-- Main.MichaelHynes - 2015-05-22 ---++ Adding Users New users on the cluster will now be registered in the himrod-domain Active Directory on himrod.cs. The command add-himrod-user adds a user in Active Directory. Several arguments are required by this sccript, each of which must be a contiguous string *without* spaces. As an example: # add-himrod-user -e ldpaniak@uwaterloo.ca -n Lori -s Paniak -S CSCF -P admin -E 0 ldpaniak Where the flags are: -e email -n firstName -s surname -S sponsor (who OK'd this account? E.g. CSCF, hdesterck) -P projectName -E expiryDate (Format YYYYMMDD. After this date, the account will expire and need admin intervention to re-enable. Note that 0=never/30000AD.) ---++ Changing User Passwords Note that these accounts are *not* usual unix/pam accounts. Changing passwords requires Samba tools. After an account is created, changing a user's password (as that user) requires running: # samba-tool user password
This topic: Himrod
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-05-22 - MichaelHynes
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