---+ Windows Post-install steps %TOC% After installing the standard CSCF Windows Image, you will need to do the following ---++ Configure networking * Note: If the machine is on VLAN 84/168/7, and the MAC address is in the Inventory database, then the machine will get its IP address via DHCP and no further configuration of the network is necessary ---+++ Configure ONA to set the port for the correct subnet (once deploying PC) * http://ona.uwaterloo.ca/ * Occasionally, the VLAN is not trunked to the correct switch - that will stop networking for not otherwise apparent reason ---+++ Test Windows installation * Boot the machine into Windows * Look for any error messages and get past them - may need to boot to recognize new device(s)? * login as cscf-adm or cscf-op(on local system) * Prior to F07: X-Win32-XServer -> Unblock ---++++ (No longer necessary -> handled by GPOs) Enable Windows Defender icon in status bar * Open Windows Defender * Tools -> Options * Toggle radio button - "Show icon all the time" ---+++ Join the PC to the Domain (not usually necessary for School PCs) * Follow the notes here: [[JoiningTheCS-GeneralDomain]] ---+++ Move the machine to a Research OU * Add the machine to the relevant Research OU according to the following notes - CF.ADaMnge * If in doubt, just put the machine in the Research OU ---+++ Add CS-GENERAL\userid to local Administrators group ---++++ Method 1 (easiest, but only works *after* the machine is added to the CS-GENERAL domain) * Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Add * enter the User ID and Domain: CS-GENERAL * Member of group Administrators ---++++ Method 2 * My Computer -> Manage -> Local Users & Groups -> Groups * Administrators -> right-click - Add member (check exact wording ???) * add CS-GENERAL\userid * use credentials youruserid-adm (we think this is necessary) ---++++ Reboot PC ---++++ Leave it mellow on the network for a while, reboot a couple times ---++++ Check GPOs (optional) * Login as RSGInstall on CS-GENERAL (non-privileged userid) * Make sure that GPOs get applied (you may see the Microsoft Printer Migrator Window) * may need to sit for 24 hours? overnight to get updates (AV, WSUS)? * check that printers are defined ---++ If you actually need to do a re-install ---+++ Step by step Windows Installation * Set the BIOS to Boot from network * Turn on computer -> DEL (BIOS SETUP UTILITY) -> BOOT -> IBA -> F10 to save * Determine the PC configuration * Boot:TUFFTEST (Enter) -> F2 (Configuration Menu) -> a) Current Configuration (check for info about this computer) * Boot the install environment * Reboot the computer * Run UNIV -> if works well, it will display x:BOOTDISK\PQDI.550> ([[if it does not work]]) * Input CD x:\BOOTDISK (Enter) * Run GHOST * x:\BOOTDISK>CD GHOST (Enter) -> now run GHOST (Enter) -> OK (Enter) * Choose LOCAL -> DISK -> FROM IMAGE * I:[Images]Network drive (Enter) -> Core (Enter) -> X2GEN02.GHO (Enter) * Select local destination drive by click on the drive number (Drive 1 -> OK (Enter) * Destination Drive Details -> OK -> YES (about 18 minutes) -> Reset computer * Reset BIOS boot Settings * Boot order: 1) DVD -> 2) Drive 1
This topic: CF
Topic revision: r10 - 2015-07-06 - MikeGore
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