---+ Setting up Markus for a course Markus is accessed via https://markus.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca ----++ Markus auto-marking backend ~isg/bin on linux.student.cs is a collection of legacy assignment marking scripts that drive the back-end of the Markus auto-marking setup (even though Markus is not really meant for automarking, but for annotation of student submissions only). The relevant files and directories pertaining to these marking scripts are: * ~isg/bin/public* * ~isg/bin/rst* Relevant configuration files are in: * ~isg/bin/data * ~csNNN/.rstrc To disable these tests *and* any use of the handin folder on the course account, simply comment out the "post commit hook" call code in markus@assignments.student.cs:~markus/markus_csNNN_term/markus-*/lib/repo/subversion_repository.rb. <hr> Markus Installation — Steps for a course: * Create directory in !markus@markus.student.cs:~/ and update configuration accordingly * Create database on postgres.student.cs (see config from above) * Add proxy info to /etc/apache/sites-available/markus * Check if !markus@markus.student.cs can ssh into !course@linux.student.cs * Check if !course@linux.student.cs can ssh into !markus@markus.student.cs (some courses need this) <hr> ---+ Troubleshooting ---++ Restarting Markus for All Courses As =root@assignments.student.cs= do =pkill mongrel= followed by =apachectl graceful= or =apachectl restart=, wait two minutes and then check service at =https://markus.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca=. ---++ Markus Group Creation Slowness See https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/internal/request/UpdateRequest?98405 for ideas on workarounds. -- Main.OmNafees - 2014-05-01
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Topic revision: r13 - 2022-10-26 - DanielAllen
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