Every user can have n=6 nodes assigned by Ashraf and Hans (where n is subject to change). | *Node* | *Assigned Users* | *Notes* | | himrod-1 | %BLUE%j33lai%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-2 | %BLUE%j33lai%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-3 | %BLUE%j33lai%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-4 | %BLUE%j33lai%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-5 | %BLUE%j33lai%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-6 | %BLUE%j33lai%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-7 | %RED%mbhynes%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-8 | %RED%mbhynes%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-9 | %RED%mbhynes%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-10 | %GREEN%kelgebal%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-11 | %GREEN%kelgebal%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-12 | %GREEN%kelgebal%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-13 | %GREEN%kelgebal%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-14 | %GREEN%kelgebal%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-15 | %GREEN%kelgebal%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-16 | %RED%mbhynes%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-17 | %RED%mbhynes%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-18 | %RED%mbhynes%ENDCOLOR% | | | himrod-19 | | assignable | | himrod-20 | | assignable | | himrod-21 | | assignable | | himrod-22 | down | down | | himrod-23 | down | down | | himrod-big-1 | - | not assignable - Reservation Required | | himrod-big-2 | - | not assignable - Reservation Required | | himrod-big-3 | - | not assignable - Reservation Required | | himrod-big-4 | - | not assignable - Reservation Required |
This topic: Himrod
Topic revision: r3 - 2015-01-27 - HansDeSterck
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