add-in. The main window includes support to display the following information for each SEL entry: record identifier, event type, time stamp information, generator identifier, EMV revision, sensor type, sensor number, and event description. Table 1 lists the window menus and options.

Table 1. SEL Viewer Menus and Options

Menu Options Function
File Open SEL Views data from previously saved SEL file
  Save SEL Saves the currently loaded SEL data to a file
  Clear SEL Clears the SEL data from the BMC
  Exit Quits the SEL Viewer
View SEL Info Displays information about the SEL (display only)
  All Events Displays the current SEL data from the BMC
  By Sensor Displays a pop-up menu that allows you to view the data from a certain sensor type
  By Event Displays a pop-up menu that allows you to view the data from a certain event type
Settings Display Hex/Verbose Toggles between hex/interpreted mode of displaying the SEL records
  Output Text/Binary Determines whether SEL data will be saved to the file (File -Save) in binary format or verbose format
Help About Displays the SEL Viewer version information

Sensor Data Record Manager Add-In

The SDR Manager add-in allows you to perform the following tasks:

The SDR Manager add-in can display SDR records in either raw form (hexadecimal) or in an interpreted, easy-to-understand textual form (verbose). The SDR Manager main window provides access to features of the add-in through menus. Each option included on the main menu supports an accelerator key. Accelerator keys are indicated by an underlined letter in the text listing the option. Table 2 lists the window’s menus and options.

Table 2. SDR Manager Add-In Menus and Options

Menu Options Function
File Open FRU Opens FRU data from a previously saved file
Save SDR Saves SDR data to a file in binary raw or verbose text format
Exit Quits the SDR Manager
View SDR Info Displays SDR information as returned by the GetSDRInfo interface of the BMC
All Records Displays all records in the SDR repository
By Record Displays all records in the SDR repository, sorted by record type
Settings Display HEX Displays SDR records in hexadecimal format
Display Verbose Displays SDR records in verbose format
OutputText Saves SDR data in verbose format
Binary Saves SDR data in binary format
Help About Displays SDR Manager version information

Field Replaceable Unit Manager Add-In

The FRU Manager add-in allows you to perform the following tasks:

The FRU Manager add-in displays the FRU Inventory areas in either raw form (hexadecimal) or in an interpreted, easy-to-understand textual form (verbose). The FRU Manager window provides access to features of the add-in through menus. Table 3 lists the window menus and options.

Table 3. FRU Manager Menus and Options

Menu Options Function
File Open FRU Opens FRU data from a previously saved file
Save FRU Saves FRU data to a file in binary raw or verbose text format
Exit Quits the FRU Manager
View FRU Info Displays FRU information of the selected device
All FRU Areas Displays FRU areas of all devices
By Device Type Displays FRU areas sorted by device type
Settings Display HEX Displays FRU areas in hexidecimal format
Display Verbose Displays FRU areas in verbose format
Output Text Saves FRU data in verbose format
Output Binary Saves FRU data in binary format
Help About Displays FRU Manager version information

Exiting the System Setup Utility

Exiting the SSU causes all windows to close. To exit the SSU, perform the following steps:

  1. Click File in the SSU Main window.
  2. Click Exit.
  3. Highlight Exit and press Enter.

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