Linux Working Group
Meeting Date
Invitees - Attendees
- Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd, (Lawrence)
Review and accept previous meeting minutes.
Agenda Items
Machines connected to Ceph need to be updated and brought into Salt management
- NFS gateway - RT#1153244
- Samba (ubuntu1804-smb.cs)
- backup.cs (or whatever it is called now)
related - were all production systems updated and rebooted at the end of the Winter term?
linux.cs -> ubuntu2004.cs? Scheduled to happen May 1st
disposition of older servers and plans for their future - See RT#1151451
- As it says in the RT items summary: "Any re-purposing of these systems is on hold until Fall 2021 term."
Please do not squelch members of a ticket on responses
Nick: What is the recommended approach for users to send out emails automatically, ex. in a cronjob or script?
Devon: Is it possible for course accounts to have access to Vault?
This topic: CF
> CSLinuxWorkingGroup > CsLWGMeeting20210615
Topic revision: r4 - 2021-06-15 - DaveGawley