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Dell OpenManage™ IT Assistant User's Guide

A • B • CDEF • G • H • I • J • K • L • MN • O • P • Q • RSTU • V • W • X • Y • Z

note.gif (515 bytes) NOTE: If the system message you received is not listed, check the documentation for the application program that you were running at the time the message appeared and/or the operating system documentation for an explanation of the message and a recommended action.
note.gif (515 bytes) NOTE: In the following tables, ... indicates the omission of a value that appears in the actual message.
note.gif (515 bytes) NOTE: In the following messages and descriptions, "database" refers to the IT Assistant data repository.


Message Cause Action
A wakeup request has been sent to the selected system(s). IT Assistant has finished the Wakeup On LAN process for the selected systems. No action is required.
An error has occurred clearing the selected tables in the database. The database utility could not clear the selected tables. Ensure that no record(s) in the table are referred to by record(s) in other table(s); ensure that the database is attached and that MSSQLServer is started.
An error has occurred exporting the database. The database utility could not export the database in the configured database directory. Verify that the registry keys exist for Dell OpenManage IT Assistant and the configured database directories are present. The registry entries should look like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Dell Computer Corporation/Dell OpenManage IT Assistant/

An error has occurred importing the database. The database utility could not import the database from the specified directory. Verify that the registry keys exist for Dell OpenManage IT Assistant and the configured database directories are present. The registry entries should look like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Dell Computer Corporation/Dell OpenManage IT Assistant/

An error has occurred importing the table(s). The database utility could not import the tables from the flat file. Ensure that the flat file name, content, format, and delimiter are correct; ensure that the database is attached and that MSSQLServer is started.
An error has occurred locating the configuration information. The database utility could not locate the database configuration information. Verify that the registry keys exist for Dell OpenManage IT Assistant and the configured database directories are present. The registry entries should look like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Dell Computer Corporation/Dell OpenManage IT Assistant/

An error has occurred locating the database. The database utility could not locate the database. Verify that the registry keys exist for Dell OpenManage IT Assistant and the configured database directories are present. The registry entries should look like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Dell Computer Corporation/Dell OpenManage IT Assistant/

An error has occurred opening the database for exclusive use. You may need to stop any Dell OpenManage IT Assistant services before doing this operation. The database utility requires exclusive access to the database. Stop the IT Assistant services before performing this database operation. Restart the services after performing the operation.
An error has occurred opening the new database. The database utility requires exclusive access to the database. Stop the IT Assistant services before performing this database operation. Restart the services after performing the operation.
An error has occurred while retrieving data from the database. The database utility could not access the database. Ensure that the database is attached and that MSSQLServer is started.
An error occurred exporting the table(s). The database utility requires exclusive access to the database. Ensure that the file/directory attributes are correct; ensure that the database is attached and that MSSQLServer is started.
Are you sure? This action updates the BIOS of the systems selected? You are about to perform a flash basic input/output system (BIOS) update on one or more systems. Confirm or cancel the action.
Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the user? You have selected to delete an instrumentation user on a server. Confirm or cancel the action.
Are you sure you want to shut this system down? You have selected one or more systems for remote restart or shutdown. Confirm or cancel the action.
Attach database failed. The database utility could not attach the database. Ensure that the registry key values and file path are correct; ensure that MSSQLServer has been started.


Message Cause Action
Cannot communicate with the selected system. Please verify network connectivity and instrumentation status. The IT Assistant services could not connect to the selected system to perform the management action.
  • Verify network connectivity with the system.

  • Verify that the system is equipped with supported instrumentation.
Cannot delete user:root. You have attempted to delete the root user for the selected system. No action is required.
Clear memory errors on SIMM. You have selected to clear memory errors from one of the SIMMs on a system. Confirm or cancel the action.
Connecting to Dell OpenManage server. The IT Assistant browser-based user interface is connecting to the IT Assistant connection service. No action is required.


Message Cause Action
Database "databasename" is successfully attached to server. You successfully attached the database specified by databasename. No action is required.
Database "databasename" is successfully detached from server. Database file is: databasename. You successfully detached the database specified by databasename. No action is required.
Database tables restored successfully. The database utility successfully restored configuration, discovery, and event management system information to the database. No action is required.
Delete selected alert? You have selected an alert for deletion in the alerts window. Confirm or cancel the action.
Detach database failed. The database utility could not detach the database. Ensure that the registry key values and file path are correct; ensure that MSSQLServer has been started.


Message Cause Action
Error accessing connection info file at URL ... Error in accessing the ConnectionInfo.xml file, which defines the location of the IT Assistant services.     Find or repair ConnectionInfo.xml, or reinstall user interface.
Enter a username and password that are valid for this system. You are attempting to initiate a management action that requires a password on the selected system. Provide valid user identification for the selected system.
Enter a valid time. You entered a letter instead of a number when specifying a discovery interval. Enter a valid time value.
Error in reading information from registry. Can not restore the database. The database utility could not restore the database using current registry values. Ensure that registry values are correct.
Error in reading information from configuration files. Can not restore the database. The database utility could not restore the database using the current configuration files. Ensure that the registry value for the configuration file location and the file path are correct.
Error while importing tables. Cannot proceed restoring database. See "An error has occurred importing the table(s)." See "An error has occurred importing the table(s)."


Message Cause Action
Flash complete. IT Assistant has finished performing a flash BIOS update on the selected system(s).  No action is required.
Flash Not performed. IT Assistant could not perform the flash BIOS update with the file you specified on the selected system(s). Ensure that you specify a valid BIOS update file and that the file is compatible with the selected system(s); perform the BIOS update during periods of low network activity.


Message Cause Action
IP Address field is empty. You did not provide an IP address or host name that is required for changing the location of the IT Assistant connection service. Specify an IP address or host name.
Install MSDE failed. The installation of MSDE failed. Ensure that the registry key values and the file path are correct.
Invalid Port number. You specified an invalid TCP port for the IT Assistant connection service or the IT Assistant network monitoring service or both. Specify valid port numbers for the IT Assistant services. Defaults are 2607 for the IT Assistant connection service and 2606 for the IT Assistant network monitoring service.
Invalid timer value. You entered an invalid System Reset Timer value in the server alert actions window.   Specify a valid time value.
Invalid BIOS File. You specified an invalid BIOS update file. The file might be corrupt. Specify a valid BIOS update file.
Invalid Bios Version. The BIOS version of the BIOS update file you specified is not compatible with the selected system. Specify a valid BIOS update file for the selected system.
Invalid User Information. Enter Information again You entered an invalid user name and password for the selected system. Specify valid user identification for the selected system.
Invalid value for first IP octet. Please enter a value between 1 and 223. You entered an out-of-range value for the subnet. Enter a valid value for the first octet of the subnet.
Invalid value for IP octet. Please enter a value between 1 and 255. You entered an out-of-range value for the subnet. Enter a valid value for the octet.


Message Cause Action
MSDE is successfully installed. The Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) was installed successfully. No action is required.
MSSQLServer is successfully started. You successfully started the database server. No action is required.
MSSQLServer is successfully stopped. You successfully started the database server. No action is required.


Message Cause Action
New Alerts (... of ...). You have selected one or more new alerts in the alerts window. This message indicates the number of selected new alerts and the total number of new alerts. No action is required.
No alert actions are selected. You are attempting to save the settings in the server alert actions window, but none have been specified. Specify the alert actions you want to initiate on the selected server.
No user currently selected. You are attempting to delete or modify the information for a user on the Users tab of the configuration window, but have not selected a user. Specify the user you want to delete or modify.
None of the attributes are editable. You are attempting to edit an alert threshold attribute that cannot be edited. No action is required.


Message Cause Action
Password field does not match Verify Password field. You are trying to change a password, and you entered different passwords in the Password and Verify fields.     Enter the same password in the Password and Verify fields.
Password field is empty. You attempted to initiate a management action that requires a password on the selected system(s), but did not specify one. Specify valid user identification for the selected system(s).
Problem in importing the database. The database utility could not import the database from a flat file. Ensure that the flat file content, format, and delimiter are correct; ensure that the database is attached and that MSSQLServer is started.
Problem in exporting the database. The database utility could not export the database to a flat file. Ensure that the file/directory attribute is correct; ensure that the database is attached and that MSSQLServer is started.
Problem while updating the registry key value for database file path. IT Assistant could not update the specified registry key. Ensure that the registry key value is correct.


Message Cause Action
Re-sorting requires refreshing data from the server. Continue? You are attempting to resort the alerts in the alerts window. Confirm or cancel the action.
Root logon required for this operation. Enter a valid password. You are initiating a management action that requires the root password. Specify the root password for the selected system.


Message Cause Action
Start MSSQLServer failed. You probably do not have permission to perform this action. If MSDE is installed with IT Assistant, you must be a member of the Administrator group to have rights to start this service. Attempt to start the MSSQLServer service using the SQL Server Service Manager in the SQL Server or MSDE program folder.
Stop MSSQLServer failed. You probably do not have permission to perform this action. If MSDE is installed with IT Assistant, you must be a member of the Administrator group to have rights to stop this service. Attempt to stop the MSSQLServer service using the SQL Server Service Manager in the SQL Server or MSDE program folder.
System you are viewing has been deleted. The system you are viewing from your IT Assistant browser-based user interface has been excluded from the discovery process from another user interface. No action is required.


Message Cause Action
Table(s) exported successfully. The database utility successfully exported the table.  No action is required.
Table(s) imported successfully. The database utility successfully imported the table.  No action is required.
The alerts database has been updated. The 'More' button will refetch first batch of alerts. Do you wish to continue? You clicked More to get the next batch of alerts. Confirm or cancel the action.
The current tab is not printable. You attempted to print a tab in the systems window that cannot be printed. No action is required.
The database has been exported successfully. The database utility successfully exported the database.  No action is required.
The database has been imported successfully. The database utility successfully imported the table.  No action is required.
The group name must not be empty. You are attempting to create a custom group, but have not specified a group name. Specify a unique name for the new group.
The selected system does not have instrumentation that is recognized by the Dell OpenManage IT Assistant. You are attempting to connect to a system that has no management protocol that is recognized by the installed Dell OpenManage IT Assistant  (DMI/SNMP/CIM). No action is required
The selected system is not valid. You have selected a system in the system tree that has been excluded from the discovery process. No action is required.
The selected tables have been cleared. The database utility successfully cleared the selected tables in the database. No action is required.
The Shutdown request for ... has been sent. You have initiated a system restart or shutdown on the selected system(s). No action is required.
The System Discovery Interval must not be zero. You are attempting to specify default discovery settings without setting the default discovery interval. Specify an interval for default discovery.
The System Status Interval must not be zero. You are attempting to specify default discovery settings without setting the default status polling interval. Specify an interval for default system status polling.
The IT Assistant network monitoring service has not been configured to perform discovery. Would you like to configure discovery? You are attempting to initiate a management action before you have registered any discovery ranges. Configure the discovery cycle and set discovery ranges by clicking the corresponding options on the IT Assistant navigation tree.
There is currently no history for backward navigation. You clicked BACK on the IT Assistant toolbar, but you have not yet navigated to windows other than the home window. Navigate to other windows before clicking BACK.
This action will force the Dell OpenManage server to rediscover all systems. The process may take several minutes and results will not be visible until the process completes. Do you wish to continue? You are attempting to restart the discovery process for all registered discovery ranges. Confirm or cancel the action.
This name conflicts with an existing group. Please choose a unique group name. You are attempting to name a new custom group with the same name as an existing custom group. Specify a unique name for the new group.
This operation cannot be undone. Are you sure you wish to proceed? You are attempting to perform an action which will cause a persistent change to a system or software configuration. Confirm or cancel the action.
This system is a sever and may be in use by others. Are you really sure that you want to shut down this system? You are attempting to restart or shut down a server. Confirm or cancel the action.
This user will be deleted. You have selected a user for deletion in the Users tab of the systems window. Confirm or cancel the action.
This will reset all warning thresholds on node .... Continue? You have specified new warning thresholds for the selected server. Confirm or cancel the action.


Message Cause Action
Unable to clear current tables. Cannot proceed restoring database. See "An error has occurred clearing the selected tables in the database." See "An error has occurred clearing the selected tables in the database."
Unable to connect to Dell OpenManage server ... on port ... The IT Assistant browser-based user interface cannot locate the IT Assistant connection service at the specified IP address or host using the specified port. Click Connection Service on the IT Assistant action bar and specify a valid location and TCP port for the IT Assistant connection service.


Message Cause Action
You have unsaved changes. Would you like to save your changes? You have specified system or software configuration settings, but have not saved them. Save your changes or cancel the dialog to exit the window.

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