HOWTO: Run UML with VLANs When testing different VLANs, it is common to have multiple computers on a VLAN with similar or same configurations. Other times, there is...
Online Advising system Support for Byron Becker`s development project. Planning Document Rationale for separate container We want authentication to be handled by...
CSCF Linux Configuration Management Purpose The purpose of this project is to deploy a functioning BCfg2 server and associated infrastructure elements in order to...
CS348 Use of Embedded SQL There`s as assignment in cs348 that required the use of embedded SQL. We`ve discovered that the `lite` version of db2 doesn`t include the...
CS448 $ GDB/ptrace modifications, initially January 2012: In ST#80821 is a discussion of custom modifications to the default ptrace setup to allow non root users...
USG Course Support These pages provide course specific course information. There may be overlap or reference to other documentation, such as the USGTriageDocumentation...
USG Exam Seating/Printing system Purpose to provide ISG instructional support co ordinators the mechanism to create exam seating plans (`people in seats`) and...
Project to resolve the bind/unbind problem with our MacOSX labs Master ST item 84510 Meetings 2012 11 30 Edward, Stephen, Trevor query/interrogate client...
Replace MC3003 lab computer Purpose As part of the CSCF overall evergreening process ... Plan From: Edward Chrzanowski To: Trevor Grove CC: David Gawley , `snickers...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
CSCF Printing Infrastructure Renewal Purpose Provide a modern reliable printing infrastructure to replace our legacy CUPS and LPD services. Development plan (as...
CSCF Printing Infrastructure Renewal Purpose Convert SE lab to linux. Implementation target: Sept 1, 2012 Development plan (as of 2012 3 1) develop linux...
User Support Triage Documentation From CFPrivate.USG20120126 : Technical system coverage: we should all self identify the systems on which we are the primary...
Imported UW Data We import several types of UW information into our database from other sources. This page describes the common framework adopted to manage this import...
Use of UW Grouper for those with permissions to modify NEXUS groups Current CSCF members with general permissions (2020 07 29): drallen, ijmorlan, dmerner, lfolland...
MikeGore 18 May 2010 Ubuntu Distribution Upgrade This page is for any issues you have noticed when upgrading from one Distribution to another 9.10 to 10.04 Package...
Using dpkg and apt facilities (mostly under Ubuntu) dpkg and related command examples Perhaps also see: command examples/ for...
UbuntuFakeroot Summary (from man page) fakeroot run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation Prerequisites sudo apt get...
Ubuntu First Impressions These are notes based on Image 0.99 (May 12/2006). This is a list of tasks Lawrence needed to do early on. Maybe we can get some of these...
Ubuntu For Surplus (This page is Obsolete) These notes are for a image of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS we put together specifically for putting onto machines destined for surplus...
Rough procedure for mastering an image to be used on the school pc`s. 1 Ensure system is up to date (apt get update apt get dist upgrade) and that all applications...
Pre release, 28 Apr 2005 1 Beat the install into shape 1 Implement automatic updates 1 Refine the ugly firewall rules we used in DebianInCS 1 Figure out...
Ubuntu How To Questions and answers about how to accomplish various tasks in the CSCF standard Ubuntu image. See Also: DebianHowTo General environment Q: How do...
Ubuntu Image Creation (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This TWIKI is current the standard for Research and GradPC images Note: The following two alternate documents are...
Using Ubuntu in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) CSLinuxWorkingGroup meeting notes, mailing list info...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning See man 5 proc and then in particular man 7 inotify . A demo was produced and presented which indicates how crucial tuning these parameters...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025Images 132438 hung demos with tail diagnostic 173054 my current laptop inotify settings 173156 set to default settings and show them...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
Dave`s 2005 notes on Ubuntu Install Steps (prep for xhiering). These instructions have been tested with 64 bit install; with noted change(s) should work for 32 bit...
Ubuntu Kernel Tuning In progress See man 5 proc and the many man pages it refers to. UbuntuInotifyTuning UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025 AdrianPepper...
CscfTechnician 2016 12 13 Ubuntu Live Image install Booting from ASIMOV Setup your computer BIOS to enable PXE booting Boot computer on VLAN 420 (ASIMOV...
Changing Locales on Ubuntu The problem: `man passwd` results in odd characters such as you`d expect if the TERM were miss set, or if there were locale problems. Such...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
See also ST#60268. This page refers specifically to Ubuntu 7.10, which is currently nearing release. I spent a couple of hours and came up with a list of issues we...
Ubuntu Post install Steps Version information These notes are being updated for Ubuntu 8.04 (as of Fall 2008) Automatic Security Updates https://help.ubuntu...
MikeGore 19 Jan 2011 Quotas Note: recommend using the quotaset script below it is way easier to use Resources
Ubuntu udev Hacks Resources Read this for important networking notes ...or, Kernel 2.6: Adventures in User space From apt cache show udev : `udev is a collection...
MikeGore 12 May 2010 Resources Ubuntu 10.04 Note: When following the steps in the Resource docs...
Xhier and Ubuntu Linux How well does xhier work with Ubuntu Linux? I took a machine, williams.cscf , running Warty Warthog and xhiered it from debian31.cscf . The...
Howto for Installing Xhier onto ubuntu Supplement for Ray`s solaris specific install howto. (
Main.dlgawley 18 Nov 2010 The cscf adm account should be available on all CSCF administered Ubuntu hosts. If the account doesn`t exist or password doesn`t work report...
Procedure for Installing Undergrad Cluster ugster.student.cs front end and nodes the minimum requirement to bring up a frontend is to have the following rolls:...
Undergraduate Accounts Here we discuss the accounts Undergraduate students get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary...
Unit4 Unit4 is the new system as of May 2017 for financial information and procurement Information about Unit 4: systems...
Introduction to Unix File Permissions This is meant to be a document that explains for mostly non technical users what they really need to know about Unix file permissions...
Notes from upgrading curumin 14 April 2004 per Robyn`s notes, but he wrote a script called xh os upgrade (very very crude). This script does xh packages into a file...
Notes from upgrading curupira, 26 April 2004 Start time 0955 Ran xh os upgrade b in ~mpatters/upgrade curupira 21# cp /tmp/xos 1403811/pkgs.sort.ed . curupira...
MikePatterson 22 Jan 2005 1 shut down apache so nobody can make changes post backup. 1 cd /usr/local ; mkdir tmp ; tar zcf tmp/www20050122.tgz www/ wow,...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Usage of Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals The Neoware Eon 4000 terminal is a natural extension of the thin client capabilities of an ordinary...
Michael and I interviewed Debbie Mustin. She is less involved with grad operations; she does office and key assignment. She also does some work with computer equipment...
I interviewed Jeff Shallit about the Grad database. Currently he maintains a parallel big text file that he searches with grep. This contains notes on applicants...
Michael and I spoke with Margaret Towell about how she pays students. The payments concerned cover TAs, RAs, and scholarships. Payroll for TAs has to be done before...
MikeGore 12 Oct 2005 Mike Gore, 20 Nov 2003 What How to set up User Mode Linux images (UML) as well as UML networking to the real world. References Full information...
The CSCF User Support Group Meetings User Support Group Meeting Notes (in CFPrivate) Operations Resources for PoCs which should aid them in managing software...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was apparently moved to another page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
This page is being proposed for deletion because its content has been moved to CFPrivate. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic...
Right now I`ll just document quickly firewall changes that need to happen for a new host to be able to access the KVM. The KVM is on VLAN7 and as such resides in Zone...
Quickie intro as to how I would like to be setting up FreeBSD machines in CS. Two biggest things are upgrades, both OS and packages. OS I build releases on freebsd...
Using the lpr Command from the Unix Command Line The lpr command referred to here is specific to Solaris hosts only in the Student or General computing regions...
This is a result of ST#51092. Gladimir Baranoski and Justin Wan needed to be able to build against various OpenGL libraries on their IRIX machines. Initially, the...
See also BuildingABridgePC. I built a PC that can be used as a transparent bridge. It runs FreeBSD. The password may be found in the password box. Theory of operation...
How To Use WebCalendar To post a new event in the Web Calendar system, use the following steps. Please note that Step 2 is crucial, as things will appear to work...
Local Debian Mirror We are running a nightly rsync from . We currently mirror the archives debian , debian non US and debian security...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.