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Results from CF web retrieved at 03:29 (GMT)

Warranty Repairs This page will be a guide to getting warranty repairs done on campus. This is a new responsibility and my supervisor and I are currently working out...
Watform Research Group RG Point of Contact: Nancy Day Watform Group Main Page This page contains: office...
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 11:53:21 0400 From: Nancy Day To: Mike Patterson Subject: today`s meeting Hi Mike I should have sent this earlier, but here are the big items...
WatForm Meeting Minutes 19 August 0930 1030 Present: (CSCF) Mike Patterson, Lawrence Folland, (WatForm) Jo Atlee, Nancy Day, Mark Aagaard Nancy gave a quick overview...
Meeting 3 August 2004 1530 1600h Nancy, MikePatterson 1 thin client has been set up (showed Nancy briefly how to use it) 1 Rational Rose: Jo said it`s still...
Time 1500 1600h Present: MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland, Nancy Day Covered ok to use Linux only on Wens` replacement PC (he`ll get rainylake, ST#46040) Jo...
18 October 2004 Mark Aagaard, MikePatterson Machines: chaco Mark`s desktop zagazig Hazahm`s desktop sidartha Farzhad`s (used to be gambier AND...
Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson Started: 1430, Completed: 1500 Pick a December day to redo mudge (at least to get new disks working, and perhaps to sarge ify as...
Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland Started: 1105, Completed: 1145 1 Issues with the new lab. Watform will likely be moving in early next term...
1535h 1620h 04 January 2005 Nancy, Lawrence, Mike Mike`s agenda: overview of sarge upgrades do we want to autosync packages in mudge region? printing...
5 April 2005, meeting started 1535h ended 1600h Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson Only a few items: 1 Nancy can`t actually see the details linked from here. (Hrm...
Meeting 4 May 2005 started 1300 ended 1345 Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland Mark would like to upgrade chaco (workstation here) and `rainylake`...
2012 03 16 (lfolland/rgarcia) this information is out of date do not use! Add a user for the machine on jasper: adduser no create home disabled login force...
(Deprecated: First, a custom kernel package is almost always required. We`re working on a UW kernel that has everything that could possibly be needed compiled in....
WatIAM Waterloo`s campus wide authentication system URL:
On campus Macs can do WatIAM lookups in Mail and Address Book using the campus LDAP server. The following instructions are for OS X Leopard (10.5). For Snow Leopard...
MikeGore 2013 12 02 WatITis 2013 talks WatItisNetworkImaging2013 Mike Gore`s talk on Network Imaging December 3rd 2013 in QNC
WATITIS 2016 Panel Session: The Road Ahead: IT Renewal at Waterloo Over the past few years, a number of key departments have taken a hard look at the services they...
University of Waterloo Identity and Access Management (WatIAM) University of Waterloo Identity and Access Management (WatIAM) userids are used by Quest, Jobmine, UW...
WatIAM Accounts WatIAM Accounts are required by, but not part of, other accounts maintenance. Maintenance can be done by authorized users using...
MikeGore 2013 12 02 WatItis Network Imaging 2013 Network Based Image Deployment for Linux/Windows Operating Systems When: 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM December 3rd...
cluster name: external IP: internal IP: netmask : Main.echrzano 14 Nov 2006
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Watform Adding users on the AD authenticated servers Existing UW users Some members of the group are Engineering students, staff or faculty and will not have an existing...
Software installed on pedernales.cs This is a list of WatForm installations in /watform/pkg concept gatevisionpro hardware browser cudd 2.4.0 Binary decision...
Watform Ubuntu Migration In 2009, we met with the Watform group and agreed to begin a migration of their existing server configuration into a set of Ubuntu servers...
Web Application Organization Here we describe the application organization being developed for the OGSAS system. The part described here, however, is meant to apply...
TWiki`s CF web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Web Server Capabilities This page is meant to be a starting point for people who need to make changes to what is visible on websites hosted on the main CS webservers...
Web File Locations The www.cs web server is part of the core.cs region. For most purposes, work on the web can be done from any machine in the Core Region. The...
Web Form Framework Name Language License Autogeneration off data models View Controller encapsulation OdysseyApplications` zava...
CF Home for CSCF technical notes Welcome to the home of TWiki.CF . This is a web based collaboration area for CSCF. Anything that belonged in http://www.math...
Web Related Hosts DRAFT ...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful...
Web Notices ical Feed CSCF Master ST Item ST#96332 Project Overview In Fall 2014 the CS Director (mwg) requested that CSCF install a small application written by...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this CF web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no tangible content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it was moved to WebCapabilities. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
CF Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CF web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overwritten...
/CF The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Web Server Configuration This page is for information about how to configure the main CS webservers. VirtualHostConfiguration How to set up a new HTTP virtual...
Web Servlet Framework Name Language License OdysseyApplications` zava.request, zava.web.response Java Internal work Java...
Statistics for CF Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Top Menu of CF Web This topic defines the menu structure of the CF web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic Index...
BillInce 02 Feb 2007 WWW pages often contain the email address to be used when commenting upon page contents. The person that reaches is often referred to as the...
When We Work The following is intended as an elaboration on the topic of work hours as given in job descriptions: In general, working hours are flexible, as circumstances...
Which Printer to Use Intended Users Queue Name Location Make and Model CS grad cs006417 DC 3316, CS grad mailroom HP LaserJet p4015x hpijs...
Who Can Read and Write the CF web Read anyone in the world, including Google Write CSCF staff MFCF staff LawrenceFolland 07 Mar 2006
Who Does What (Obsolete) The Does What list was in the past maintained by the BillInce as a text file. That is used to generate the list. Maintaining the Who Does...
Why Xhier? Why do we want xhier on FreeBSD? BSD has many strengths, one of which is its packaging/ports system. Why replace that with something else? Can`t...
Windows This page is to document issues relating to the administration of Windows machines in Math and CS Installation notes for CSCF WindowsInCS CSCF Windows...
Creating a Windows 10 base Image See Windows10BaseImageCreation Installing a Windows 10 base image from USB Key See Windows10BaseImageInstallation Creating...
Windows 10 Base Image Creation References How to Download And Activate Windows Lenovo Laptop...
Windows 10 base image installation References Lenovo Laptop Specific Configuration and Install Notes LenovoLaptopSpecific BIOS settings, USB key booting...
MikeGore 2016 03 02 This page is intended for general links specific images should be documented under
Windows 7 Activation Installation Notes Adding Users Making a user an Administrator Opening up the Control Panel Troubleshooting Fixing Master Boot Record...
Windows 7 Booting Issues Using bootrec to repair windows booting issues Use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery Environment to troubleshoot and repair startup...
Windows 8 Activation Windows 8 does not have the Activation Wizard Enabled Below there are two work arounds Method 1 Use slui to bring up an activation prompt...
Updated 16 Dec 2020 Windows Download and Activation Microsoft Windows 10 Downloads use for all installations the key we apply later ties it to the University...
Windows Apps on Asimov Common Windows Applications and links # File links and applications available on the CS Applications Server Local resources WindowsInCS...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page is essentially a redirect. I`ve replaced all backlinks with the link in the body. If you believe it should...
Windows CUPS Printing List of available queues Open the following links in a browser tab http://print...
MikeGore 03 May 2007 Windows Media Player Codecs FAQ Diagnostics Codec Detective...
Windows Easy Transfer What is Windows Easy Transfer? Windows Easy Transfer guides you through the process of transferring files and settings from one Windows computer...
Mounting an Ext3 File System on Windows Mounting an ext3 file system under Windows can be done in various ways. However, out of all the programs I (AlexRoman) have...
Windows `How To` page Put notes here on accomplishing various tasks Enable RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) Enable Remote Desktop Right click `My Computer`, choose...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Using Windows in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. InitialWindowsInstall installation notes Windows10Specific Notes specific...
TrevorGrove 01 Dec 2004 Standard image software licencing The standard CSCF core Windows XP image contains several software packages for which licence fees may (or...
Installing Windows on a new laptop For IBM Thinkpad Laptops see the IBM SoftwareInstaller Note: these instructions were written while installing an IBM Thinkpad...
MikeGore 10 Feb 2006 CSCF Boot Disk Note Work in progress You can PXE boot the latest netboot image can on vlan 420...
Windows Packaging Tools Preparation Look over the Reference Documents at the end of this document Make sure windows update is disabled and basically any...
Windows Post install steps After installing the standard CSCF Windows Image, you will need to do the following Configure networking Note: If the machine is on...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page really only includes a link, which leads to a 404. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
Historical information pertaining to Windows printing. This information should not be considered reliable without independent verification. Samba Printing to CS Core...
Windows Printing There Are Actually Two SCS Print Servers In order to prevent confusion, the first thing to know is that CSCF maintains two different print servers...
Windows Research Environment Here we attempt to describe the goals for configuring a PC to run Windows for a research user`s machine. Goals Ease of use...
MikeGore 15 Feb 2005 Mapping your UNIX home directory to your PC using SAMBA services on smb Where are the files kept ? All of the cpu1XX...
MikeGore 2016 03 04 Microsoft Surface UEFI booting How do I use the BIOS/UEFI ca/support/warranty service and...
Windows SUS Server A SUS server (Software Update Services) provides a local repository for Windows updates and patches. Background IST Provides a server from which...
MikeGore 10 May 2007 TCP direct to printer printing 1 Open Printers and Faxes 1 Click on Add a printer 1 Pick Next when you see Add Printer Wizard...
Windows Task Group See: WindowsWorkgroup Purpose Membership Mailing List Email alias for group: tg windows #64;cscf.cs Book It Group: CSCF tg windows...
Windows Test Suite Here we list a series of features that should run under our standard Windows installation, or any time we want to test various features of hardware...
Windows Wireless Networking Note The University uses EDUROAM authentication and requires for userid and your WATIAM password In some locations...
Windows Wish List Software to burn ISO images AlexRoman 06 Oct 2004 2005 1 4, trg (TrevorGrove): I would like to suggest the following changes to the Windows...
Wiping disks using DBAN (THIS NEEDS UPDATING) DBAN is intended to be used for data destruction in cases where we do not want a third party to be able to retrieve any...
MikeGore 19 Mar 2013 WatRISQ Guest Wireless Access Administrator Notes WatRISQ has 10 IDs and Passwords and #9 has been dedicated to Mary Flatt for her MQF...
Deficiencies (Obsolete) many modules have dependency issues at boot time why? Things seem to work anyway. Switching to 2.6 kernel seems to fix this, see IssuesWithKernel...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Make Dovecot Work for You Installing dovecot on your personal ubuntu machine arpepper@cscfpc20:~$ sudo apt get install dovecot imapd Checking the version of dovecot...
Workflow Time Management The way in which we allocate time is determined by our understanding of what our clients want and will accept. All that follows is intended...
Work Organization Our goal is to better organize our work for its presentation and planning. We currently have an overwhelmingly large collection of detail. That`s...
Work Reassignments When Staff Leave Determining who to reassign work to can be challenging when there`s no replacement, or when the replacement ends up doing somewhat...
Work Tracking Note: this guide was written for ST. As of May 2017, we are making new tickets in RT, the campus ticketing system. We are expected to close tickets...
About How We Work Workflow Time Management How to balance time across competing work Management Principles and Insights Job Information
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is extremely outdated. Content talks about companies that haven`t existed for years. If you believe it should be...
Workstation/Laptop Imaging This page will be a guide to imaging Workstations and Laptops using the current CloneZilla method. Basics Imaging is the process of creating...
Would Be Trash (for the CF Twiki) The Trash web seems broken. We can use this place to parent pages before actually deleting (probably from the filesystem server side...
Number of topics: 105

Topic revision: r188 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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