Recent Changes in CF Web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning See man 5 proc and then in particular man 7 inotify . A demo was produced and presented which indicates how crucial tuning these parameters...
Ubuntu Kernel Tuning In progress See man 5 proc and the many man pages it refers to. UbuntuInotifyTuning UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025 AdrianPepper...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
Ubuntu How To Questions and answers about how to accomplish various tasks in the CSCF standard Ubuntu image. See Also: DebianHowTo General environment Q: How do...
ClusterInformationAggregationTool (CIAT) This page is for a staff meeting presentation. Usage instructions can be found on the project repository. Problem ~...
UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025Images 132438 hung demos with tail diagnostic 173054 my current laptop inotify settings 173156 set to default settings and show them...
CSCF Nettop Deployment An overview of the various technologies at work providing service to MC3022, with links to further documentation. When A Deployed Nettop Boots...
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Staff Members in ST We still need new staff to be able to access ST tickets, and access to .htaccess protected areas which are controlled...
Digital Door Sign Specifications This web based door sign should have two visual parts. Both should work from desktop web browser and from phone. staff input...
Digital Door Sign User Stories Here are some user stories to suggest how we anticipate the digital door signs being used. Nick, a CSCF staff person, is in a meeting...
Course Account SSH Keys: CSCF Administration We use ssh and public keys to provide access to course accounts. We have deployed an automated tool to propagate ssh keys...
VMware Software We have (annually renewed) VMware licenses for teaching and research use; they are not for use on administrative systems, nor any other machines unless...
CSCF Software Notes Software Task Group Meetings and notes from the Campus SoftwareTaskForce Software Information CSCF Standards Standard Software Applications...
Maple Installation License IST license Page Support contacts: systems technology...
Inventory Developer Test Plan Overview This document describes the plan for testing the inventory application. Originally these tests were done manually, however...
Gitlab/ST Web Hook for CSCF Projects Usage If your gitlab project has this turned on, all commits pushed to will be automatically associated to the...
Sponsors Data The hierarchical text files under the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors on the machine cs xh are a...
Inventory Monitoring Updates Spring 2019 Summary Devon has a term goal of updating Nagios to Ubuntu 18.04. This includes the Nagios API layer written by Dennis, which...
SWAG lab DC2555G Background A list of people involved with SWAG can be found here: Most PCs are named swagxx, and currently...
Unit4 Unit4 is the new system as of May 2017 for financial information and procurement Information about Unit 4: systems...
Post Install notes for W10U 1809 U1804 Sabertooth W19Ver1 Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted Perform...
Flailing around trying to get a handle on psql here at UW DRCSCS CSCF Preliminaries to enable your connection and use To be filled in later. Connecting and looking...
Videography inside the School of Computer science Equipment The School of Computer Science has the following equipment for use in videoing presentations or events...
MikeGore 2019 04 23 Clonezilla image W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Update 10 Oct 2019 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Summary...
MikeGore 2019 04 23 Clonezilla image W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Update 10 Oct 2019 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Summary...
MikeGore 2016 10 12 Clonezilla image W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Update 10 Oct 2019 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Summary...
LSI MegaRaid Hardware notes LSI MegaRaid controllers are available in various configurations. See The RAID array can be set up via the Adapter BIOS on...
MikeGore 2017 01 17 Adding Printers manually using direct to printer printing 17Jan2016 1) This method has the advantage that the user gets direct feed back from...
School Administration Tools: Requirements Requirements summary Facilitate Room/desk assignments: record the purpose for a room (by association with parent...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page (Pruned) Working from SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig as a start, we attempt to indicate sections which...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page Most readers who end up here should go straight to SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned instead. Perhaps...
Raw Sponsors Data Accounts Documentation This no longer works well. (at all) Perhaps see... SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned...
Traditional Sponsors Data Documentation Documentation The following traditional UNIX man page documentation describes the sponsors data base in a technical fashion...
# Sponsors Data Overview This is a `backup` copy. The original is currently available at Please...
ST to RT Documentation This document is for users familiar with ST who are now going to use RT; and additionally to note CSCF specific details that aren`t documented... Admins: nfish, fhgunn is a production service implementing a Jupyter Hub for undergraduate...
openssl command The openssl command is available for use by all users. The intended audience for this page is system administrators who can submit requests...
ST to RT Investigation: Changes Requests for CSCF/MFCF RT Queues Change requests, by term, most recent first. Before items will appear here, they will be reviewed...
Research Subscription database see: ResearchSubscription
Research Subscriptions Web Application About the Application The Science Computing Facility (CSCF)`s Research Support Group (RSG) bills its services to faculty and...
Research Subscriptions Developer Documentation Software Location On the old Ubuntu 12.04 webserver, the code is installed on www152.cs in /software/odyssey 3 apache... Courses Campus has subscribed to to provide video on demand courses on technical topics. Following is detail on subscribing to lynda and details...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List (Nearly) All Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide many other options to...
Using Curl to Change Settings in Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the word LISTNAME...
Setup a CUPS Printer on Linux Setting up all CUPS printers available from print.cs 17Jan2016 Note: We suggest using the Add Printers manually given that printing...
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