CS 702: Advanced Topics in Operating Systems (ATOS)
Information about the Course Paper/Project
Please read all of the instructions, carefully and follow them.
Due Date
- Friday, June 12 at noon.
- Received via emailed by me. Remember to put 702 in the subject line!
- Be sure to allow time for delivery of the email
and note that my EPFL email is forwarded to my uwaterloo account.
- PLEASE: Use only Times Roman and Courier fonts.
Other fonts do not print properly in all cases.
Sorry Nuno but I haven't been able to print your stuff properly
so please try to avoid the fonts you've been using.
- 5 page maximum.
- Use format templates available at the
USENIX site (see bullet point number 6).
Submit one PDF file using your given name (not your family name).
E.g., mine would be tim.pdf
Your grade will be largely based on your ability to make
a convincing case that you have chosen a good problem,
that it is important, that you have knowledge of the
related work and that you can propose some research
that if it was conducted and was successful would
clearly be a nice contribution to the field.
This is really an exercise in writing.
You can think of it as either writing a portion
of a research proposal, a position paper,
or something like a HotOS/HotNets/HotPar
style of paper.
No programming is required and no results are required.
However, you are required to write well
and to make sound, logical, and convincing
In fact if you do happen to include the greatest experiments
and results in the world but you you don't
properly explain what the problem is,
why people should care about the problem, etc.
you will not do very well.
Be sure that you cover the following:
What is the problem?
What is the motivation for studying this problem?
Make the case that the problem is an important problem
and that it is worth studying?
What is the related work? For the purposes of this
course concentrate on just a few of the key papers
in the area and only a few of those most closely
related to your proposal or idea.
Be sure to concentrate not just on what previous
work has done but exactly how it related to what
you are proposing to do. How is what you are proposing
different, similar, better, and possibly worse (be open and honest
about this).
What is the research you are proposing?
What are the goals of the research?
How will it make the world a better place?
What are the expected research contributions?
What are the strengths and weakness of your approach when
compared with others?
Describe how you might
demonstrate that your goals have been achieved.
Is there a measurement you will use, what will
be the metric, how will that metric be obtained?
If you can, describe how you might
conduct the research.
Would you prove some theorems, construct an analytic model,
run some simulations, conduct some experiments?
What tools might you use? What tools might you
need to build? What kind of environment/equipment/lab
might be required and is what you are proposing feasible
in some reasonable time-frame by a reasonably sized
group of people.
It won't be very convincing if
it seems to the reader like it would take 40 people,
30 years to build and once it was built
would require 1000 years of experiments
before getting results :-)
IMPORTANT: before handing in your paper,
- Proofread it carefully and correct all of the mistakes that you find.
- Then do it again, and again, and again.
- Then have a friend read the paper to look for mistakes.
- Then repeat from the top until you are pretty certain that
the writing is in clear and correct English and that there aren't
any typos and
smelling spelling mistakes :-)