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High Availability MySQL Design Manual 1. Objectives Our primary objective is to provide a MySQL database to our stakeholders...
Meeting 31 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline Remaining work Issues to discuss Timeline Looking good for wrapping...
Move Some (but not all) Databases from Old MySQL server to New HA Cluster This section assumes: mysql 5.5 the high availability architecture is one master...
Restoring Broken Old Master After Failover Caution: this process is meant to cover most situations output of commands should be reviewed to make sure they make sense...
Artificial Intelligence Group DC2306 Information Web site: CSCF Subscription Info Point of Contact Contact me if you...
MikeGore 02 Mar 2010 GRUB2 Repair See also UEFI boot notes Grub 2 Documents main Ubuntu Docs http://wiki.archlinux...
Meeting 24 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline Remaining work Issues to discuss Timeline Fraser and I...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 W7U1404 M4A89GTD 750G F15 Audio Lab v1 notes This image is the SAME as the W7U1404 M4A89GTD 640G F15 v3 with the addition of the audiolab...
Linux in CS CollectdConfiguration Configuring your system for resource monitoring MetaPackages bundle, deploy and update collections of deb packages across...
Graduate TA Evaluation Project Phase 1 Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to replace the existing paper TA Evaluation process with a Web...
Meeting 3 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting Progress...
Meeting 3 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting...
SCG printing for Windows and Linux Users Who to call for help? if you have problems that aren`t solved by the following you may speak to the SCGPointOfContact...
MikeGore 2016 03 04 Microsoft Surface UEFI booting How do I use the BIOS/UEFI ca/support/warranty service and...
Meeting 3 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting...
Using Windows in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. InitialWindowsInstall installation notes Windows10Specific Notes specific...
HP Health SNMP Configuration This page includes notes and references for setting up an HP Proliant server to be monitored by CSCF`s nagios system via hp health SNMP...
Meeting 25 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting...
Real Time Lab Administrator Procedures General information The Real Time Programming Lab (aka the Train Lab) is in MC 3018. Spare parts and specialized...
Meeting 18 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen, dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the...
See Database . FraserGunn 2016 02 18
database.cs System Administrator Documentation This page is deprecated and has been replaced by MySQL.
Meeting: 2016 01 20 2pm Attended: drallen (project manager), dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak; gxshen arpepper were declared not necessary at this point (arpepper...
Meeting 27 January 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak. Lori noted the `Update Server Room High Speed Network Interconnects` might be time consuming...
Meeting 3 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen, dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline for project Next round of milestones Items to...
Meeting 11 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen, dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Current Milestones New Milestones Timeline for project...
Printing in Color on a Xerox WorkCentre 7535 Color Printer For this printing example, we will use the Xerox WorkCentre 7535 located in DC3507, called xrxpr003....
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard Page 2 (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the first Moderation...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Instructions (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Done (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages. Once...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard (rendered for `` list) Discussion of the Discard option Discard is, unfortunately, actually...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Defer (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation (rendered for `` list) Preface I was actually hoping to find a link to someone else`s description...
AdrianPepper 2015 12 14 Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you...
Implementation See Database Systems/ for project documents including Work Breakdown Structure and...
SCS Mailing Lists There are a large number of mailing lists maintained for the School of Computer Science. Many of these used to be managed as a series of text files...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 What is included in the Windows 7 Enterprise part of the image Update 7 Dec 2015 your Point Of Contact for more details Apply the...
Updated ugster Resource Use for W2016 CS458 is using 5 nodes ugster 05 18 19 20 21 security course CS448/848 is using 20 nodes ugster 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09...
Symbolic Computation Group DC3594 Web Space: www152:/software/odyssey 3 apache/data/vhosts/ SCG Managed Conference Web spaces: www...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
Term Goals Fall 2015 for Research Support and Special Projects General environment File storage Meet with Dave and Anthony to review plans for Distributed File...
Flexible Setuid CGI Execution A common problem with CGIs is that they tend to run as the same user as the webserver itself, which is unadvisable at best and unacceptable...

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