COSC1030.03 Course Outline

Last modified: 1997 January 8

This page describes approximately what topics will be covered in lectures (topics, and timings may vary somewhat from section to section). The schedule will likely slip and topics modified somewhat as the course progresses.

Please remember to reload this page occasionally since it will be updated frequently.

Besides the textbook you should acquaint yourself with the contents of the files in the following directories and their subdirectories on ariel.


Week 1: Introduction and Software Engineering

Mainly from Chapter 1 and portions of Chapter 3 of the course text. See ariel:/cs/course/1030/notes/onDesign/*.xfig & *.ps

Week 2: Algorithms: Correctness and Running Time

Mainly from Chapter 3 of the course text. See ariel:/cs/course/1030/notes/onDesign/

Week 3: Data Abstraction and Pointers

(Assignment 1 Due)

Some sections of Chapters 2,4 and 8 of the text. See ariel:/cs/course/1030/notes/abstractDataTypes/*.ps

Week 4: Pointers

Week 5: Recursion

Mainly from Chapter 9 of the course text. See ariel:/cs/course/1030/notes/

Week 6: Stacks

Chapter 5 (Stacks)

Week 7: Review and Midterm


Reading Week

Week 8: Exam Review and Queues

Midterm and Chapter 6.

Week 9: Queues, Priority Queues and Dictionaries

Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.

Week 10: Trees and Trees Plus

(Assignment 3 Due)

Mainly from Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 (skipping AVL Trees, Threaded Trees)

Week 10: Trees and Trees Plus ... Continued

Mainly from Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 (skipping AVL Trees, Threaded Trees)

Week 12: Sorting

Chapter 13.

Week 13: Sorting ... concluded

Only one class on Monday.