%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: help.txt % Purpose: Help file for Recursive Picture % Author: Jeff Edmonds % Location: York University % Email: jeff@cs.yorku.ca % Date: Jan, 1996 % -------------------------------- Recursive Picture Drawer ======================== A figure is specified by a set of lines, circles, and arcs and by two points that are referred to as the "handles". In draw mode, the figure can be drawn on the screen. Press the mouse button down in one location, continue to hold the button down while moving the mouse, and lift the button in a second location. The figure is translated, rotated, and scaled so that the two handle points of the figure land on the two points that you have specified. A recursive picture is specified by a "base case" figure, a "nonbase case" figure, by a set of "places to recurse", and by an integer "n". If n=1, then the base case figure is drawn. If n>1, then the nonbase case figure is drawn. As well, the location on the screen (specified by two points) of each place to recurse is determined. Then recursively the same picture is drawn at these locations but with the value n-1. Description of Menus and Buttons ================================= File New, Open, Save, Save As base/nonbase: Loads and saves to a file the description of the recursive picture (but not locations on the screen that it is drawn) Clear Screen: Clears where picture is drawn (but not current recursive picture) Edit Mode Allows you to create and modify a recursive picture Buttons: line, 2*circle, arc, places to recurse: Adds object to either base case or nonbase case figure X-Delete: Deletes specified object X-Delete Last: Deletes last object added Grid: adds grid lines to help with placement Draw Mode Allows you to draw the recursive picture Buttons: set value of n Hand In Mode Produces display to hand for homework. Contains the base and nonbase case figures and the resulting picture If you come from Draw Mode, the drawing in Draw Mode is lost. You must draw directly in this mode to get the drawing plus the base and recursive figures. Help Mode Refers to this message -- Does not work at the time this was written. Just clears the drawing area.