CS 702: Advanced Topics in Operating Systems (ATOS)

Information about the Course Paper/Project

Please read all of the instructions, carefully and follow them.

Due Date



Your grade will be largely based on your ability to make a convincing case that you have chosen a good problem, that it is important, that you have knowledge of the related work and that you can propose some research that if it was conducted and was successful would clearly be a nice contribution to the field.

This is really an exercise in writing. You can think of it as either writing a portion of a research proposal, a position paper, or something like a HotOS/HotNets/HotPar style of paper.

No programming is required and no results are required. However, you are required to write well and to make sound, logical, and convincing arguments. In fact if you do happen to include the greatest experiments and results in the world but you you don't properly explain what the problem is, why people should care about the problem, etc. you will not do very well.

Be sure that you cover the following: