TO ALL STUDENTS IN COSC1030 -- last updated 6:15pm May 14

The information contained herein is subject to change.  Please
monitor the page for changes.

On Makeup Classes

The strike is officially over and makeup classes begin at 2:30pm
Wednesday, May 14.  Senate regulations state that there should be 1
week of classes to complete the term.  They also state that students
need to be treated fairly.  They also state that academic integrity
should be mained.  Finally the dates for classes put on the
administration pages indicates that classes will be held this week and
not next week unless necessary.

The regulations are ambiguous and contradictory.  At a Department
meeting this morning the following items were passed that affect

Class meetings are scheduled for the following times.  Students may
attend any of the classes.

Section M  Prof. Edmonds
        Wednesday, May 14   2:30-3:30
        Friday, May 16      2:30-3:30

Section N  Prof. Brecht
        Thursday, May 15    3:30-4:30

Section P  Prof. Gotshalks
        Friday, May 14      10:30-11:30

Class contents will be to explain how the term will end and to answer
student questions about how the term will end.  No new material will
be discussed.  No review questions will be answered.

Rationale: Many students have now left Toronto.  They no longer have a
choice to attend or have questions answered -- unlike normal classes
where they have a choice to attend or not attend, ask questions by
email or not ask questions by email.  Having lectures is considered to
be unfair to these students.

On Ariel lab

Ariel will be open Wednesday, May 14 to Friday, May 23, inclusive
    Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm  --  including Victoria Day, May 19
    Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 9pm

  Please see

Ariel will be shutting down soon after May 23.  Backup all your files.
When you return in the fall you will have a new account with none of
your files restored.

On Assignment 4

Assignment 4 is to be handed in and marked on a no questions answered
basis as being the fairest method since not all students will have an
opportunity to ask questions.  The deadline to hand in or mail in the
assignment is May 30 (postmark date).

On the final examination

To maintain academic integrity the Department has the following

  "Core courses in 1st & 2nd year: In order to ensure that our
   students have mastered the core materials, these courses should
   not offer take-home exams  or move to reduce/remove the exam's
   weight in computing final grades."

An examination has been scheduled for the following date and time.
The administration informs us it is subject to change.  Look at this
page and/or York's website under calendars.

   May 30 8:30-11:30  CLH A,C

Future examination dates will be set.  Please look at this page or
administration examination schedule page for updates.

The final examination will be based on material covered from the start
of the course up to the start of the strike.  You will be able to use
the text book in the examination.