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Inventory Salt Integration Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to facilitate Salt updates pushed from inventory; involving Inventory...
Different Methods of Deploying the Grad Workstation Image To a System This section will give a brief description on the different possible ways to apply the Grad Workstation...
Resources for Printing Laptop wireless access to printers IMPORTANT if your are using wireless you may have also use the campus VPN to print https...
Business Cards and Letterhead Who to ask Go to the Graphics web site for business cards: services/waterloo stationery orders#bcards...
Problems and Fixes for W10U16041 M5A99X 750G W17 V1 Booting Problem: Windows cannot boot. 1. Press DEL during startup to access the BIOS, then F7 to access...
Immediately Post Imaging Make sure to turn off SecureBoot and change CSM support to LegacyROM only! Windows Perform Initial Setup change hostname...
accounts client command Run the accounts client program accounts client {hostname, eg:cs general.cs.private} ~/hostname date This will cause the desired changes...
MikeGore 31 Oct 2012 LJC ALG Printer See also AlgorithmsAndComplexity Location DC2305 Printer Description ALG HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color Printer...
ALGORITHMS AND COMPLEXITY GROUP DC2305 Official webpage at Lab Printer See also ljc alg web page The printer address...
Rsync Usage for Backups Resources Syntax rsync options source destination...
Filesystem decision matrix: Ceph vs Gluster performance products features support for configuration usable capacity reliability (worst case) rebuild...
Fields in ST Documentation copied from . The proposed situation in campus RT will be recorded in BOLDCAPS...
Work Tracking Note: this guide was written for ST. As of May 2017, we are making new tickets in RT, the campus ticketing system. We are expected to close tickets...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Winter 2017 January 2017 Next Term: TermGoalsSpring2017 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Plan, purchase,...
Below is based on Lisa`s notes, attached below. Lisa, Jeff, Jennifer, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Work left to be completed in the project...
ST to RT Investigation Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate and enact a CSCF/MFCF switch from ST to campus RT. There...
How to Print from Macs to the Main CS Printers 1 Check the list of CUPS printers by browsing to Notes : Setting up colour...
ICR Presentation Rooms DC1301, DC1302, DC1304, DC1316 and DC1331 Room uses and capacity Updated 2 May 2017 DC 1301 reception room DC 1302 presentation...
Windows Wireless Networking Note The University uses EDUROAM authentication and requires for userid and your WATIAM password In some locations...
ST To RT IST Training First training session Presentation by Lisa Tomalley. Attended by all of CSCF and MFCF. RequestTrackerCSCFMFCFApril2017.pptx: Lisa Tomalty...
CSCF Staff Meeting Presentation 2017 03 24 This is a followup to last month`s presentation. Questions noted: Q: When should we start using RT? A...
RT 4.4 Training Jim Brandt Day One (Training) 4.4.1 current; 4.4.2 will be out in a few assets integrated (Reed College contributed...
Meeting called by Lisa in advance of CSCF go live (`May 1`) Lisa, Jeff, and Daniel attended. Agenda Questions for Jeff and Lisa RT cli access still an option...
ST to RT Investigation: Factors for success: Assessment in RT 4 Following are assessments of RT 4 as regards our critical, important, and nice to have features in...
Below is roughly based on notes. Lisa, Jeff, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Confirmed details about April 22nd Go Live Jeff and Lisa are...
Linux Test Suite Note (March 2016) some things to add: gui adminimstration of package adding; reboot/shutdown (does it work??); the cscf adm/cscf op accounts do...
Checkbox Hardware test tools: Checkbox Utility that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 to do hardware checking. Good graphic tool that performs hardware tests in Ubuntu...
Cookbook method for fixing ssh host based authentication Problem: rsh hostname doesn`t require a password. I want ssh hostname to work the same way, for lots...
Below is roughly based on notes. Lisa, Jeff, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Go Live for IST 4.4: April 22nd (Sat). IST is not going to...
Mobile Device Management Procedures New Devices Before we give new devices to the library, we should: remove any earbuds briefly check for adequate (over...
MikeGore 2015 11 04 Agile Shipping The Agile Shipping system is used to ship all packages at the University. Main Login page Main Login page: http://agileship...
Windows Test Suite Here we list a series of features that should run under our standard Windows installation, or any time we want to test various features of hardware...
System Testing for Ubuntu In Ubuntu versions 14.04 and earlier, there is a tool called System Testing. Use this for checking and benchmarking a system. In Ubuntu...
MikeGore 2017 03 14 Immediately Post Imaging Windows Perform Initial Setup change hostname Control panel System Advanced system settings (on...
MikeGore 2017 03 14 Windows 10 Enterprise and Applications Ubuntu 16.04.1 and Applications Clonezilla Image W10U16041 M4A89GTD 640G W17 V1 Update 7 Dec 2015...
Technical Meeting between Daniel and Jeff. SQL By inspection, he thinks my SQL for safely accessing RT data will be fine. He says no issue with us seeing...
Below is an extract from notes. Directly preceded by STToRTInvestigationTechnical20170308 between Daniel and Jeff. Lisa and Jennifer and Jeff were there; Robyn was...
Below is an extract from notes. Lisa and Jennifer were there; Jeff is on holiday; Robyn was there from MFCF; Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence were there from CSCF. Agenda...
Technical Meeting Daniel, Fraser, Robyn met (Lawrence was double booked). Agenda: reviewing relevant notes from last week`s training consider decisions...
ST RT Project Project members Daniel Allen (project manager), Fraser Gunn, Lawrence Folland, Robyn Landers, Jim Johnston, and Lori Suess Plus Lisa Tomalty...
ST to RT Investigation: Factors for success For us to switch to RT, there are a number of factors for success. Some of these are process related. Some relate to features...
Swag Printers SWAG has two printers in DC3334 PCs wishing to use the printer need to use direct TCP/IP printing to each printer Swag Print Server Please use...
MikeGore 20 Mar 2012 ubuntu scripts Location \\ASIMOV\images\ubuntu scripts asimov:/coregroup1/images/ubuntu scripts FILES in this TWIKI are...
CSCF Git Repository This page is to document CSCF use of the group of the server, which has an easy to use Gitlab web...
Below is an extract from notes. Agenda 1. Review of training skipped. 2. Timeline for moves CSCF: May 1. MFCF: no necessary May 1. Won`t move before...
NextCloud This is the replacement for OwnCloud. We use NextCloud as the base software for our Vault service. This provides a DropBox like service for our...
AFF Codes used by CSCF Activity Name 100 Administration 500 Research 800 Teaching...
Maintenance Documentation for FSS This document is deprecated in favor of vault and related pages This document...
Linux Containers Many of CSCF`s servers run using LXC (LinuX Containers) (see: ) Here we document the most useful commands for working...
Purpose The goal is to collect features we know we use in ST so the project can evaluate if they are available in RT. The results have been fed into STToRTInvestigationFactorsAssess...

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