Recent Changes in CF Web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)
Meeting: 2017 01 06 DC 2102 Attendance: Guoxiang Shen, Lori D. Paniak, Nathan Fish, Devon Merner Agenda: Discussion of remaining tasks: Filesystem Containers...
File Sharing Service Name Background For the File Sharing Service, we are planning on using NextCloud. We will need a name for the machine/service to use Principles...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Fall 2016 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Plan, purchase, configure, deploy and manage lifecycle of equipment...
RT Meeting with Lisa; her notes are in sharepoint; Daniel`s notes below. We spent most of the meeting discussing IST process in RT (and how ours might differ). RT...
CscfTechnician 2016 12 13 Ubuntu Live Image install Booting from ASIMOV Setup your computer BIOS to enable PXE booting Boot computer on VLAN 420 (ASIMOV...
MarkUs System Administrator Documentation MarkUs is a ruby on rails based online assignment submission system that allows markers to annotate submitted documents,...
WATITIS 2016 Panel Session: The Road Ahead: IT Renewal at Waterloo Over the past few years, a number of key departments have taken a hard look at the services they...
Dell OpenManage SNMP Configuration This page includes notes and references for setting up a Dell PowerEdge server to be monitored by CSCF`s nagios system via OpenManage...
Postgres Meeting 2016 05 24 Monday, 24 May, 2016 Meeting with Ken, Lawrence, Dave, Isaac Ken requested the meeting to learn what postgres resources are used where...
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is a database management system allowing custom types, triggers and table inheritance. PostgreSQL...
Tues Nov 22 2016 Attendees : Jennifer, Lawrence, Daniel, Fraser, Jeff,Lisa, Jim, Lori. Notes from Lisa. Action items this meeting Lisa: ask consultants re...
OrganizationSSL Certificates See also IntranetSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
IntranetSSL Certificates See also OrganizationSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
Install Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Installing...
GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign is a certified certificate authority that provides publicly trusted X.509 compliant SSL...
Odyssey: Exam Management System Demo 11 21 2016 11 21 Feedback in italics Accordion design ( 107839) done; they like it. Collect more Crowdmark...
Odyssey Exam Management System UI Updates In Fall 2016, we`ve planned to review the user interface and make improvements. This is a loosely defined project, with...
Meeting: 2016 11 18 DC 2102 Attendance: Guoxiang Shen, Lori D. Paniak; Nathan Fish Agenda: Ceph on `fat` OSD, current obstacles Discussion: Review of building OSDs...
RT/CSCF/MFCF October 25 2016 Attendees: Jennifer, Lawrence, Daniel, Fraser, Jeff,Lisa, Jim, Lori. Notes from Lisa. Comments in italics by Daniel. Action items...
SaltStack Introductory information You can get an overview to Salt here: Steve Weber recommends: Baumgartner...
Odyssey: Exam Management System Demo 2016 11 14 Feedback in italics Accordion design ( 107839) Make sections collapsable needs instructions for usage...
CS MySQL Database High Availability Testing Notes for System Administrators DRAFT This document is for historical use only, as of 8 April, 2016. Current details...
CSCF Distributed File System (DFS) Notes Table of Contents Data Encryption Options The layered architecture of the DFS presents a number of options for ensuring...
MikeGore 2016 11 01 OpenConnect OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client initially created to support Cisco`s AnyConnect SSL VPN. It has since been ported to...
Meeting: 2016 11 01 DC 2564 Attendance: Issac Morland; Lori D. Paniak; Nathan Fish Agenda: Discussion of haproxy/backend service layer 4 configuration. overview...
Himrod cluster This is a cluster belonging to Ashraf Aboulnaga and Hans DeSterck, purchase in May 2014, running since October 2014 Overview role count cpu...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Custer Tools Files and Scripts Documentation, File and scripts for the installation and operation of a new cluster Some end user tools...
MikeGore 2015 04 23 Services overview Ubuntu 14.04LTS Linux OS TFTPboot server /tftpboot/pxes root folder SAMBA server /tftpboot...
MikeGore 14 Jun 2012 Setup an IPMI SOL card with Ubuntu Fixing Grub to work with SOL Note: I could not get grub to work with both serial and console at the same...
Failure of the Master Server If you have performed problem diagnosis and believe the Master Server has failed, these instructions will assist with emergency recovery...
MikeGore 2016 10 17 Clonezilla image W10 VM 250G F16 V2 Update 10 Oct 2016 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10 VM 250G F16 V2 Summary of W...
CscfTechnician 2016 10 12 W10U16041 VM 500G F16 V1 Post Install notes Windows Boot Windows Login cscf op or cscf adm 2016 passwords Change system name...
Problems and Fixes for W10U16041 VM 500G F16 V1 Booting need to set default to `Saved` (Last booted) Windows Office Activation fails Linux LawrenceFolland...
Meeting: 2016 09 28 DC 2310 Attendance: David Gawley; Lawrence E Folland; Omar M. Nafees; Lori D. Paniak; Guoxiang Shen; Ken Salem Adding Guoxiang and Lori to the...
Meeting with ISG ISCs in their weekly Monday meeting Daniel, Dimitri, and Frank met with Karen Anderson, Barbara Daly, Caroline Kierstead, Olga Zorin, and Travis Bartlett...
Odyssey EMS Meeting September 19, 2016 Notes from meeting with Caroline. Overall she liked the system and had many positive things to say about it, but she found...
Proctor Package investigation From parent page: ST#107173: Caroline noted that sometimes the Proctor Package isn`t automatically generated. Isaac says that this results...
DFS/FSS Monitoring Attributes to monitor via Nagios and report to e mail/Slack HDD SMART condition (include reallocated blocks, temperatures) ZFS pool condition...
Odyssey 3 Applications Note: This section is what I am working on right now. Not everything described here is yet operational. This is a UW specific system for creating...
Please use the eduroam installer for all newer version of ubuntu Download it from: Using UW Wireless (eduroam) under Ubuntu 10.10 To...
Meeting: 2016 09 08 DC2310 14:00 Present: dlgawley, a2brenna, nfish, gxshen, ldpaniak, lfolland Agenda: Topics to discuss: overview of hardware and test results...
Spring 2016 CSCF Objectives and Milestones April 2016 Ken`s original version: Hardware Acquisition...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/CLASSES CLASSES/ CLASSES/ files under ClASSES allocate resources for instructors and instructional...
ST To RT Investigation Meeting 2016 08 30 Meeting between Daniel, Dave, Lawrence, Omar to decide go/no go. Reviewed Daniel`s report in ST#103960 recommending...
Term Goals Spring 2016 Research Support Group Master ST#104569 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Objective: timely deployment of desktop...
CanHEIT / HPCS 2016 CanHEIT CUCCIO oversees the annual Canadian Higher Education Information Technology Conference, known as CANHEIT. With a focus on IT issues of...
Meeting 2016 07 15 10:30 DC3126 Attendance: ldpaniak, a2brenna, nfish Discussion: Demo of NextCloud and Seafile web interfaces Deployment and details...
Inventory Wish List Review 2016 May 19 Agenda Requested features? small group at white boards; max. 20 minutes Integration with External Tools /...
MacAdmins Conference 2016 MacAdmins is the premier East Coast conference for anyone who deploys and manages Macs and iOS devices. In 2015 we featured 60 sessions and...
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