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MikeGore 2015 12 10 Windows 10 Enterprise and Applications Clonezilla Image W10U1404 M3A78 CM F15 V1 Update 7 Dec 2015 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images...
OwnCloud Background ownCloud is a PHP based service that allows you to sync your files across different computers. Smartphone support is in progress. ownCloud is...
OwnCloud Usage If you haven`t installed ownCloud yet, please see: OwnCloudSetup Information on ownCloud usage has been taken from the ownCloud User Manual, which can...
User Support Triage Documentation From CFPrivate.USG20120126 : Technical system coverage: we should all self identify the systems on which we are the primary...
Inventory Schema Please see
Workstation/Laptop Imaging This page will be a guide to imaging Workstations and Laptops using the current CloneZilla method. Basics Imaging is the process of creating...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes (W81U1404 T440s F14) Image Name: W81U1404 T440s F14 Created by: dmerner Creation Date: August 13, 2014 Created...
MikeGore 2015 11 16 T440s Wifi fix for Ubuntu 14.04LTS There are problems with WIFI with the Lenovo T440s using Ubuntu 14.04LTS. We have developed a script...
Grad Visit Day web application (v1) Background Originally designed based on ST#86639 The TWiki page for v2 of this application, also based on ST#86639, can be found...
About Departing CSCF Employees When someone moves on, we need to remove references to them from various documentation, and access to various systems. Most of what...
Software Developer Documentation For systems we use and develop or modify ourselves, we have this template for needed documentation. Whether each of the following...
Sample Emails for Stored Research Equipment Email when first storing equipment Subject: Recently received equipment Reply To: cs inventory #64;
MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
Troubleshooting Safari and the FORE Financial System Information for configuring Safari to work with the FORE system. MacConfigurationStepsToWorkWithTheFOREFinancialSystem...
Thunderbird Connection Timeout Background CS Specific Increase to 300 seconds We often see problems in our mail server (mail.cs) when email client programs...
Version Control The Subversion read write URL to the OdysseyApplications repository: svn ssh://odyssey@core/u/odyssey/svn/odyssey/ The JavaScript...
MikeGore 2015 10 29 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2015 10 29 MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS This is the NON Sysprepped version...
Creating a Bootable USB for Macs Apple has created a support page which directs you to ca/HT...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this CF web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
MikeGore 2015 10 22 ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB en m M4A89GTD%20PRO/USB3 p 1 s 24
FOREwithSafari Information about troubleshooting FORE integration with Safari StephenNickerson 2015 10 19
Taskgroup Membership Mail can be sent to a task group via an address of the form: tg group@cscf The group names below can be used to send mail, and/or determine appropriate...
See any of: CactiMonitoring Cacti NagiosSystemsMonitoring SNMP: MacLabMonitoring OpenManageSNMP MacSnmpSetup SassafrasLabMonitori...
Downtime Time and Duration Certain maintenance requires that a computing environment be disabled; taken `down`. The principles to be followed when choosing an appropriate...
Mail Clients Sending Mail as if From a Role Based Account We sometimes want to be able to send mail from our mail client as if it`s from a role based address, without...
Known Errors and Alerts Nagios Service Alert ... CUPS Print Server ... (Return code of 255 is out of bounds) This usually means that there are stuck jobs on...
Annual Reviews Client Survey We usually email something like this: To: cs announce Subject: annual CSCF (Computer Science Computing Facility) staff reviews It`s...
Documentation is on the same virtual host as the Web interface to the system itself: Overview Documentation Documentation IsaacMorland 2015 10 06
Mac Image Deployment We almost always use DeployStudio. Sometimes it`s handy to use Carbon Copy Cloner to backup to an external drive before installing a new OS....
Post image steps for w81u1404 sabertooth f15 v1 Initial steps / Ubuntu Initial boot: 1) Get to Ubuntu: Method A) System boots to non grub chooser. Escape to...
Support of the Teaching Computing Environment Here we`ll document maintenance information for the cs teaching `region`; the environment that uses the common student...
Programming Style Guidelines This page started life as a copy of man mfcf programming style (as of 2008/09/05). Updates are being made to reflect current practice...
MikeGore 2015 09 23 Adding users to ICR Xerox 8355 printer Open web page: with a web browser. Jean or Vera have the userid and...
Software Development Guidelines A price we must pay for building (anything) is that we must do it well enough. For programming, that implies adherence to some minimal...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Common management utilities for end users and admins Other resources ClusterTools Cluster Tools main documentation root ClusterToolsSetup...
Grad Workstation Schedule The arrival of graduate students each term, in varying numbers, combined with the release schedule for the desired operating systems, drive...
See ResearchSubscriptions
See EquipmentInventory
See CF.Management
See any of: PasswordWebApp PasswordWebAppHelpdeskDocumentation
See any of: CourseAccountSshKeyAccess CourseAccountSshKeyAccessAdministration
See any of: CourseAccountSshKeyAccess CourseAccountSshKeyAccessAdministration PasswordWebApp PasswordWebAppHelpdeskDocumentation
See CSCFandOFIS (last updated 2012; OFIS not a current CSCF priority)
See FacultyRecruitingSystem
CSCF Client Projects 2005 GradOfficeWebApplication web based application to replace the Filemaker based Grad Database ( JasonTestart 24 May...
ST Work Tracking ST ST documentation can be found at either or
CS MySQL Database Backup and Recovery Validation for System Administrators The CS MySQL database backup and recovery procedures should be validated periodically....

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