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S. Adve and M. Hill. Weak ordering: A new definition. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 2-14, May 1990.

D. Bailey, J. Barton, T. Lasinski, and H. Simon. The NAS parallel benchmarks. Technical Report 103863, NASA, July 1993.

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J.B. Carter, J.K. Bennett, and W. Zwaenepoel. Techniques for reducing consistency-related information in distributed shared memory systems. To appear in ACM Transactions on Computer Systems.

J.B. Carter, J.K. Bennett, and W. Zwaenepoel. Implementation and performance of Munin. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pages 152-164, October 1991.

D.R. Cheriton and W. Zwaenepoel. The distributed V kernel and its performance for diskless workstations. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pages 129-140, October 1983.

R. W. Cottingham Jr., R. M. Idury, and A. A. Schäffer. Faster sequential genetic linkage computations. American Journal of Human Genetics, 53:252-263, 1993.

S. Dwarkadas, A.A. Schäffer, R.W. Cottingham Jr., A.L. Cox, P. Keleher, and W. Zwaenepoel. Parallelization of general linkage analysis problems. Human Heredity, 44:127-141, 1994.

G.A. Geist and V.S. Sunderam. Network-based concurrent computing on the PVM system. Concurrency: Practice and Experience, pages 293-311, June 1992.

K. Gharachorloo, D. Lenoski, J. Laudon, P. Gibbons, A. Gupta, and J. Hennessy. Memory consistency and event ordering in scalable shared-memory multiprocessors. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 15-26, May 1990.

R.J. Harrison. Portable tools and applications for parallel computers. In International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, volume 40, pages 847-863, February 1990.

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P. Keleher, A. L. Cox, and W. Zwaenepoel. Lazy release consistency for software distributed shared memory. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 13-21, May 1992.

P. Keleher, S. Dwarkadas, A. Cox, and W. Zwaenepoel. Treadmarks: Distributed shared memory on standard workstations and operating systems. In Proceedings of the 1994 Winter Usenix Conference, pages 115-131, January 1994.

G. M. Lathrop, J. M. Lalouel, C. Julier, and J. Ott. Strategies for multilocus linkage analysis in humans. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA, 81:3443-3446, June 1984.

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J.P. Singh, J.L. Hennessy, and A. Gupta. Implications of hierarchical n-body methods for multiprocessor architectures. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 13(2):141-202, May 1995.

J.P. Singh, W.-D. Weber, and A. Gupta. SPLASH: Stanford parallel applications for shared-memory. Computer Architecture News, 20(1):2-12, March 1992.

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