Linux Working Group

Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2021-06-15

Invitees - Attendees

  • Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd, (Lawrence)

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Agenda Items

Machines connected to Ceph need to be updated and brought into Salt management

  • NFS gateway - RT#1153244
  • Samba (ubuntu1804-smb.cs)
  • backup.cs (or whatever it is called now)
  • All above items will be address for next DFSc meeting.

related - were all production systems updated and rebooted at the end of the Winter term?

  • all general-use system had "apt-get update", "apt-get dist-upgrade" run on them.
    • should they have had a salt high-state applied to issue appropriate ceph package selection.
  • would be good to have automated check for upgrades being done that can run first monday of January, May and September.

disposition of older servers and plans for their future - See RT#1151451

  • As it says in the RT items summary: "Any re-purposing of these systems is on hold until Fall 2021 term."

Cups service is out of date

  • Clayton points out that linux cups client needs "shim" to pass kerberos ticket to windows print spooler. Not obvious.
  • See about installing new cups server. (Dave will setup a project plan)

linux.cs -> ubuntu2004.cs? Scheduled to happen May 1st.

  • Happened once management dealt with IST firewalling.
  • now that people know about VPN requirements there has been few (no?) complaints.

Leveraging DUO RT#1154239

  • IST requires password only authentication to end mid Novemenber 2021.
  • CSCF Infrastrcuture group wants password only authentication to end by start of Fall term
    • all service changes should happen between terms not in the middle.
    • Nick points out we need to tell Profs and Instructors ASAP so they can update course content.
    • Dave wants user documentation created regarding remote access to our two domain
      • it needs to contain at least a minimum links to IST documentation on VPN, DUO, ssh-key management, rdp
      • need CSCF to promote user docs.
  • many questions about interoperability of DUO, our domain service, netgroups and resource access.
    • much speculation without technical details.
    • need a table of CS services and resources indicating what identity and resource mechanisms they require.

Please do not squelch members of a ticket on responses

  • we have firm requests from some Professors (Martin Karsten being one example) that DON'T want to see every ticket comment.

Nick: What is the recommended approach for users to send out emails automatically, ex. in a cronjob or script?

  • missed the case where a "user" runs a "script/program" that emails out a form letter to a list of users.
  • note that CS will not be offering any smtp service, people will need to setup their email client to send messages via the IST selected campus smtp service.

Devon: Is it possible for course accounts to have access to Vault?

  • ISA (Barb) wants shared volumes.
    • Nick would like Devon to include him on the ticket.
  • Dave asks, "Is there still a reason why the course accounts need to stay in the TEACHING domain?"

jupyterhub.cs kvm host (deferred till Fraser is here).

  • Lori speculated about leveraging datasci systems. (GPU needed.)

This topic: CF > CSLinuxWorkingGroup > CsLWGMeeting20210615
Topic revision: r5 - 2021-06-15 - DaveGawley
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