
Re: NAFTA, Capitalism and Alternatives: Debate, V/1

I don't disagree with Harry's analysis, I even admit he's right I was 
unfairly badmouthing the Left.  I think nevertheless that the 
constructive thinking going on involves analysis different from the 
ideologically charged analysis of state and capitalism.  The language 
does not fit the problem.  I also think that spending more on education is a 
wise idea, but not the ultimate solution.  The critique of Mexico in 
terms of the intrinsic flaws of capitalism simply does not address the 
particular deficiencies of capitalism in Mexico, and until those problems 
are dealt with, simply hacking away at capitalism gets us nowhere.  In 
fact, there is an argument that because of the inadequacies of the 
Mexican market, and perhaps more importantly, because of the role of 
corruption and bossism and favoritism and monopolistic businesses and a 
market that has never been developed, this argument goes, Mexico's system 
is not capitalism at all!  Too much of that argument holds enough water 
to make a focus on larger abstractions about capitalism unuseful.  The 
hard work to improve the lives of Mexico's workers involves adjusting the 
market to serve them more, just as Father Aristide is trying in Haiti, a 
worse case than Mexico.   

