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Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List General Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide a page of general options to...
RonaldoGarcia 2018 12 13 Using Salt and Pxe Boot to install Ubuntu 18.04 on a cluster To install Ubuntu 18.04 on nodes using preseed Ubunutu 18.04, install on the...
MikeGore 2018 12 03 TML GPU I9 system with iquid cooleing for CPU and GPU cards
Requests for Features and Issues with RT This page is for feature requests ranging from `Important` to `Nice to Have`. We will do some screening of these before bringing...
Raspberry Pi based Stratum 1 NTP Server Notes The Raspberry Pi is a low cost ARM7 based singleboard linux computer. The most useful feature of the Raspberry Pi is...
GordBoerke 21 Feb 2013 VMware License Process Faculty License Agreement VMware licenses are available for Mathematics Faculty, Staff, and Students only for the purposes...
CSCF Service Catalog Version 2.2: Categories and Services from Education best practice standards, with proposed changes. See: of Services, Categories, Audiences...
CSCF Website to WCMS Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to design and implement a new public facing CSCF website in the campus Web Content...
Course Evaluation instructions for end users These instructions will be emailed to end users of the data. End users are Math administrators such as Chairs of Math...
Course Evaluation database project Documentation CourseEvaluationSysadminDocs CourseEvaluationUsers CSCF Master ST Item ST#70069 Project Charter Introduction...
Cluster Tools IPMItool See: IpmiTool for general information ipmitool usage and scripts for controlling IPMI enabled devices ipmitool scripts Notes:...
Staff Visibility The following discusses why and how we maximize staff visibility. Why If someone goes to the effort of visiting in person, their reason is likely...
Submit the CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Need note or new...
Windows Apps on Asimov Common Windows Applications and links # File links and applications available on the CS Applications Server Local resources WindowsInCS...
CSCF Research Support These notes are intended to provide an overview of how the Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) Research Support Group (RSG) operates,...
MikeGore 2014 06 20 Server Setup tools Summary Autmatically setup a new DNS/TFTPBOOT/NFS/Liveboot server with utilities Web Page: https://cs.uwaterloo...
Moved to MetaPackagesAdrianPepperBeta. This page should be deleted. Or perhaps used by others.
MikeGore 11 Oct 2005 Host Naming Rules and RFC Documents For the CSCF specific guildlines see names RFC921 http://www...
Configuring Thunderbird Calendar (Lightning) to use Exchange (Connect) Page Under Construction (Information Presented Here is not Necessarily Complete or Correct...
Secure web based file sharing system with distributed backing storage system DFS system Nextcloud system haproxy system Table of Contents Project Charter Distributed...
Purpose Example of creating a cluster like cabernet with multiple networks, using a set of virtual machines. Host VMware cluster setup prerequisites Most of...
Generating a CSR specifying SANs To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Professional Development The Approach The Approach describes how we allocate professional development resources as fairly as we can. DLP Collection of CSCF Books...
Course Evaluation Data Processing and Storage Course Evaluation sources ( are validated against Quest records of instructors/sections for a...
Email Aliases System wide aliases are typically stored in /etc/aliases. However, in most xhier managed systems on campus, you cannot simply edit those files. Instead...
UW Staff Conference 2018 Thursday, 5 April, 2018 Friday, 6 April, 2018 Stop Trying so Hard. Build Resilience Instead! (Part 1 Part 2)
School Administration Tools Database See attached files. quest.sql: existing quest schema watiam.sql: existing watiam schema See Also bottom of...
CSCF Goals by Term Winter 2018 2018 Term Goals (frozen version) all groups ( CSI, TOP, RSG) Fall 2017 TermGoalsFall...
Sponsors Data Run sponsor resources Before Making Changes Run sponsor resources before making changes While it is not strictly necessary, it seems a very wise practice...
Research Sponsored Accounts All files in cs xh master/data/sponsors/Research represent resources sponsored by researchers...
Sponsors Data Accounts Maintenance in general (Linking Version) When initially created, this page presented the same information as TemplateSponsorDataAccounts...
Sponsors Data Editing Tutorial The central aspect of making any particular resource changes for any particular set of users defined by any criteria, is the editing...
MikeGore 01 Jun 2005 Accessing RDP, and other services, through the Campus Wireless network FAQ Remote Desktop information see RemoteDesktop VPN Accessing...
MikeGore 2017 03 29 CISCO AnyConnect VPN client at the University of Waterloo Note: For Linux users you can also use OpenConnect see OpenConnect Installation...
School Administration Tools History This project builds on the work of prior CSCF projects. GradOfficeWebApplication 2005 2007 headed by Isaac project...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Fall 2017 Previous Term: TermGoalsSpring2017 Meeting 2017 08 16 Discussion of potential goals for Fall 2017 Infrastructure https:...
Setting up the Xerox Versalink B7035 CS Xerox printers Installing VersaLink B7035 printer on a Mac Open the Mac`s System Preferencs Select Printers Scanners...
MikeGore 01 Apr 2013 Printer Problems and Troubleshooting Status and Troubleshooting print.cs print job status You can view the print.cs job queue to see what...
CSCF Start of Term Email to Instructors We want to have an understanding of what instructors need, so we send them mail before the start of term to learn of any changes...
CSCF Course Resource Data We record our understanding of what computing resources instructors need. It is used to determine if we have the right software installed...
Generating a CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate a Certificate...
Images by Desktop Motherboard / Laptop Model This page is intended to be an index to the list of images found here: CscfGradImageNotes Desktop machines Asus Sabertooth...
The CS General Windows Domain Introduction There is a Windows Domain (part of the Active Directory infrastructure) membership in which provides some advantages:...
IBM DB2 database management system Disambiguation `DB2` is also used to refer to Berkeley DB (BDB) version 2. For example, the Ubuntu libdb2 package description is...
List of databases to be moved List of databases and the stakeholders to be notified if there are issues Stage 1 equipment : Inventory (CSCF and MFCF)...
Printer Maintenance Toner Cartridges Currently, Wendy Rush is the primary maintainer of printer toner cartridges. Toner cartridges for the printers in DC2311, DC...
Management This page is intended to list the topics of interest to the CSCF Management group. Employees New/Departing/Job Info/Absences Notes for new CSCF...
MikeGore 2017 08 11 Post Install notes on Fall 2017 Intel NUC Skull Cayon Updated 11 Aug 2017 Power ON This system when power on will go into Windows...
MikeGore DS2 Data Structures Group Server Accounts DS2 is part of the CS active directory...

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