IMPLICIT INVOCATION DEFINITION: A system in which communication between components is relatively indirect, taking place in the form of discrete events placed on and read from a common event bus. IS IT ABOUT FITNESS FOR FUTURE? We would argue that this architectural pattern facilititates fitness for future largely because of the decoupling of components due to the use of the event bus. IF SO, WHAT CHANGES AND WHAT STAYS THE SAME? It allows for easier adding of functionality in the form of a separate component. This is because of the low coupling between components, and the only form of communication being indirect. New components can be added to the bus at will, provided that they adhere to the event format on said bus. It is however much harder to change the way that data is represented in an event itself, since this data is possibly used by a large number of heterogeneous components which rely on the event structure being similar to how it was when that component was added to the bus. IF NOT, WHAT IS IT ABOUT?