For your project you should try to come up with
a new idea for possible research and then
to try to demonstrate that it is a good idea.
One goal of the project will be to evaluate whether
or not the idea is really a good avenue for
future research.

Here are some things to think about for a proposal
and a template for your proposal. The proposal
will be done in the form of presentations.

                   Project members.

1) The Problem Statement, Idea or Hypothesis.
   What problem is being studied or addressed.

2) Motivation.
   Why is this problem, idea, or hypothesis interesting? 
   Who cares? Why?  What impact will it have?

3) Goals/Objectives
   What is it you are going to do?
   How can you or anyone else tell if you've reached your goals?

4) Apparatus
   Is any hardware or software is required? 
   Do you have access to the facilities that are required? 
5) Methodology
   How will you evaluate your idea or hypthesis?
   Will you conduct a performance evaluation? How? 
   E.g., analytic model, simulation, experiments?
   What will be the performance metric(s)?
   How long do you think it will take to complete your evaluation?

5) Milestones.
   a) Short Term 
      Things that will definitely get done.
   b) Medium Term
      Things you'd like to get done if things go well.
   c) Long Term
      Things that will get done if everything goes really well.

   Think about a proposal for which you can get all of a)
   and possibly some of b) done.