Information about Paper Summaries
PLEASE read and follow all of the instructions
General Information
You need to complete and submit summaries as your ticket to get into class.
This ensures that everyone reads the papers, including those
who are not taking the course for credit.
If you are going to miss class mail me your summaries by the
deadline anyway.
Follow the guidelines provided.
- 1 page means 1 page.
One line over and you get a grade of 0.
- 3 bullet points means 3 (not 0, 1, or 2, 4 or 5)
Marking Info
I will mark a random subset of the paper summaries
(i.e., I will pick some of the papers at random
and mark all summaries written for that paper).
I will mark at least one of the first papers
or two to provide feedback early on.
Point form is fine.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation matter!
This is a good opportunity to practice writing
with short sentences and a short document.
Be sure to also follow the instructions and guidelines provided (below).
Grades will be probably be on a scale of 1-5.
Software Used to Create Documents
Please don't use fancy fonts and/or character sets.
I use software to combine all of the PDF files.
If you have unusual files, that software fails.
Word documents are quite often bad..
If you must use word, use Times Roman fonts only.
Consider just using ASCII text and coverting that to PDF
(e.g., using enscript) or use latex.
What to Put in a Summary
Use the templates provided and be sure to look at and understand
the example(s). If you have any questions please ask.
NOTE that the examples were done when I restricted
summaries to 3/4 of a page but you will be allowed 1 page.
Submission Information/Procedures
Summaries must arrive via email before the deadline specified
(this may be one day before class or on the day of the class, see each week for the specified time)
Email each summary as a different attachment in the same SINGLE email.
Use the Subject line "CS854 Summaries"
Only pdf files are permitted. I'm going to use some pdf annotation
software on my ipad to provide feedback.
Use the naming convention yourgivenname-x-y.pdf
where x is the number of the week (the first week with no readings
was 0) and y is the paper number
for that week. Numbers are provided beside
each paper and week numbers are provided beside each week.
Please use only
lower case letters even for your name.
Please be sure to double check them before summitting!
For example if I was to submit the summary
of the second paper listed in week one
it would be named tim-1-2.pdf.
If is was the ninth paper listed for week two
it would be named
Please check and use the specified week and note that the
course may start with
Week 0.
- Please use these naming conventions, otherwise it becomes
too difficult for me to manage. I use software to automatically
pull the files and often use software to combine them into one
PDF that I can use to mark. If you don't follow the naming
convention your submission may get missed.
PLEASE send the files via email attachments to