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MikeGore 10 May 2007 TCP direct to printer printing 1 Open Printers and Faxes 1 Click on Add a printer 1 Pick Next when you see Add Printer Wizard...
Meeting with Lisa and Jeff. Attending: Robyn, Jim, Lori Suess, Lawrence, Daniel They are starting to explore 4.4 but currently on 4.2. Recommend subscribing to Best...
Generating a New Private Key To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate...
JabberWockie Overview Ubuntu 14.04LTS Supermicro nScale 101 Operon 6000 Series Server Supermicro H8SGL motherboard with AMD AOPeteron 12C 6344 2.6 32G ram 4x Hot...
Receive Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Receive the...
Staff Absences Staff Send E mail to `cscf away@cs` Staff who will not be coming in are requested to send email to cscf away@cs to let management know that they will...
Sponsors Data Directory Admin Organization Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer...
Here we discuss what to do if a Researcher wishes to sponsor an account (`resources`) for an ex grad student. Graduate Students would previously have had resources...
Local Linux Accounts Adding users with a UW userid When creating accounts on a linux machine, we typically use the `adduser` command (in Ubuntu/Debian distributions...
Discussion of the Userids File for Experts The magic Userids file The `magic` Userids file, /software/accounts userids/data/Userids has its master copy maintained...
Nagios API The Nagios API was created to integrate Nagios more closely with CSCF Inventory. It is documented here so it may be useful for other projects as well. Note...
Meeting: 2016 06 09 13:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, gxshen, hchotara Objectives: Decide on details of DFS configuration, software...
Meeting: 2016 06 17 11:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, gxshen, hchotara Objectives: Decide on details of DFS configuration, software...
ST To RT Investigation meeting 2016 06 06 10am 11am. Hosted by Lisa; attended by Daniel, Lawrence, Fraser, Jim, Robyn. Lisa`s vision of the overall process:...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful...
Meeting: 2016 06 06 11:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, rblander, jjohnson Objectives: Decide on general architecture of service connections...
Meeting: 2016 06 09 13:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, rblander, jjohnson Objectives: Decide on general architecture of service connections...
Email Directions The goal is to provide a fast, reliable and flexible mail service to CS clients. How will we do that? Current services mail.cs mbox mail service...
Visitor Accounts The below is out of date for the easiest provisioning of wireless only accounts. Please see: Help Desk Guide: Network Access for Visitors We have...
Setting the password Setting the Password Once an account has been created or if someone forgets their password, the password for the account must be (re)set. For...
Administrative Accounts Beneath /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ in sub directories CLASSES CSCF School are files for describing various...
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Checkin Use RCS ci command to unlock the file so others can edit it At this point you must use the RCS utility ci to save a record of...
General Preliminary Notes About Modifying Sponsors Data Required authorization Users who need to update accounts need to be in group `sponsor` and group `accounts...
Preliminary Sponsors Data Notes; Location Location of Accounts Sponsor files The accounts files for CS are on the UNIX computer cs xh admin.cs.private.uwaterloo...
Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF) Purpose We have talked numerous times about having a collaborative document repository, and what type to use, and where to...
UbuntuFakeroot Summary (from man page) fakeroot run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation Prerequisites sudo apt get...
MikeGore 2016 01 22 UBUNTU DBUS launcher errors chmod o x /usr/lib/dbus 1.0/dbus daemon launch helper
MikeGore 2016 05 17 UBUNTU DBUS launcher errors chmod o x /usr/lib/dbus 1.0/dbus daemon launch helper
MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MySQL High Availability Preamble This document assumes: You have credentials to access mysql 10 246 and InfoBlox. The high availability...
Macintosh We are currently discussing and determining the overall Mac support approach. Installation and Configuration Mac OS X Versions Mac Image Creation...
Mac OS X Support Approach This information (so far) pertains only to a Mac workstation. It is a work in progress, driven by discussions of those CSCF staff who do...
Need to reboot your Mac to access a new startup disc or launch with safe mode enabled so you can troubleshoot problems with OS X? Then read this list of startup options...
Mac For Surplus 1 Connect the Mac to VLAN 420 (Asimov`s network) 1 NetBoot the machine Sometimes when booting into the DeployStudio NetBoot set, the...
ST Utilities Bill has created a number of utilities for manipulating ST. They are generally available on the CS Web server Utilities st check dependencies...
Nagios Systems Monitoring and Reporting CSCF uses Nagios to monitor and report on hosts. Our setup is described on this page, including extensions to Nagios to integrate...
st qlist Syntax st qlist Syntax: h v Z r x \ st qlist Syntax: s \ st qlist Syntax: f \ st qlist Syntax: V \ st qlist Syntax:...
Windows CUPS Printing List of available queues Open the following links in a browser tab http://print...
Enterprise Mysql Cluster Project Wrapup Summary As of Tuesday 12 April 2016, the deliverables are either complete, or very minor steps away from completion. Below...
st find Syntax st find syntax: h v a st find syntax: st find syntax: Where: st find syntax: h displays help then exits. st find syntax: v causes verbose...
st set field Syntax st set field Syntax: h v Z n r f m st set field Syntax: st set field Syntax: Where: st set field Syntax: h displays...
Term Goals Winter 2016 for Research Support and Special Projects General environment File storage Distributed File Service Lawrence/Lori w/Dave/Anthony (ST...
Slave Failure If a slave has failed, we perform a restore from backups from the master. In this example, we use mysql 104 as the example slave to recover, and...
Problem Diagnosis There are various failure modes of the MySQL cluster; this section will help identify which recovery method to use. The scenarios below are listed...
Enterprise Mysql Cluster Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to set up a Highly Available clustered mysql database to support general...
Meeting 11 April 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline Remaining work Issues to discuss Timeline Looking good for wrapping...
Windows This page is to document issues relating to the administration of Windows machines in Math and CS Installation notes for CSCF WindowsInCS CSCF Windows...
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