CS 754: Advanced Distributed Systems


Course Overview

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No formal prerequisite is required for this course but familiarity with the following topics is expected:

Course Load


Through the course we will read a set of papers (available on the course main page) on different topics in distributed systems. There is no official text book for the course. 



We will use Piazza for discussions and announcements. Please signup here.



An integral part of the course are the projects. We will have two mini projects and one research-oriented project. The two mini projects take around two weeks each, while the research oriented project is an open-ended research project that you will do in teams of two and will take six weeks to finish.

For the research-oriented project, I will suggest a set of projects around half-way through the semester, but you are also encouraged to propose your own ideas.



Here is the breakdown of your final grade in the course:

Mid-term exam 25%
Final exam 25%
Projects 50%