Old - Do Not Use - this chart has been moved to the UW web at SoftwareChart
This is coming soon, but the intent is to have a list, broken down by software category of various packages used on campus. I hope to include which platform(s) it is available for, whether we have a site license, links to IST's purchasing page(s) and low-cost (or free) alternates where available., technical contacts for local licensing, where/who uses it (eg: which faculties), where/how to make support requests. I've broken down this chart as per the categories on IST's Software menu. Some packages might fit under multiple categories. From there, I've sub-divided as I saw fit. Note: When listing a software product, I'll generally leave the version number out of the heading, and include notes about version numbering after. Here are some notes on what we want for each product: SoftwareChartProductInfo ---++ Internet & Security ---+++ Anti-virus * [[SymantecNortonAntivirus][Symantec Norton !AntiVirus]] ---+++ Anti-spyware ---++++ Microsoft Anti-Spyware ---++++ Spybot: Search & Destroy ---+++ Utilities ---++++ TaskInfo * Excellent utility for examining running process for tracking down trojan horses, etc. * Web site: http://www.iarsn.com/taskinfo.html ---++ Electronic Office ---++ Math & Statistical ---++ Presentations, Posters & Theses ---++ Web Development ---++ Languages & Libraries ---++ Operating Systems