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Adrian Pepper`s Simple Quick Start Guide to Using Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the...
Twiki notes for CSCF and MFCF staff TWIKI Add On Products Add On Products TWIKI Editors and Plugins integration Edit Plugin Java 1.1 applet text...
Central Authentication Service Central Authentication Service ( CAS ) is the IST central authentication service being replaced by ADFS on November 1, 2020. It appears...
RT Request Tracker Hints and Examples Software at is often referred to as Request Tracker that is the name used at https://bestpractical...
SAT Accounts: User Stories Data This data is mostly from RT comments. They may be useful for more user stories. FIrst: browsing tickets owned by arpepper. https...
SCG Mail aliases Mail sent to any of the mail aliases for SCG are handled by the CS core mail server. To determine who is in any of the aliases, follow the steps...
High Performance Computing at UW Here we will document the resources available for High Performance Computing in the School of Computer Science, Math Faculty and the...
Odyssey Documentation Overview This page provides technical information about the Odyssey web application`s online help. Background
Odyssey Introduction session (DRAFT) Prerequisites You will need the following: Python 3.6
MikeGore 24 Mar 2020 Linux Remote Desktop Access 8 Sept 2020 Mike Gore Ubuntu 18.04LTS see RT# 1051887 Linux vpn.cs client setup VPN required for remote access...
MikeGore 13 Aug 2020 Clonezilla image W10v2004 U2004 sabertooth 640g s20 v1 Update 13 Aug 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10v2004 U...
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Use RCS co command to prepare file for editing All files in the sponsor data are now maintained using the RCS set of utilities. Before using...
Help Desk Guide This is here to be used as a basic guide for help desk personnel. More guides can be found on the CSCF website at:
Windows 10 CUDA cuDNN and Tensorflow GPU install Overview These are instruction for installing Python 3.78, CUDA, cuDNN and tensorflow on Windows 10 with and...
MikeGore 13 Aug 2020 Clonezilla image W10v2004 U2004 sabertooth S20 v1 Update 13 Aug 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10v2004 U2004 sabertooth...
MikeGore 2016 04 05 UEFI booting and tools UEFI settings and documents Thisdocuments cover UEFI BIOS settings...
GPU software installation page NVIDA GPU with CUDA and tensorflow configurations Linux GPUSoftwareLinux Windows GPUSoftwareWindows
Use of UW Grouper for those with permissions to modify NEXUS groups Current CSCF members with general permissions (2020 07 29): drallen, ijmorlan, dmerner, lfolland...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Database This is an understanding of the Accounts Database and CSCF`s redevelopment project. Architecture As of...
FreeBSD FreeBSD in the Math Faculty of the University of Waterloo The FreeBSD Project: UsingFreebsdInCS I also will stash some things...
Course Evaluation System Sysadmin Documentation This page is meant to include all useful instructions for maintaining the course evaluations by CSCF sysadmins Table...
MikeGore 15 Nov 2010 SysPrep Windows 10 We assume you have a fully loaded version of windows and it has been activated Activation https://cs.uwaterloo...
VPN Services Campus VPN The campus VPN server is available on the web via It supports all major platforms and some mobile devices...
MikeGore 22 May 2020 Clonezilla image W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver1 Update 22 May 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver...
MikeGore 22 May 2020 Clonezilla image W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver1 Update 22 May 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver...
Administration This section covers those areas that are (were) typically handled by the CSCF Administrator Accounts Accounts top level collection of notes...
PHP Setup PHP Setup Instructions From InventoryInstallation Installing LAMP LAMP stands for `Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP`. It is a bottom to top suite of technologies...
MikeGore 2017 03 29 Linux Remote Desktop See LinuxRemoteDesktop Macintosh Remote Desktop See ca/guide/mac help/mh11851/mac...
The CSCF User Support Group Meetings User Support Group Meeting Notes (in CFPrivate) Operations Resources for PoCs which should aid them in managing software...
Mac Printing There Are Actually Two SCS Print Servers In order to prevent confusion, the first thing to know is that CSCF maintains two different print servers for...
Bioinformatics Group DC2582 Web site: This TWIKI is outdated as is being fully rewritten updated 13Feb2020 Research clusters updated...
MikeGore 14 Apr 2011 SuperMicro LOM IPMI See ClusterToolsIPMITOOL for the latest documentation for IPMIview,ippmicfg and ipmitool and scripts Documenation...
Title RAPID1 and RAPID2 Article text. Hardware Dell PowerEdge R740xd CPU 1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 CPU @ 2.50GHz CPU 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold...
Title GPUInstallScripts These scripts installs Cuda, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, Pycuda and related packages Location of master repository This Document...
MikeGore Note cluster is no longer in service RT#1039321 The data for all of novo1,novo2 and novo10 including /u is now located on root@rapid...
This is intended to document tidbits of information for individual research groups within CS. It is not intended to replace ST, but rather to supplement it, particularly...
MikeGore 2014 03 28 Note cluster is no longer in service RT#1039321 The data for all of novo1,novo2 and novo10 including /u is now located on root@asimov...
High School Equipment Co op Guide This guide is intended to be used, and maintained by the co op student in the Computer Support Assistant position. It will cover...
3D Printing Guide This is a 3D printing guide for CSCF`s 3D printer. While the documentation on this page is mainly for internal use, others may be able to benefit...
Grad Visit Day web application (v3) Background This app is used to support Grad Visit Day, held in February or March in CS (and Math). The principal user is the Graduate...
Digital Door Sign Comments and Feedback Following are comments and feedback on the design and implementation which might eventually be implemented, but are beyond...
TeamCity TeamCity is a Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) server offered by JetBrains. Glossary Installation Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 1 Install...
SCG Hardware Scale 5027R 2U Xeon Dual Socket Server, 128G ram, 4 x 2T drives OS Ubuntu 14.04 LTS AMD ALT 64bit Hardware nScale 5027R 2U Xeon...
Faculty Recruiting System: Video Uploads These instructions are for an administrative user to process raw videos to add to the Faculty Recruiting system. Setup First...
Lab Mac System Administrator Documentation The Mac Labs are lab rooms throughout the MC building dedicated to giving students access to Mac computers. In any of these...
Using dpkg and apt facilities (mostly under Ubuntu) dpkg and related command examples Perhaps also see: command examples/ for...
Digital Door Sign Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate, prototype, and deploy a web based `door sign` for staff in...
Creating a Sponsors File for a New Researcher Here we will document the setting up of sponsors data configuration for newly arriving faculty member by using a fictional...
Would Be Trash (for the CF Twiki) The Trash web seems broken. We can use this place to parent pages before actually deleting (probably from the filesystem server side...

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