Tips for NACHOS Assignment 1
All of assignment 1 can be done inside of the directory code/threads.
Here are some hints on how to get started and how to proceed.
Big tip #1:
If you don't have time to do it properly the first time when
will you find time to fix it.
Big tip #2:
Don't code until you understand what you are going to do
and how to do it.
Big tip #3
Read and understand the sample solutions handed out on the
first day of class (these are not available anywhere
in the web pages). These should help you to design and
implement Reader / Writer locks.
A Possible Strategy
Read the
Nachos paper.
Have a look at the
the Nachos
Roadmap document.
In particular the section on
Nachos Threads
and the section
Experience with Nachos Assignments.
Looking at and understand the
Semphores class
Start by building locks.
You'll have to add some data members to the
class Lock
in the
file synch.h and you have to implement the Lock function members
described (the skeltons are in and have to be filled in).
You'll probably want to build Barriers early on as well as it
will be useful when testing your implementation of locks
(i.e., you can ensure that all threads finish before the parent
finished - if you find that useful).
Again you'll find the definition of the Barrier class in synch.h
and skeltons for the function members in - your job
is to fill in the details.
Test the locks by implementing a simple program or two.
For example, create multiple threads half of which increment a counter,
the other half of which decrement a counter.
When all are finished the count should be zero (assuming it's
initialized to zero.
Implement the Condition class.
(again by modifying synch.h and in a similar way as was
done for the Lock class).
Implement the Reader/Writer Lock class called RWLock
(again by modifying synch.h and
Test the Lock, Barrier, Condition and RWLock classes either before
doing the other parts of assignment one or while you
are completing solutions (although if you will probably find
it easier if you are convinced that you've implemented your
synchronization classes correctly first).
The RWLock class is one that
will be useful in assignment four.
Therefore, it may not be useful when providing solutions to
the other assigned problems until assignment 4.
Things to Remember (Gotcha's)
Remember to use gmake (gnu-make).
When adding files to the makefiles add them to code/Makefile.common
then do:
% gmake depend
to get the dependencies set up.
Learn to use the debugging options to Nachos.
Add more debugging statements and options for debugging
different portions of the system.
Learn and use a debugger (e.g., gdb).
Without a correct implementation of Locks and Condition variables
the rest of the operating system will not function correctly.
Chpt 9 Bacon: WARNING : terminology Wait/Signal is confusing
when taken in context of Condition variables and the assignments.
Birrell paper: good sections on Condition Variables, Mutual exclusion
and synchronization
Don't change anything in the code/machine directory.
Doing so is considered to be equivalent to modifying the hardware
which in the case of most Operating System designers and builders
is simply not possible.
Time only advances in Nachos when: interrupts are re-enabled,
a user instruction is executed, there is nothing in the ready queue.
Since no user programs are being executed in this assignment
and if you have multiple threads executing it's quite likely that
time will only advance when interrupts are re-enabled.
Remember to really test your implementation you need to ensure
that the different threads executing can actually get interrupted
(i.e., each thread doesn't take turns running to completion).
Don't disable and enable interrupts in your test programs but
be sure to call functions that you know do.
Remember to run multiple test using the -rs option.
If you don't you haven't shown that your solution works.
Handing in the Assignment
Reread the
Project Mechanics Document.
Please divide your assignment into the following 4 sections.
Title Page: Be sure to include the course name,
your group members, student id's, etc.
Design: This is the main documentation for your project.
Briefly and clearly describe your design decisions.
After reading this I should know what to expect when reading your code.
grammar, spelling, and general writing skills are very important
and will count significantly in your grade.
Implementation: This is the actual code for your assigment.
(Not including the source for the test programs.)
The code should be well formated, commented clearly and generally
a work of beauty.
YOU MUST use the coding standards (style) already
in place no matter how much you believe that you have a better style.
Virtually any place you work will have their own coding standards
and you'll never be completely happy with them anywhere.
Learn to tow the line.
This section should include the source for your test programs.
In the first assignment these are any programs/test you wrote
to test out the implementation of the synchronization classes
as well as solutions to the other portions of the assignment.
In subsequent assignments the test programs will largely consist
of user programs written to test the operating system.
Besides including the source you must also
include sample runs of these tests
Remember that your aim is to convince me (or your boss)
as quickly as possible that your implementation is solid.
If you were working for a company you might have a meeting
with the boss (or group of co-workers) where you get 10 minutes
to make your case - think of that while deciding what and how
to test.
Demonstrating what doesn't work is just as important as demonstrating
what does.
If I find things that don't work and you haven't indicated that
they do not work you will be graded down.
(The assumption is that you didn't realize that it didn't work
when you should have - as a result the project suffers.)
When printing and handing in the code for the assignment
please show the .h file first followed immediately by
the corresponding .cc file.
( PLEASE: Do not list all of the .h
files followed by all of the .cc files.)
Please use enscript to hand in your code.
Also be sure that both before and after you print your
program out that it is formated nicely.
Just because it looks good on the screen with your editor and
your tab settings doesn't mean that it will look good when printed.
It must look good when printed because that's what will be graded
and style does count in your grade.