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Macintosh Diagnostics Home (Obsolete) This is the default landing page used in our diagnostics NetBoot image. It will cover basic diagnostics tips as well as the...
Grad Student Mac Deployment (Obsolete) The information on this page pertains to obtaining and setting up a Mac for grad use. The current setup uses Mobile Device Management...
The software differences in various MacOS X versions we deploy (Obsolete) This is a work in progress. ToDo: we have a non teaching minimal image, that we use as a...
Mac Imaging (Obsolete) On the topic of Imaging Mac imaging is dead. Imaging is a process that has been deprecated and completely abandoned by Apple and the Mac community...
NetBoot (Obsolete) NetBoot is deprecated and has been completely abandoned by Apple. Macs no longer have the ability to boot off of the network since the introduction...
NetBooting Lab and Tutor Macs (Obsolete) Pressing Option N during startup will cause a Mac to NetBoot from the default boot image if one is available on the subnet...
Mac OS Version Notes (Obsolete) Glossary Universal: PowerPC and Intel compatible Mac OS 10.4 `Tiger` Universal Requirements: A PowerPC G...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 11 13 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees: Anthony...
CSCF Debian Image Bug List (Obsolete) Installation Version 0.6.5 USB mouse did not work after booting up Solution: ran mdetect, which said the device...
Obsolete This is the changelog I keep whilst creating and updating the standard images. See CreatingImage to go about making one. I used to keep it in a CVSed text...
Standard Features for the Linux desktop This is intended to keep track of the functions and features we expect to be available and working under the standard CSCF...
MikeGore 29 Aug 2005 Securing Linux and Applications (This page needs updating) OS Security Securing Fedora Core Securing Fedora: http://itsecuritysymposium...
Deficiencies (Obsolete) many modules have dependency issues at boot time why? Things seem to work anyway. Switching to 2.6 kernel seems to fix this, see IssuesWithKernel...
This page is being proposed for deletion because mortals will not find any infomration that is relevant to them. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
Solaris Installation Notes (OBSOLETE) We already have a number of repositories for Solaris installation notes: OS install notes 8 install Internal...
Solaris (OBSOLETE) Installation SolarisInstallation Software SolarisPackages an intro to how Sun packages are managed SolarisOptCsw a log of...
Opensource software for Solaris (OBSOLETE) Introduction The setup is based on Consider the setup in CS to be BETA. We have setup at core...
Sun Software Package Management (OBSOLETE) Introduction Notes on how to query the status of sun software packages. This includes the vendor software Sun provides...
USING RIM Blackberries at UW (OBSOLETE) Here we will gather notes on selecting, purchasing and configuring RIM Blackberries. While many faculty may purchase a Blackberry...
Wiping disks using DBAN (THIS NEEDS UPDATING) DBAN is intended to be used for data destruction in cases where we do not want a third party to be able to retrieve any...
Tablet PCs (OBSOLETE) (Updated March 2008 to add latest models) Overview PCs PCs Selecting a Tablet PC slides on selecting a Tablet PC (from WatITis...
Lab Renovations CSCF Workflow (THIS NEEDS UPDATING) The CS Space Committee is to be involved whenever the look, feel, or use of a space, or the potential for that...
CSCF Hardware Lab DC2560G (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Documentation in process of being updated The CSCF HARDWARE LAB consists of four areas: storage, workstations...
Sony Battery Recall 2006 (OBSOLETE) Given the number of recall announcements on Sony batteries, CSCF decided to send out the following announcement: `As most of you...
Denial of Service (This page needs updating) We are continually bombarded with outside attempts to connect to our systems, to break in. It`s mostly `ssh` attempts...
Handling Security Alerts (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) We regularly receive alerts from Security Operations Centre or notice unusual high bandwidth activity. Here we...
Configuring a Macintosh Computer to Authenticate Against the CSCF Active Directory This page needs updating The following needs updates to handle the current MacOSX...
OBSOLETE 1 rsh to ace1.adm 1 run /fsys1/ace/prog/sdadmin, you will see some thing like `File System User Token Group Client Realm Site Profile Log Report`...
Fighting Spam (This page has been migrated see: HOWTO Documents SpamassassinSetup How to setup spamassassin...
News items of interest to MFCF/CSCF staff (OBSOLETE) Seminars 2006/03/02 High Availability Networks with ProCurve Networking by HP Conferences 2005/...
Establishing A PaperCut Remote Server Within A Separate Directory Service Domain Or Kerberos Realm (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) The campus wide PaperCut distributed...
Main.ctucker 02 Nov 2005 Configuring a Windows Computer to Authenticate Against the CSCF Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Requirements Microsoft...
Main.ctucker 14 Aug 2006 Basic Workstation Management In The CS GENERAL Domain (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This document is written mostly for the benefit of the CSCF...
CS network ACL summary (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) work in progress please send comments to trg We`ve requested a summary (with regular ongoing updates and maintenance...
Main.dlgawley 16 Sep 2008 Hardy client setup built from Gutsy notes and Windows 2003 Active Directory Management...
Note \ These scripts are fine for setting up individual Ubuntu workstations, \ but, because they install ntp packages \ they should not currently (Apr 25,...
Using Ubuntu in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) CSLinuxWorkingGroup meeting notes, mailing list info...
SCS CSCF Infrastructure Group (CSI) Ubuntu 16.04 Standards Project (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose CSCF Infrastructure group...
Setup Ubuntu/Linux/Gnu frontends (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) (deprecated pre 2012, see CSCF Ubuntu Setup Information) A description of what a frontend is Strictly...
Ubuntu Image Creation (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This TWIKI is current the standard for Research and GradPC images Note: The following two alternate documents are...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 10 30 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees: NL, EC, NF,...
Surplussing Old Equipment (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) To Surplus Or Not to Surplus? Before surplussing equipment, check to see whether it can be re used. See StoredResearcherEquipme...
Authenticating an Ubuntu machine using the CS Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Note that when setting up LDAP access for a host which happens to be running...
Main.ctucker 28 Oct 2005 Active Directory Disaster Recovery (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Any Active Directory Disaster Recovery procedure involves re establishing forest...
Main.ctucker 28 Oct 2005 CSCF Directory Services DNS Configuration (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) CSCF manages four general use DNS servers for the School of Computer...
Main.ctucker 13 Feb 2007 How to Authenticate a SAMBA system as a member of the NEXUS Environment.(THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This page outlines how to join a SAMBA...
Main.ctucker 23 Nov 2010 How to Mount Kerberized NFS Shares as a Member of the CSCF Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Document UNDER DEVELOPMENT and intended...
Main.ctucker 27 Oct 2006 How to Authenticate a SAMBA Server as a Domain Member of the CSCF Active Directory. (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This is an outline for how...
Main.ctucker 06 Oct 2008 This is still a work in progress. Major editing will be taking place for some time. Active Directory Account Management And Setting User...
Enabling LDAPS on Active Directory Domain Controllers (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This document describes 2 approaches on how to set up domain controllers in AD to...

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